Shadows of Resilience

The trio of Zenki, Meiying, and Zhenyue emerged from their individual battles within the Labyrinth of Reflections, each bearing the weight of their unique experiences. As they regrouped in the ethereal space between realities, they exchanged glances, curiosity etched on their faces. Their daughter Mengting approached, a serene confidence in her eyes.

Zenki, the fiery warrior, couldn't help but voice the question lingering in the air, "Mengting, your battle seemed different from ours. What transpired in your reflection?"

Mengting, her Elemental Conduit Gloves still aglow with residual energy, recounted the unconventional nature of her encounter. "It wasn't a battle in the traditional sense, Father. My illusion didn't mimic my moves. It was more like a guide, showing me how to maximize my skills efficiently."