The Great Waterfall

Subaru: Eh? The Great Cascade?

Subaru's eyes widened as Emilia timidly mentioned the Great Cascade, sparking a conversation that would further challenge their understanding of the world they found themselves in. Tanaka, slightly puzzled, tried to grasp the concept.

Tanaka: "Sorry, I lost you for a second. But by the great cascade, do you mean a waterfall?"

Subaru: "No, Emilia-tan. It has nothing to do with waterfalls. We are talking about a world that's completely different from this place and what your common knowledge is."

Roswaal: "Ah, so you two are from beyond the Great Waterfall. What do they call your country? Japan, perhaps? It's likely that countries surrounded by the Great Waterfall are referred to as 'parallel worlds' in your homeland."

Tanaka: "No, we don't call it anything. Actually, the parallel world is a theory studied in our world. It suggests that there might be a reality or world that exists simultaneously with ours, in other words, a parallel world. We brought it up after confirming that everyone here know nothing about the existence of other countries and other lands."

Thanks to Tanaka explaining things in a more detailed way, Roswaal kept writing down on a notebook which the twin maids have given him, he kept putting down the things that had just occurred which was a sign that he was taking this conversation seriously.

Subaru: "That's right. Didn't the loli say that we got here through something called Yin magic? What does this Great Cascade have to do with anything?"

Beatrice: "Don't misunderstand, Betty never acknowledged that you two came through Yin magic. Betty just said that there were traces of advanced Yin magic and it's possible that the butler human got here through teleportation."

Emilia : "Regarding the Great Cascade…It's at the far reaches of the world, and there are a few stories left behind from people coming from beyond it."

Subaru: "I do quite like the sound of that… at the far reaches of the world.

Tanaka: "You said that it's possible that we got here through teleportation with Yin magic, then is it possible to send us back using the same method?"

Roswaal: "I'm afraid that's impossible."

Tanaka: "Why not?"

Beatrice: "Teleportation magic is not something anyone can use, but for Betty it's a piece of cake. But the problem lies with the fact we are talking about what's beyond the great cascade…. If by any chance Betty decides to help you send you two back, without knowing the exact location, I might burry you into the ground or you might be falling from a great height without any chances of surviving, I suppose."

Tanaka then extended his phone to Emilia, seeking clarification.

Tanaka: "Does the great waterfall look like something similar to this?"

Emilia let out a gasp of surprise as she laid eyes on the image.

Emilia: "Woah!"

Subaru: "Is that you and your sister? Where is that?"

Tanaka: "It's at the Niagara Falls. I traveled extensively with my family, and I visited there when I was sixteen. But that's beside the point. I just want to ensure we share the same understanding of what waterfalls represent."

Everyone present at the table took a peek at the image, even Beatrice, the little girl who had a cheeky attitude all this time showed some interest at the sight of the beautiful cataract.

Roswaal once more added more notes then turned to face Tanaka. "Hoooow inteeeresting, is thaaaat a monument in your country?"

Tanaka shook his head, "No, it's from another country."

Subaru: "Hey dude, what the hell? You've been to all sorts of places." Subaru teased while playfully scrolling through Tanaka's phone.

Emilia: "Are all these places beyond the Great Cascade?"

Subaru: "China, Egypt, France... This guy here has been to all these places as a kid! And look at these photos, he's absolutely adorable!"

Tanaka, caught off guard, realized his phone was still in Subaru's possession.

Tanaka: "You fucker, who told you to look. Give it back."

As Subaru was speaking, Tanaka snatched his phone back. Most of the pictures on his phone images of his trips abroad, they were also at the time when he was a cringe kid striking weird poses.

Emilia: "I've never seen the Great Cascade before, but I do know what waterfalls are."

Tanaka: "Has anyone here actually seen that place?"

Roswaal:" It's not an easy place to reach, it's at the ends of the world after all."

Beatrice: "The Great Waterfall is said to be impossible to cross over, with the exception of dragons. It's the border between here and there. There's no one who knows what is on the other side of it….So, on the rare occasion that someone crosses over from that world, no one holds any basis to deny the words they spoke as lies or falsehoods, I suppose."

Subaru: "Well, we have a visual evidence right here. pictures of little Tanaka standing beside some famous monuments from beyond the great cascade."

Attempting to conceal his embarrassment, Tanaka responded with a defensive insult.

Tanaka: "Fuck off!"

Overwhelmed by the realization that returning home might not be feasible, Tanaka slumped in his chair, releasing a heavy sigh of frustration.

Tanaka: "Shit, we can't go back then."

Roswaal: "I know that this might not be the right time, but I must say that I am honored that I got to meet people from beyond the great cascade."

Tanaka: "You are right, it's not a good time."

Beatrice: "Your story sounds like too much of a fairy tail to begin with, a world that is six times bigger than this one, without magic as well. In fact, It's too unbelievable ."

Subaru: "Add to that there are other races other than humans here."

Tanaka: "Wait, what do you mean by other races? Are you talking about the floating cat we saw earlier?"

Then suddenly the grey cat popped up out of Emilia's hair which made Tanaka flinch.

Puck: "Besides Roswaal, you two are the only humans on this table."

Beatrice: "Bubby!!"

Puck: "Hello Betty."

Emilia: "Wait Puck! I told you not to show up so you don't scare him."

Tanaka: "It's fine, I got a grip of myself. More importantly, you said that everyone here besides the owner isn't a human. But other than you, they all look human to me."

Roswaal: "Despite her appearance, Beatrice here, like Puck is a spirit. Ram and Rem are part of a race called Oni , and in the case for Emilia-Sama..."

Emilia seemed a bit hesitant at first.

Emilia: "I'm a half elf."

After taking a better look at Emilia, he noticed her pointy ears, a characteristic that he never encountered before among normal humans.

Tanaka: "Well considering the fact that we are in a parallel world, I think I shouldn't be surprised by the existence of other races."

Beatrice then turned her attention towards the floating grey cat, making a huge shift in attitude.

Beatrice: "I have been waiting eagerly for your return, Bubby. Would you like to spend the day together, I wonder?"

With arms crossed, Puck sat comfortably in the palm of Beatrice's hand, his attention shifting to Tanaka and Subaru.

Puck: "Yeah, sounds great! How about we later just relax for the day, then?"

Beatrice: "Oh, how wonderful!"

Puck crossed his arms while sitting at the palm of Beatrice, "I can also confirm that both Tanaka and Subaru most likely never had an encounter with magic before, from what I've seen after taking a quick glance, their Gates are basically shut tight. Even if he has never seen a spirit or magic before, isn't it too closed? It's on that level."

Beatrice: "Now that you mention it.. I thought the human's Gate was never used at all when he came to the library, I suppose."

Emilia: "That's strange… Even if you only lived a normal life, that wouldn't happen, right?"

Tanaka: "What the hell is a gate? Stop leaving out details, most of the stuff that are being spewed right now, we are hearing them for the first time."

Puck took a moment to provide an explanation, shedding light on the concept of Gates and magic.

Puck: "A gate is an invisible portal-like apparatus present in every living being. It allows mana, a colorless supernatural energy, to pass through the body and be stored in the Od, which is the life energy or soul. The condition of one's gate determines their ability to use magic. In the case of both of you, your Gates are in a healthy condition but surprisingly they to have never exposed to mana before and there for never used."

With that, Subaru's excitement bubbled to the surface, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

Subaru: "Does that mean we can also use magic as well?!"

Puck: " Well of course, I just need to open them up a bit in order to be able to absorb mana from the atmosphere. But the rest depends on your training and how diligent you work."

An air of caution swept over Tanaka as he interjected.

Tanaka: "Don't do that."

Subaru, puzzled by Tanaka's reaction, inquired further.

Subaru: "Huh, why not?"

Puck, trying to alleviate Tanaka's concerns, chimed in.

Puck: "Don't worry too much, Tanaka. It's a safe process, especially when your Gates are in such good shape."

Tanaka, however, shook his head, his expression filled with apprehension.

Tanaka: "I'm not worried about it being safe. You mentioned that our Gates are completely closed because we have never had any contact with magic. Perhaps there's a reason behind that. Maybe they are closed because there's no mana to absorb in our world in the first place. If we suddenly start absorbing mana like everyone else, our bodies might become dependent on it, making it impossible for us to return even if we find a way back."

Puck scratched his head in embarrassment, realizing the depth of Tanaka's thinking.

Puck: "Wow, you've really thought this through. Hehe, but don't worry, we can close the Gate back up if that's what you want."

Subaru, seizing the opportunity, eagerly voiced his desire to learn magic.

Subaru: "See! I can get my Gate restored when we get back home. Now, let me learn some magic."

Tanaka couldn't help but sigh, feeling a mix of concern and exasperation.

Tanaka: "Well, don't say I didn't warn you."

Subaru: "Dude, how are you able to nag more than my parents? Why do want to go back immediately, Do you miss having your part time job that badly?"

Tanaka struggled to find a suitable response. Truth be told, he doesn't miss going to work at 9 Am and going back home at 9 Pm. And he hasn't been in contact with his family in the recent two years. In fact, it's fair to say that he hated his life back in his world.

Tanaka: "That... I left the door to my apartment open and I might... get robbed."

Of course Subaru didn't buy his feeble excuse.

Subaru: "Are you a reincarnation of Daniel Dancer? isn't your family like rich? Why do you work part time in the first place?"

Curious about a random name popping up, the maid questioned it.

Rem: "Who is Daniel Dancer dear guest?

Ram: "Who is Daniel Dancer dear guest?

Subaru: "Daniel Dancer, known as the Biggest Miser, Cheapskate, and Penny-pincher in human history."

Ram and Rem exchanged puzzled glances, clearly confused by Subaru's words.

Tanaka: "He's basically saying I'm being cheap which is a total bullshit. I'm just a responsible adult."

Subaru: "Responsible adult my ass. Your family is literally rich. You traveled all over the world as a kid, and now you're transported to another world, and here you're telling me that you are worried about your apartment.

Rem and Ram chimed in, sharing their perspective.

Rem: "That description fits your image, Tanaka."

Ram: "That's the impression Ram got when you got here yesterday, Tanuki."

Subaru burst into laughter upon hearing Ram call Tanaka a "Tanuki."

Subaru: "BHAHAHA... Tanuki! She called you Tanuki, hahaha."

Tanaka, feeling insulted, didn't appreciate the reaction.

Tanaka: "You keep laughing, you piece of shit. Don't think for a second that I didn't notice you calling a girl you just met 'T-a-n.' How down bad can you be?"

Subaru, realizing his blunder, immediately launched into the ground and started apologizing with teary eyes.

Subaru: "NOOO, I'm sorry, I apologize. Please don't talk about it, please have mercy."

Curiosity piqued, Emilia turned to Tanaka, wanting to understand the meaning behind the reference.

Emilia: "What does 'T-A-N' mean, Tanaka?"

Switching his gaze between Emilia and Subaru's teary eyes begging him, Tanaka then closed his eyes and spoke up.

Tanaka: "Sorry, I can't tell. I'm not that ruthless to expose and tarnish a man's reputation."

Emilia then shot Subaru a disappointed look, thinking that it was that 'Tan' was some non-sense Subaru was spewing.

Subaru tried to defend himself, downplaying the significance of the nickname.

Subaru: "Ahhhhhh, you're making it sound bad. It's just a pet name."

Tanaka, wanting to change the subject, redirected the conversation.

Tanaka: "And just for the record, I don't live with my parents anymore." He then added, "What about you? Don't you have, like, school to attend?"

Subaru: "Whatever, man. It's not an everyday event where you get transported to another world. Besides, it was you who said that school is overrated."

Roswaal intervened, shifting the conversation towards the state of their world.

Roswaal: " Veryyyyy well , let's moooooove on. Since we got informed about the state of yooour world, you should knoooooow the state of ours as well. Especialllllly the situation of this country."

Tanaka: "Is there something wrong going on with the country?"

Roswaal: "—Aaahaaa, it doesn't sound very goooood, indeed. —In any case, the Kingdom of Lugunica currently lacks a king." Roswaal ended up answering for her. Scrutinizing what he had just said, Subaru gulped silently, having figured out the significance of those words.

Subaru gulped and he felt cautious at the fact that he, someone equivalent to an outsider, was informed of such a thing. As for Tanaka, he glanced at the expressions of Emilia and the twins, and then Beatrice and Puck. They didn't appear to be shaken up about it at all, which meant this fact was common knowledge here.

Roswaal: "No need to worry! This grave truth is already well-known by the public, you see."

Subaru: "Oh, that's good. Well, I figured you guys would go, 'We won't let you make it out alive', because I just learned a secret that would threaten your positions or something."

Roswaal: "That's just sad if it were to happen, since we were the ones who revealed it… Anyways, the whole nation is preeetty unstable right now,"

Tanaka: "Doesn't this situation get solved when the descendants of the king take over, or is there a problem regarding their age."

Roswaal: "That iiis usually the case. Howeeever, something happened half a year ago. It has been said that at the same time His Majesty passed away, a disease ran rampant within the castle…"

As Roswaal told it, it was announced that the epidemic was one that only affected a particular bloodline. And so, the king and his descendants that had lived in the royal castle perished.

Subaru: "Then it's true that there's no king, huh? And if that's truly the case, then what's gonna happen to the country, then? Did the king at least have someone like a right hand so that he can manage the country or will you choose a new ruler after going through some sort of election."

Roswaal: "Oh-ho, it seems that you can keep up with this conversation. Currently, the country is managed by a Council of Elders who oversee its affairs. It was formed from distinguished families who have left their mark in the kingdom's history. Iiiit won't have much of an effect on the operation of the government itself."

After pausing for a moment, he let out an "However—" and with a stiffened expression, said, "—A kingdom must have a king."

Both Tanaka and Subaru nodded at the same time, "Yeah, of course."

Even if the person at the top didn't manage anything and was just a mere figurehead, no organization came into existence without someone heading it. Even more so for something like a country.

Emilia: "Regardless of your strange behavior, the two of you seem well educated in subjects like these."

Subaru: "Don't praise me like that! I'm not used to being praised, so if you praise me like that, I think I might just fall in love with you!"

Subaru turned his gaze away from Emilia and said that over his shoulder so that he might hide his embarrassment.

Tanaka: "Please don't put me at the same level as him, I'm a normal person. Plus we didn't need to study the politics to know this much, it's just common knowledge."

Roswaal: "In any case, let's moove on to the second part of thiiiiiis topic, this is wheeeeere Subaru-Kun involvement comes in, isssn't that right lady Emilia."

Subaru was about to explode at Roswaal due to his suggestive behavior in that moment, but suddenly felt that something was off and put a stop to such thoughts.

He had been really curious about something since awhile back.

Subaru: "Why is…the lord of this manor calling Emilia-tan lady?"

The person who held the highest position in the household was always paid the greatest amount of respect.

Tanaka: "I know, right! Even if they are married, it's still weird to address her like that."

Emilia and Subaru simultaneously stood up from their seats in panic, "Don't say such scary things!"

Tanaka scratched his head apologetically, "Sorry, wrong guess."

Subaru turned his gaze to Roswaal to make sure of it, and his budding anxiety quickly began to bloom into a flower of complete dread. And—

Roswaal: "Don't wooooooorry Subaru-Kun, I won't be an obstacle in your pursuiiiiiiit of love. It's just naturaaaal to address someone of higher rank than I with reeespect?" With his hands folded on top of the table, Roswaal uttered that with a gleeful smile.

Dumbfounded, Tanaka froze with his mouth agape. Subaru looked at Emilia so robotically that one could hear the sound of gears turning.

The girl then sighed with resignation. "I didn't want you to think that I was trying hide it or anything, alright?"

Tanaka: "....It can't be... Right?"

Subaru: "—Err, that is to say, Emilia-tan, you're…?"

Emilia: "Currently, my title is Royal Candidate, one of those seeking to become the 42nd ruler of the Kingdom of Lugunica. With the backing of Margrave Roswaal, that is."