Vlad The Dragon

Dark clouds covered the sky, as if a heavy rain would fall at any time. The clouds looked very low, and the sky that was usually far away now seemed to be within reach.

Suddenly, a wisp of golden color appeared in the gloomy clouds, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it was an illusion.

However, in the blink of an eye, a golden yellow pillar of fire directly broke through the clouds, whistling as it swept across the endless sea below the clouds. Immediately, a thousand layers of waves were stirred up, and a huge amount of water vapor immediately spread out, as if a fog had suddenly fallen in the nearby sea.

There was indeed something in the clouds, and it seemed to be moving at a high speed. It was very fast, and even the sharpest seabird could only vaguely see a fiery red figure, a very large and slender fiery red figure.


A loud roar resounded through the sky, and a terrifying aura radiated in all directions. It was not an exaggeration to describe it, but an aura that actually existed spread out.

The seabirds that were originally flying in the sky seemed to have seen some indescribable horror. They instantly lost consciousness and looked like it was raining, falling down one by one.

On the surface of the sea, the big and small sea fish belly floated up on the surface of the sea. There were even large sea beasts that had lost consciousness. Their bodies involuntarily floated on the surface of the sea. Looking carefully, there were even a few sea kings with astonishing bodies mixed in. It was a very shocking sight.

The clouds suddenly twisted and began to shake. Then, the clouds suddenly spread out. A huge hole was born under the roar of the creature. At this time, the appearance of the mysterious creature was exposed.

How noble!

How beautiful!

How mighty!

How powerful!

The red scales all over his body wrapped around his slender and strong body. A pair of huge wings stretched out wantonly behind his back, and a slight flap could bring up a strong wind.

The slender and thick tail gently swayed, maintaining its balance. Sharp and curved claws grew on the thick limbs, and just looking at it, it had the terrifying power to tear apart gold and stone.

The huge head was at the front of the long and thick neck. Two sharp and slender curved horns grew on the top of the head, spreading wantonly, and it had a kind of spirit that pierced the sky.

Its huge mouth had countless sharp teeth, and golden flames would occasionally shoot out from its thick nostrils. Its golden eyes had long and narrow pupils, and there was a sense of nobility in them.

This was a dragon, a real fire dragon!


The loud roar resounded through the sky, and a layer of black substance instantly wrapped around the huge body of the fire dragon. If there were people present at this time, they would be able to easily recognize that it was Busoshoku Haki.

The originally fiery red dragon suddenly turned pitch-black. Purple light flashed on its body, and it immediately had a different style. It looked extremely domineering.


A flame appeared on the wings of the giant dragon, and then it instantly engulfed its entire body with an unstoppable momentum. Every scale of the fire dragon had golden flames surging out!

The originally dark giant dragon was immediately wrapped in a surging flame, like a small sun hanging in the air.

The giant dragon flapped its huge wings, and its huge and slender body immediately shot out. It was really hard to imagine that such a huge body could actually have such an astonishing speed.

"Dragon God, dive!"

The giant dragon roared fiercely.

The giant dragon was like a bolt of lightning that fell from the sky, directly smashing into the island.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The loud noise shook the sky, and smoke and dust filled the sky, covering everything.


The strong wind blew violently.

The smoke and dust immediately dispersed.

There was no longer any vitality left on the landing spot of the giant dragon.

There was only a huge pit left. There was clearly no combustible material, but the golden flames were burning in the big pit without any restraint. The original rock was immediately unable to withstand it. The fiery red lava was slowly flowing at the bottom of the pit.

The air was somewhat distorted by the roasting, and a strong heat spread out.

The giant dragon had disappeared and was replaced by a human-like creature. It was about five meters tall and had bulging muscles.

Its entire body was covered in fiery red scales. Golden sparks jumped between its scales from time to time. The structure of its legs was completely different from that of a human. It was an anti-joint that was more similar to a crawling animal. Thick scales covered its huge feet, and its sharp nails were very long.

Two twisted long horns extended from the temples on both sides of its head to both sides. They extended upwards and spread towards the rear. A pair of huge wings were folded behind its back. The giant palm had more delicate scales and thicker fingers and nails.

The shoulder and elbow were sharp and ferocious bone spurs. The thick tail of the back stretched out and slapped the ground from time to time. Immediately, cracks spread out.


The humanoid creature crossed his arms in front of his chest, seemingly thinking, "As expected, it's better not to call it the Dragon God Dive! It feels so shameful!"

"And it seems to be the name of the skill of plagiarism."

"As expected, it's still called Heaven Descending Justice. It's domineering and filled with the light of justice!"

"Ah, I'm a little hungry. Let's eat something!"

The humanoid creature muttered to himself and sat down on the ground. He did not care about the lava flowing beneath his butt at all. It was as if he was soaking in a hot spring instead of lava. It felt very comfortable.

The humanoid creature took a deep breath. A huge suction force arose, and the lava flowing on the ground began to fly towards his mouth.


It was as if they were eating porridge. The humanoid creature gulped down lava, the temperature so high that it was scary. There was even a color of enjoyment on its face.

This was really amazing. Even if ordinary people didn't eat it, they would feel unbearable even if they were close to the flowing lava. Just a slight touch and they would be injured. Otherwise, why would the red dog make many pirates scared? It was because the damage to the lava was too high.

"Well, this is the good thing about dragon transformation. You can make your own food!"

The humanoid creature said to himself, "Don't worry about being hungry. Moreover, the taste of the lava is unexpectedly good!"

Thus, an extremely shocking scene appeared in this huge pit. Golden flames burned continuously on the bare rocks. The melted lava slowly flowed to the bottom of the pit. There was a huge humanoid creature who was not picky about food and ate the hot lava completely.

The humanoid creature was naturally Ferdinand Vlad.

It had been nearly three months since he had eaten the Fire Dragon Fruit. He was already very familiar with the various abilities that the Fire Dragon Fruit had brought him.