Settling into the Mansion

Tanaka's eyes lit up with hope as he exclaimed, "Is that okay?"

Roswaal smiled kindly. "This place is quite big, and there aren't many servants here," he explained. "Your help would be greatly appreciated."

Tanaka felt a glimmer of relief. "Thanks man, you really saved my as.. I mean that would be a huge help." he expressed, catching himself before finishing his sentence.

Roswaal turned to Ram and requested, "Since you are tiiiiiiiiired, you can go rest for today. Ram, pleeeeeeeeeeease show Tanaka-Kun around the mansion then get him to one of the vacant guest rooms."

Ram nodded obediently. "Understood, Roswaal-sama,"

However, Tanaka shook his head, determination shining in his eyes. "I appreciate your offer, but I don't think it's a good idea for me to just louch around on my first day here," he explained. "It's better if I start learning how work is done here, even if I'm tired."

He didn't want to take advantage of their hospitality and felt a strong sense of responsibility to contribute from the very beginning. Besides, going to sleep in broad daylight would only fuck up his sleeping schedule further.

Roswaal's smile widened, and he nodded approvingly. "I admire your spirit, Tanaka-Kun. If that's what you wish, then I won't stop you," he said, his tone filled with appreciation. "Just remember to take breaks when necessary."

He then turned to Ram. "Then Ram, please fetch him an appropriate outfit so he can start his work."

Ram nodded before turning to Tanaka. "Please follow me,"

He followed Rem as she led him," Ram is going to show you the rooms, then she will get you an outfit so your appearance becomes more bearable,"

Tanaka nodded even through he wasn't sure if the last part was necessary.

As they walked, Tanaka took the opportunity to observe his surroundings. The mansion was truly impressively massive which again he didn't like, then she started showing him the rooms one after the other.

There were an awful amount of rooms but the ones that he kept in mind were, Kitchen, Bathroom, Washbasin, Guest's Room ,Dining Room. Since his work will revolve in those places.

Ram: " And this is the storage room, It's where we store some old furniture. There are a lot of stuff that needs to get rid off."

As she was explaining, Tanaka's eyes landed on a supply of copper sheets that were once used for decorative purposes . He couldn't help but notice that they are collecting dust.

Tanaka: "Ahem, hey Ram."

Ram: "Do you have a question?"

Tanaka: "Do you mind if I take some of these copper sheets? I mean if they were going to be thrown away."

Ram: "Oh, those? Rem was actually planning to dispose of them. It won't make a difference if you take them,"

Tanaka's face brightened up. "For real! Thanks."

But Rem wasn't sure why he was rejoicing over some trash.

Then Tanaka let out an 'Ah' as he recalled something.

Tanaka," Yeah, I forgot to ask but how many workers are here besides you?"

Ram stayed silent for a second then responded with confidence: "Ram is the only servant here."

Tanaka couldn't hide his surprise at her response, " Huh? Are you serious? You are the only one in this massive place,"

Rem: " Quit pestering around and come so I get you something to wear, Ram has to return to her work,"

Again he ignored here attitude and kept following Ram through the mansion's grand halls until they arrived at a spacious room filled with rows of neatly organized outfits.

The room was lined with wooden shelves, each holding a different set of clothes. The air was permeated with the scent of fresh fabric, and Tanaka couldn't help but marvel at the assortment of butler attire before him.

Ram gestured toward a chair, "Please, take a seat Tanuki, I will go bring a measuring tape."

(Note: Tanuki means Racoon in japanese)

Her messing up his name caused a small vein to pop up on his forehead.

Tanaka: "It's Tanaka not Tanuki," He added in a very low voice, 'You mushroom head'

Ram then shot him a glare, " Did you say something,"

Tanaka smiled surprised that she heard him, "No, it's just your imagination,"

Ram: "Then Ram will be right back,"

As she exited the room, Tanaka sat down and let out a heavy sight. He still until now doesn't have any idea about his current situation but if he thinks about it now he will get no answers, this is why he wanted to keep himself as busy as possible.

But first of all he needs to control his weak temper since he has nowhere to go, today he even called his new boss 'clown'.

He also needs to get organize his priorities, preserving his phone and laptop batteries as much as possible and find a way to recharge them, also settling down in this mansion.

As he was emersed in his thoughts, Ram came back with the measuring tape, but when Tanaka switched his gaze to her he got confused.

Tanaka: " Ahem, hey Ram."

Ram: "Yes?"

Tanaka: " Do you dye your hair while in duty?"

She looked exactly the same before she left the room except that her hair became blue and her once red eyes turned like ocean blue.

She then responded with a dead-pan face:" That's correct"

Tanaka: " I see."

From this moment onwards, Tanaka made the decision to stop questioning useless stuff.

Ram: "Then I will take you measurements. Stand still with your back straight."

Tanaka stood up and did as commanded.


Tanaka: "That has to be one of the most cliché pranks I have ever seen."

Earlier, it turned out that Ram had a twin sister named Rem. They were extremely similar, even in character. Currently, the three of them were in the kitchen, preparing meals.

Luckily he found an outfit that was the same size as him, it belonged to a guy named Clind.

According to Rem and Ram this mansion once had a lot more workers but they moved to work at other territories.

"Sister, Sister. Rem was foolish to think that the work would get slightly easier."

"Rem, Rem. Ram was mistaken to expect that she could slack off a bit."

Tanaka: "Oy! Give me a break, it's still my first day, and I'm not used to working in the kitchen."

And on top of that, they were engaging in this synchronized dialogue, taking jabs at him for how slow I was. Rem was preparing the soup, Ram was cooking the meat, and Tanaka was tasked with peeling the potatoes, which he was very slow at.

It couldn't be helped. Even though Tanaka worked at a restaurant, his tasks were limited to cleaning tables and serving food.

Tanaka: "Anyway, it's strange how Ram's attitude changed 180° from earlier."

Never mind Rem, since he had just met her. When he first arrived at the mansion, Ram was polite and quiet. But now that he had become a servant, she didn't even bother correcting his name.

Rem: "You're going to be our colleague, right sister?"

Tanaka: "Well, fair enough."

It was true that he was no longer a guest.

Ram: "That's right, Rem. Earlier, Tanuki was a guest of Roswaal. But now, Tanuki is a servant like us. In fact, since you're new, I have a higher status than you, so refer to me as Ram-Sama."

Tanaka begrudgingly looked up at the red-haired girl. "Yeah, maybe if I die and reincarnate as a fruit fly, I'll consider calling you that."

Despite what he said, their teasing didn't bother him. In fact, it made him feel a bit at ease.

Tanaka: "By the way, how many people are we cooking for besides Roswaal?"

Ram: "It's only for Roswaal-sama. We'll have our share as well."

Rem: "That's because Emilia-Sama is not present today."

Tanaka: "Who's that?"

Tanaka couldn't help but wonder about the identity of Emilia. He took a guess, "Is she the owner's wife?"

Ram flinched at the suggestion, quickly denying it. "No, she's not the Roswaal-sama's wife. You'll understand when you meet her."

Ram's reaction made him feel a sense of curiosity but he shrugged it off.

Ram: "Hey Tanuki, after this you are going with Ram to the Arlam village so we get more supplies."

Tanaka nodded, "Sure."

This was good for him since he wanted to scan the area around and get a better understand of the situation he is in, He might as well find something useful there.