Upcoming Meeting

Although she looked like a hostess and had always been responsible for receiving people, in fact, this beautiful woman was the major cadreon this ship, the most powerful assistant who helped the King of Gold to fool the pirates.

Really, sometimes Vlad really admired Gild Tesoro's bad taste. He had nothing to do all day long, so he liked to humiliate the pirates who had just entered the new world?

Baccarat was not a weak person. Although she was defeated by Usopp in a very nonsensical way in the theater version, in fact, she was able to sit at the level of a well-known underground tycoon in the world like the King of Gold. No matter how bad her strength was, she would not be worse than the four great flower cadres of the DonQuixote family on the Dressrosa.

To a large extent, she would be easily dealt with by the theater version restriction. After all, the volume was only so long and there were only so many stories to tell. The more stories naturally had to be placed on the protagonist fighting the big boss. These small characters did not need to exert too much effort.

After saying so much, she only wanted to say that this woman called Baccarat was not weak, so when she heard a man's voice coming from behind her without warning, she was shocked.

In an instant, she had a feeling of jumping far away and then looking back to see who this person was. This was an instinct to save herself. However, she instantly suppressed this impulse. Baccarat was actually an experienced woman who had been in the new world for so many years. She was not that bad.

In Golden City, she had seen all kinds of monsters and snakes, and she instantly regained her calm. After that, she finally realized that this voice was familiar.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Vlad?"

Baccarat turned around and wanted to give Vlad a big hug.

Vlad reached out a hand to block the enthusiastic Baccarat and said bluntly, "Forget it. Your ability is really dangerous. Don't come near me. I am afraid."

"I am afraid I will not be able to stand it and will kill you!"

Vlad was not joking. This sea had a secret treasure like the devil fruit. The starting point of the natural system was the highest, and the physical skills of the Zoan were strong.

Only the supernatural system was the one with the most freaks. Some of the fruits were weak, but some were strong enough to make one's hair stand on end.

For example, the Hobi Hobi fruit, once touched, would turn a person into a doll and directly erase the ability of everyone's memories about this person, such as the Slow Slow fruit, which could release the ability to delay the time of the victim.

To be honest, Vlad sometimes really envied these abilities. They were super strong, okay? Unfortunately, the owners were all unbearable weak people.

Baccarat was the same kind of person. Her strength could only be described as weak to Vlad, but her fruit ability was extremely heaven-defying. A lucky person with a fruit ability was able to extract the other party's luck ability through contact, so how could you believe in the ability of mysticism?

That was why Vlad had asked her not to come close, only because her ability was really dangerous.

Cara's face froze for a moment, then immediately returned to normal. She smiled and said, "You're so annoying. Master Vlad is still as playful as ever."

"Am I right? I'm very humorous, right?" Vlad burst into laughter. It seemed that neither side cared about what they had said before, but in fact, Baccarat had already started to pay attention to keeping a distance from Vlad.

"Then, Sir Vlad," Baccarat said, "What is your purpose for coming here this time?"

"Oh, this." Vlad scratched his head and smiled. "I came to find Gild Tesoro. I have some private questions that I want to talk to him about."

"This..." Baccarat was a little hesitant. She had already heard about the matter of Vlad betraying the Charlotte Family. Baccarat was a well-known figure in the underworld of the new world. She was quite clear about this information.

Baccarat didn't know if Vlad, who had lost the protection of Charlotte Lingling, would still be able to get the attention of Gild Tesoro, so she was very hesitant now.

"What?" Vlad said softly, "Baccarat, are you going to reject me?"

Baccarat trembled all over. Although this man in front of her was not famous in the Charlotte Family, compared to the Four Star Generals of dessert, their reputations were worlds apart. However, she had seen the strength of this man. He was definitely terrifyingly strong. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to leave after destroying the Charlotte Family's marriage alliance.

"No, Lord Vlad," Baccarat shook her head and took out a Den Den Mushi. "I just wanted to ask if it was convenient for Master Gild Tesoro to receive you. You know, Master is very busy."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Vlad smiled. "Dear Baccarat, hurry up and ask."


Baccarat smiled awkwardly as she dialed Gild's number. Yes, a Den Den Mushi.

"Is it Baccarat?" A low male voice came from the other side.

"It's me, Maater Tesoro."

"What is it?"

"Yes, there is someone who wants to see you. He wants to see you." Baccarat looked at Vlad who had an indifferent expression and said softly, "I don't know if I should bring him here or not."

"Want to see me?" The man was a little surprised. After all, the reception had always been a job of a bar. Who was qualified to see him? Who was not qualified? That woman must know better than him. But today, she actually asked him if he should bring that person. Gild Tesoro felt that something was wrong.

"Who is it?"

Baccarat looked at Vlad and whispered, "It's Lord Vlad from the Charlotte Family."

"Vlad?" A surprised male voice.

"Hey, remember this well. I'm called Ferdinand!" This was the somewhat unhappy Vlad.

"I'm sorry," Baccarat politely apologized, "Master Vlad, I will be careful in the future."

The other party was so polite that Vlad could not say anything. He nodded and did not bother about it.

""... "

The Den Den Mushi was silent.

"Lord Tesoro?" Baccarat asked in a low voice.

"Bring him here!" The call was hung up.

"Heh, we haven't seen each other for so long. That's the temper of Tesoro!" Vlad said with a smile.

"Please come with me, Sir Vlad." Since she had already received the permission of Gild Tesoro, she naturally wouldn't feel uncomfortable anymore. She immediately stopped a turtle car and decided to take Vlad to find him.

Unlike the exaggerated reaction of the first time he saw this magical car, Vlad was much calmer. He just felt a little emotional.

Although he had seen it before, Vlad still felt a little emotional when he saw this turtle car. Other than the driving force being a bunch of turtles, this car was no different from the cars in his original world. He could not help but feel a little homesick.