
"I'm his friend."

The declaration hung in the room, creating a palpable tension. The unspoken implications and the weight of the unknown future rested heavily on everyone present. As a collective decision, they quietly exited, leaving Tanaka and Subaru alone in the hushed atmosphere of the chamber.

Tanaka's eyes bore into Subaru, his gaze laden with a mix of concern, curiosity, and an unspoken understanding of the trials they had both endured. In the quiet of the room, the air seemed to thicken with unvoiced questions and unsolved mysteries.

Breaking the heavy silence, it was Subaru who spoke first, his voice showing a tremor of vulnerability as he initiated the conversation with a poignant question. "You... Do you know who I am?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Tanaka responded with a calm assurance, "You are Natsuki Subaru."

Speaking his name, Tanaka felt hesitant to continue, unsure of what to expect or even how to ask.

"I know what I'm going to say right now will sound like nonsense but I have to confirm it."

Confusion crossed Subaru's face alongside a glimmer of hope and expectation.

"Three days from now, you will die... No, three days from now you died."

The words echoed with a profound resonance, each syllable unravelling the threads of Subaru's reality. His expression shifted through a carousel of emotions—initial confusion, followed by a dawning recognition that twisted his features with a subtle anguish.

Silence covered the room, a stillness that spoke volumes in the wake of a truth that transcended the conventional boundaries of time.

"If I'm wrong please ignore what I just sai-"

Cutting him off, Subaru immediately confirmed his words, "That's right."

Subaru's confirmation shattered the lingering doubts in the room. Tears welled up in his eyes, an emotional dam finally giving way. As tears streaked down Subaru's cheeks, the profound relief of finally sharing his struggles with someone washed over him. The room witnessed the cathartic release, a poignant moment etched in the fabric of their inexplicable journey.

"Everything you said is correct."


After a brief period of time, Subaru finally recollected himself and a conversation which included the supernatural events that happened took place.

"So basically, you are saying that you go back in time every time you die."

Subaru nodded his head, a solemn expression on his face.

"And you didn't tell anyone about this?"

"I did try to tell Emilia about it earlier, but... I got sort of attacked by a black hand, I think it's more accurate to say it was a warning."

The room hung heavy with the weight of these revelations, and Tanaka's eyes reflected the curiosity that coursed through his mind. "You mean a black hand that formed out of a mist?"

"Wait, you mean..."

"Yeah, it grabbed my heart earlier too..."

"Oh, my bad with that one dude." Subaru said apologetically, a wry smile forming on his lips as he shrugged.

He then added, "A lot of things are connected, that probably means that us coming to this world is also connected."

"Yeah, probably."

This realization prompted Tanaka to think even deeper. According to Subaru, they would loop every time one of them dies, and the need for secrecy added an additional layer of complexity to their predicament.

Suddenly, an idea struck Tanaka, a spark of intuition that needed confirmation. "Hey, how many times have you died since you came to this world?"

Subaru began counting in his mind the horrifying moments he encountered.

"Let's see, I got killed by Elsa twice and once in alleyway, and I died three times in this mansion, so that will make it six deaths in total."

The revelation hit Tanaka like a revelation, a sudden realization that his looping experience was intricately tied to Subaru's demise. "So it was because of you, you fucker."


"You are the reason I was looping over and over again, it was because you were dying."

Subaru furrowed his brows in offence, "Huh? How is that my fault?"

Tanaka's frustration bubbled up, his recount of the looped days resonating with the exhaustion of sleepless cycles and mysterious transitions. "It was fucking annoying, okay? The first day, I was repeating the same day with my body having zero sleep, and I randomly got transported to that void-like space just before the loop resets."

"Is that how it works?" Subaru's eyes widened with a mix of comprehension and bewilderment, realizing the intricate mechanics of their shared plight.

"Yeah, that's how it works."

Subaru's eyes widened as realization struck him. "Wait, void-like space?"

"Yeah, it's like complete darkness, all your senses are gone and you can't see or hear shit."

Hearing his words, Subaru asked something to confirm his thoughts, "Tanaka.. Did you die as well?"

"Ah, yeah. It was the loop before this one, on the fifth day. After we finished studying, I was planning on staying awake, so I could be conscious when the transition happened. That's why I was drinking so much coffee. Anyway, I got an upset stomach and went to the toilet. After finishing my business, I met with Rem back in the hallway, and I got killed there."

Subaru's expression shifted as things started to connect. "It's starting to make sense now—your weird behaviour, why the way the loop ended didn't feel like death, and how the weapon stopped right in front of my face. It was because I was about to loop again."

"But there was something else. At the end of that loop, I was weakened, sick, and on the verge of dying, but I didn't die. Did that happen to you too?"

Tanaka shook his head. "No, that never happened to me."

"We were eating the same food, so if that didn't happen to you then it can't be poison, could it be magic?"

"Augh, I don't know anything about that, but it's a high possibility."

Subaru summarized the information, "So to sum it up, we died in two ways; killed by Rem and I was going to die after getting weakened. Also, when I die, you also go back in time through that space with your memories intact. When you die, I also go back in time with my memories intact. We also aren't allowed to tell anyone about Return by death."

Tanaka's eyebrows moved as he heard the new term, "Return by death?" Subaru's confident proclamation of the name made him pause.

"That's what I decided to name it."

Subaru, with a self-satisfied grin, seemed proud of his newly coined phrase, revelling in the ingenuity of it.

After a moment of silence, Tanaka let out a sigh, a blend of surrender and a subtle smile playing on his lips.

"Alright, let's now discuss what we are going to do."

"What are we going to do? Should we leave?"

"No, we stay."

"Huh? I thought that you would surely say that we must go."

"We don't have that many options, we still didn't fully learn how to read and write, we are penniless, and we don't even know if it's any safer outside the mansion, I mean... You already died three times before you came here."

"But we did also die here, and no one is going to believe that we are from another world, you saw how she reacted when you said we were from the great cascade."

"Then screw it, we don't have to mention that, let's just say we are from a foreign country. First of all, we stick together. If what Rem said was true that Roswaal and the others had no idea that we were going to get killed, then it might be better for us to stay here for the time being."

He added, "We don't have that many options, we still didn't fully learn how to read and write, we are penniless, and we don't even know if it's any safer outside the mansion."

"Alright, I think we can trust Emilia and Puck."

"I know that I said before that we shouldn't get involved in magic, but the situation has changed. The spirits saved me in the last loop and learning magic for self defense is a good thing."

Suddenly the door opened and an unexpected figure showed up.

Beatrice entered, her presence accompanied by an air of nonchalance as she quirked an eyebrow at the duo. "You seem to be doing fine. That makes me question why Betty came all the way here."

Curiosity etched Subaru's features as he inquired, "You… What did you come here for?" 

"Nicha, that little girl asked me to come to see you."

"Puck and...Emilia?"

"Okay, that's enough. You're talking about sucking my mana, It's fine. You came to apologize. That's enough."

Beatrice, maintaining her characteristic nonchalance, dismissed the notion of an apology, "I wonder why Betty has to apologize, I have to to that to all the intruders or else there's no telling who's a threat or who is not. If we don't start correcting that, we won't be able to go anywhere."

As she responded, Beatrice began approaching the bed until she suddenly stopped. 

"It's not just that you are throwing a tantrum, the smell has gotten a lot thicker." Beatrice then pinches her nose and waves her hands to show off the bad smell.

"Maybe it's about the smell. It's the worst scent that can hit your nose. Maybe it's wiser not to see the twins for a while."

 Subaru doesn't even notice her gesture, and his thoughts turn to memories that fit the keyword 'smell'.

"What do you smell from me?" Subaru inquired.

"It smells like a witch. I think it's going to turn my nose," Beatrice responded, her disdain apparent.

Tanaka ventured to ask, "Witch of envy?"

"In today's world, what else can you call a witch, I suppose? You smell like it as well!" Beatrice retorted, pointing towards Tanaka as well.

Subaru couldn't help but lean forward at Beatrice's mocking remark. He stretched out his hand towards her.

"Why do you smell that smell on us?"

"So? Either the witch has set her eyes on you, or you've been made her enemy. Either way, you two are a nuisance because you're receiving special treatment from the witch."

Beatrice shrugged her shoulders, implicitly showing that she was uncomfortable with even discussing anything beyond that.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go now. I'll make sure to tell Nicha that Betty came to see you."

"wait a minute"

As Beatrice prepared to leave, Tanaka, seizing the opportunity, called her back with a question about the mana absorption ritual. 

Beatrice turned her back towards Tanaka who called for her.

"So basically, you are saying that you absorbed his mana so you become sure that he is trustworthy."

"Trustworthy? I never used that te..."

"Okay! Okay! I meant so that you make sure he's not an enemy."

When Tanaka proposed the idea, Beatrice's brows furrowed in a subtle display of displeasure. However, in a testament to her willingness to comply, she conceded, "Hmph, I suppose you can put it that way; a person's mana can reveal whether he has ill intentions or not," Beatrice conceded, her demeanor a mix of skepticism and intrigue.

In response, Tanaka, his countenance betraying a contemplative demeanor, proposed another twist to the situation. "Alright, then can you take some of my mana to make sure that I'm not a threat too?"

The suddenness of Tanaka's request caught both Subaru and Beatrice by surprise, their expressions reflecting a blend of astonishment and intrigue.

Subaru, feeling the need to seek clarification, asked, "Dude, are you a masochist?"

Tanaka, unfazed, declared, "It's fine; we can trust her too," catching Beatrice off guard with his unexpected statement.

Beatrice, bewildered by the sudden proclamation, questioned, "Huh? Who are you? This is the first time we have met, I suppose, and you say something like that out of the blue."

"It doesn't matter, it's up to me to decide whom I trust and whom I don't." 

"It's a pain for Betty to hear that from a random stranger. In fact, it's creepy." 


Tanaka, in a moment of recollection from the last loop, demonstrated his resolve, after what Beatrice has done to him, trusting her was the correct choice.

Beatrice was rightfully offended and annoyed by him laughing and ignoring her complaint. Yet, she moved closer towards Tanaka intending to absorb his mana and accepting his request.

"Well, I'm going to absorb only some of it; don't make any moves," Beatrice cautioned.

"Dude, be careful; that shit is really painful," Subaru warned.

"Stop cussing in front of a kid, and yeah, please make it as less painful as possible," Tanaka requested.

The little girl's hand reached for Tanaka's chest. A palm met his chest and gently and modestly stroked the surface. He braced himself for the expected pain. But, to his surprise, there was no immediate sensation, only an eerie silence.

Then, an unusual fatigue surged through his body, catching him off guard. He felt an unexplainable heaviness in his limbs, and a sudden urge to cough seized him.

*Cough* *Cough*

Instinctively, Tanaka raised his hand to stifle the coughs. Upon doing so, he discovered stains of blood on his trembling hand.


Unable to endure any longer, Tanaka collapsed onto the ground, his descent marked by a quiet thud. 



A colossal headache pounded through his skull, each throb akin to the relentless impact against an unyielding wall. Slowly, he peeled open his eyes, greeted by the all-too-familiar sight of the ceiling.

"I'm growing tired of this view."

"You're awake, Tanuki?"

Ram's voice, laced with a mix of concern and a touch of amusement, called out to him. Attempting to rise, he winced.


Pain coursed through every inch of his body, a symphony of agony that left every muscle twitching in protest.

"Try not to move too much. After all, Tanuki, you were at death's door."

"Well that sounds awesome. What the hell happened?"

"Beatrice-Sama accidentally emptied your body of mana."

"Can you explain exactly how that happened accidentally? I remember emphasizing that she could only take a small amount."

"Well, the thing is that Beatrice-Sama took only a small amount but the problem is that Tanuki's gate was extremely closed up so that when she extracted the mana, all the remaining mana in your body escaped."

His face contorted with discomfort and annoyance, a fleeting scowl being painted across his features. 

"Aren't you supposed to be angry?"

The question hung in the air, and for a moment, Tanaka's expression shifted. His brows furrowed, a flicker of frustration passing over his eyes. Yet, as he exhaled, the tension seemed to dissipate.

"Well, of course I'm annoyed that I almost died, but in the end I'm still alive. And as you said it was an accident." He looked around. "By the way, where's Subaru?"

"The guest is currently with Emilia-Sama. She barely convinced him to stay with her until you woke up. Both him and Emilia-Sama were also furious at Beatrice-Sama."

The guilt of his involvement in Beatrice's actions gnawed at him.

"Ow! Ow!"

"You shouldn't move." Ram said, a bit worried.

"It's fine; I can endure this. I've really come to hate that bed."

The air in the room was thick with discomfort, tangible in the dim light filtering through the windows. As Tanaka made an effort to shift, the room seemed to constrict around him.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to check on that loli."


"Did you really have to place your room that far away?"

The forbidden library loomed before Tanaka as he entered, fully aware of Beatrice's unique ability to relocate the library to any room in the mansion. 

Beatrice asked, with a grumpy look on her face, "How did you even trespass Betty's door crossing?" 

"I'm just gonna say this just in case, please don't send me flying off the window, my body is a mess right now and I might really die if you do that."

Taken aback, Beatrice responded, "Betty would never do something like that."

Tanaka, noticing her guilty expression, couldn't help but smile. It was clear she felt remorse for the unintended consequences of her actions, so he decided to playfully tease her.

"Listen, I'm not angry, okay? I know you didn't mean to almost kill me."

"Why are you putting it like that? It's not Betty's fault for you having a weird body. In fact, even though the other weak guy also had a closed gate, his mana didn't abandon his body after I absorbed some of it."

"Are you saying that I'm not the same as Subaru?" 

"Not in the slightest. Even though his gate is also closed, the mana didn't leave his body. Yours, once I opened it, the mana abandoned your body. Not only that, your body also kept rejecting taking mana back, and the paths to your gate kept tightening up. Betty was able to fix that mess only with bubby's help."

'So I'm no good with magic after all,' he mused inwardly, releasing a sigh of acceptance. The revelation brought a sense of resignation, Beatrice, her eyes fixed on Tanaka, observed his expressions carefully.

Tanaka, noticing Beatrice eyeing him with curiosity, smiled back at her. She, caught off guard, blushed with embarrassment and quickly averted her gaze.

"What are you grinning for, I suppose?" she asked, her tone attempting to regain composure but betraying a hint of fluster.

"Well, here's the deal, allow me to come and spend time here whenever I want and we call it even."

Beatrice, her sharp blue eyes narrowing with suspicion, questioned, "Are you after the forbidden library?"

Tanaka, maintaining a playful grin, responded, "I like books, but unfortunately, I still can't read or write."

"Huh?" Beatrice's confusion was evident in her voice as she struggled to grasp Tanaka's intentions.

Tanaka suggested, "We can talk about this later but I think we should go now."

Beatrice, now fully confused, began to inquire, "Should go? What are you talking ab..." Her sentence was abruptly cut short as she sensed a calling, a subtle magical thread pulling at her attention.

"We should go eat. I'm hungry," Tanaka declared, breaking the enchantment of their magical discussion.


After leaving the library, Tanaka crossed paths with Subaru once again, sharing a subtle nod that conveyed their unspoken understanding. United by a common goal, Their shared objective was clear: integrate into the mansion's workings, deflect suspicions, and, if possible, gain the trust of those around them until they could find a way back home or make sense of their predicament.

The playful voice of the floating grey cat, Puck, cut through the tension, asking, "That was a close call, Tanaka. How are you feeling now?"

Emilia, with evident disapproval in her voice, called out, "Puck! You shouldn't be laughing about this."

Seeking to lighten the mood, Tanaka reassured, "I'm fine, still a bit tired, but overall, it isn't a big deal."

Roswaal, however, interjected with a reminder, "Regaaaardless of whether or not you shrug it off, the fact thaaaaat you were heavily injured still remains." He then turned his attention to Subaru, remarking, "Theeeeeere's also the fact that you are friends with oooooour guest and Emilia-Sama's savior. As the head of the Al Maaathers house, this further emphasizes me on the neeeeeeed for me to offer any compensation that you aaaask for."

Sighing, Tanaka began explaining their situation, "Then if you insist, this is our situation. The two of us are from a foreign country, and we have no clue how to get back home. We also are not able to read or write, though we can speak your language—it's just not our native language."

Switching to English, a language unfamiliar to the others, Tanaka called out to Subaru, "Hey, Subaru. High-five!"

Caught off guard, Subaru hesitated but, after exchanging looks with Tanaka, understood the game.


"Okay, good, handshake now."

Shaking hands, they continued their charade, with Subaru adding a touch of absurdity, "NISU TOO MEEEET YOOU SIRRR."

'Your accent, you dumbass!'

The looks of confusion and bemusement from those present fueled Tanaka's internal frustration. His internal monologue cursed Subaru for his accent mishap, and he attempted to salvage the situation by continuing, "That was our native language, but the issue is that we can't provide much more evidence."

An awkward atmosphere lingered, the silence broken by Tanaka himself, "I know it's hard to believe this, but..."

Attempting to diffuse tension, Emilia intervened, "It's not that we don't believe you."

Gathering his resolve, Tanaka opted for straightforwardness, "So what we want is to stay here for a while, study enough to learn how to read and write, and at the same time, work to earn money. After that, we will go on our own." 

He added, "And you will never see us again."