Face to Face

"Hey, is it Vlad?"

Cracker's voice was extremely low, and it contained a lingering anger. "It's been a long time!"

"Yes!" Vlad looked calm and composed. "It has indeed been a long time since we last met. It should be around three months in total, right? It has really been a while!"


On the other side, Cracker suddenly laughed. "Sure enough, you have no intention of repenting at all!"

"Repentance?" Vlad smiled and replied, "What nonsense are you saying? Brother Cracker, I did not do anything wrong."

"Whatever you say."

Cracker said coldly, "I'll be waiting for you on Elund Island. Come over and we'll have a good chat!"

"Yay!" Vlad laughed. "Are you kidding me? Brother Cracker, do you think I'm a fool? Do you want to come over and challenge me?"

"Whatever," Cracker said confidently.

"But if you still want your maid's life, I advise you to come again!"

"Let go of me, you bastard!"

"Be quiet, woman!"

With this voice, the phone hung up.


Vlad let out a long breath. He did not think that he would be able to avoid or be discovered by Cracker. When he was watching Tesoro's execution, he had noticed Cracker in the crowd, which was why he had brought his maid to avoid it.

At that time, it was not the time to have a conflict with Cracker, including now. Because it was meaningless, whether it was winning or losing, it would not be easy to deal with. If he lost, he would undoubtedly be captured back to the aunt group. With Charlotte Lingling's savage personality, it would be the same as dying and not running away.

If he won, it would also be difficult to deal with. Not to mention that the conflict with the Charlotte Family would be even greater. Just talking about Vlad himself, he could not do it. Cracker was his elder brother, who had taken good care of him since he was a child. There was no doubt that he was his relative. How could he be ruthless to such an opponent?

"Forget it, there must be a way to the mountain!"

Vlad stood up and decided to go take a look first. After all, it was not easy to find a maid who could take care of him. He did not want to lose it just like that.

"Do you want to go?" Vlad handed over a pointer.

"Ah," Vlad laughed. "I still have to make a trip. I can't let him return empty-handed!"

"Hahaha!" Tesoro laughed. "Then you have to be careful. If you don't come back like this, our cooperation will end here."

"You don't have to say that!" Vlad turned around and walked out the door.

"Don't you want a boat?" Asked Tesoro.

"No need," Vlad looked at the pointer on his hand, "In a short period of time, he won't be able to get too far. I'm afraid that the island is not far, right? I'll just fly there directly."

"Up to you."


The island was an uninhabited island. It was different from the deserted island where Vlad found the Fire Dragon Fruit. This uninhabited island was in a state of shelved development and had appeared on the sea map of the new world a long time ago. However, the island was barren and there was nothing worth developing. The area was small and there was no profit, so no one would be interested in it. Only the pirates occasionally rested here, which was an incomplete uninhabited island.

Now, there were traces of people on the small island again.

There were two people, a man and a woman. The man was tall and had a helmet on his head. There were black mane decorations on it. Two horns extended out from the sides of his peeping eyes. He was wearing a suit of armor that looked like biscuits. There was no expression on his face.

The woman fell at his feet. She looked unconscious, but there were no injuries on her body. She was no one else.

She was Vlad's recent personal maid part-time dessert maker, Baby-5.


The man muttered, "Vlad, you brat, you brat!"


The man stood up, looking a little surprised. "How can you get here so fast?"

In the distance, a fiery red shadow gradually appeared in the sky, approaching the island at a terrifying speed.

"As expected!"

The man muttered to himself, "Did you obtain an extraordinary power? Vlad!"


The huge fire dragon swept across the sea, bringing up waves that were several meters tall. Vlad shook his wings, and his speed was extremely astonishing. Not long after, the small island named Vlad had already appeared in his line of sight. The sharpness of the fire dragon's vision was not just for show.

The sharp Kenbunshoku Haki had already detected the aura on the island. It was a powerful aura, and there was no intention of hiding it at all. It was blatantly venting his presence.

Vlad flapped his wings and increased his speed once again. The strong wind pressure on the surface of the sea formed a huge wave that surged into the distance.

With Vlad's repeated acceleration, very quickly, the originally small island of Elund was already very close. In the middle of the small island without any cover, the man who looked very rough also appeared in Vlad's eyes.

"Wu ---"

Along with a long dragon roar, Vlad flapped his wings and flapped the dust on the ground. The huge fire dragon landed on the ground.

In addition to dragon transformation, Vlad had returned to his normal appearance. He took two steps forward and stood face to face with Cracker.

"Hey," Vlad spread out his hands and looked a little helpless. "Brother Cracker, are you not willing to come out of your biscuits even in front of me?"

Yes, the current Cracker was not his real appearance. It was just a layer of armor. Apart from the Charlotte Family, there were probably very few people who had seen his real appearance. Even the Cracker on the wanted order issued by the Navy was like this. It had to be said that he really hid it very well.

This did not mean that Cracker wanted to hide himself, nor did it mean that the Biscuit Armor increased his combat power. On the contrary, Cracker, who had left the armor, was even ahead. There was only one reason for him to hide in the Biscuit Armor. It was a very funny reason, and many people would not believe it.

It was a very simple reason. It was only because Cracker was afraid of pain. Yes, it was just because he was afraid of pain, and it was not an ordinary fear of pain. His resistance to pain was already comparable to Katakuri's obsession with the afternoon tea circle. Even the pain of acupuncture was unbearable. No one would believe that one of the three stars of the Charlotte Family would actually be like this.

It had to be said that the Charlotte Family often had some obsession with the Cookie Monster, Vlad thought.

"The real appearance is for the family to see. Vlad, the current you,"

Cracker stood up and said in a gloomy tone, "Are you still my family now?"

"Answer me, Vlad!"