Next Destination, Paradise

"I really didn't expect to come back so soon!"

On the huge dining table, two men sat opposite each other across the long table. It was these guys who had good eyesight, otherwise it would not be easy to see the face of the guy in front of them clearly.

Tesoro leisurely enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast while softly talking to the guy who was devouring the food in front of him.

He really didn't expect that Charlotte Cracker's strength is very undershelming to him. If the battle venue is on this ship, on this Gran Tesoro, then he is confident that he can defeat Crackers.

After all, this was his lair, his base camp. All the gold in this Golden City was controlled by him. Once it was activated, it would be a destructive golden tide. There were not many people in this sea who could resist it. Although Cracker was strong, it was not easy to win against such an attack.

But if it was outside this ship, Tesoro thought that his chances of winning were far from that high. After all, that man was a famous powerhouse in the new world, one of the three sharpest swords of the Big mom pirates.

He was not good at physical skills and haki cultivation. If he had not fought with that man in his lair, he would only have a 50% chance of winning.

It was because of this that Tesoro was shocked that Vlad was able to get rid of the Cracker so quickly and bring back baby-5. This was really too shocking, okay? Tesoro unconsciously looked at Vlad a few more times.

Except for the time to go back and forth, this man only used a few moves to regain his target, it was really a very amazing thing.

"Is that so?"

Vlad's mouth was open, his mouth was full of food, but his hands were still not free, constantly grabbing food and stuffing it into his mouth.

After experiencing two fierce battles one night, it consumed a lot of his physical strength. He continued to eat to replenish his energy. He had to say that the abnormal people in the one piece world were not just people, the animals and plants here were also not simple. Vlad did not understand much, he only knew that the energy provided by the same size of meat here was about ten times that of his previous life!

Otherwise, how could these supernatural beings in this world maintain their vigorous vitality and powerful physiques? This was a double-directional strengthening.

"I think it's okay! Brother Cracker doesn't have the intention of fighting me to the death!"

Vlad said vaguely.

He did not lie. Although Cracker said that he wanted to kill Vlad with two swords, in fact, he did not go all out in his hands. Vlad could easily feel this.

Even after Vlad displayed his strength that was not inferior to his, Cracker still did not kill him. Vlad could easily feel that although he did not hold back his strength, Cracker had no desire to fight. For a powerhouse like Vlad, willpower was undoubtedly an important factor in battle.

Without any will to fight, it was already clear that Cracker had already held back. Vlad knew this very well.

Although he did not show mercy on the surface, he still subconsciously held back in his heart. This was the feelings between brothers. Vlad knew this very well. It was just like how he could not bear to hit Cracker hard. Cracker also had the same feelings. After all, they were brothers who had lived together for twenty years.

It was a little embarrassing to say that Katakuri and the others had exchanged diapers for little Vlad when they were young. It was really a dark history that one could not bear to recall.

"What's next?"

Tesoro had a cigar in his mouth. Tanaka, who was behind him, went up to light a cigarette for him. As the saying goes, a cigarette after a meal is a luxury. Tesoro was well-versed in this.

"What are you going to do next?"

Tesoro leisurely puffed out a smoke ring.

He asked casually.


Vlad held his round belly and collapsed on the chair. He burped loudly and replied with satisfaction, "Let's go to the Paradise next!"


Tai Zuoluo frowned. "Is there anything worth looking forward to in a place like that?"

Tai Zuoluo was telling the truth. The first half of the Grandline Road, which was commonly known as Paradise, was not a great place. Compared to the new world, it was like the difference between heaven and earth. One must know that the strong would always group together. Most of the strong pirates were in the new world, and the pirates in the paradise were weak.

Paradise is the world of the Marines. The strongest pirates are still the Shichibukai under the World Government. They recognized the weakest two. Crocodile and Gecko Moria are the weak Shichibukai.

Tesoro really didn't understand why a man like Vlad would go to the paradise to find trouble. It should be known that the reason why the pirates of the paradise were weak was undoubtedly due to the Marine. Now was not the time for Akainu to be in power. The headquarters of the Navy was still in Marineford. The first half of the Grandline was the sea area that the Navy focused on.

Ordinary pirates in the paradise would at most welcome the rank of Lieutenant of the marine, but Vlad was different. With his strength, the rank of Lieutenant was no different from delivering vegetables. So once Vlad made a big move in the paradise, it was very likely that he would be attacked by the Admiral.

This is not a joke. Although Vlad is very strong now, he has no doubt in the face of the top experts of the Admirals. There is absolutely no chance of winning. The Admiral is not some random person. They are the top fighting force of the world government.

The current situation of the Marine is very dangerous. Although there are 5 powerhouses in their too brass, three Admirals plus Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku, their lower beass are weak. They are nothing compared to the Yonko's crew.

"There are still some interesting people!"

Vlad said softly, "There are still some things that I am very interested in in in the paradise!"

"It just so happens that I am lacking in crew members now. The monsters in the new world have already divided up the powerful combat forces. I can only go to the paradise and look around to see if there are any potential stocks!"

"Up to you."

Tesoro did not care too much. Although the two of them appeared to be partners, in reality, they were not that harmonious. After all, such a cooperation was formed under the threat of Vlad. He was not interested in what Vlad wanted to do. However, if Vlad could really develop as he had planned, Tesoro would not mind helping him.


Vlad raised his head and looked at Tesoro with a burning gaze. He smiled and said, "There is still a small favor I need your help with here!"