Strong Enemy

According to the plan, Vlad released several slave gathering places one after another. It had to be said that compared to the small number of Celestial Dragons, the number of slaves for them to enjoy was huge.

The only thing Vlad could do was to let them out. If he was not willing to come out, he would try to control the flames to not spread to that place. He could not care about the rest. The fate of a man was only in his own hands. No one else had the right to criticize him.

The people who dared to resist, Vlad praised them for their courage and their desire to pursue freedom. He was moved and blessed for their struggle.

The people who did not dare to resist, Vlad would not despise them. He would only try to save their lives. Some people pursued freedom, but they also cared more about their lives. It was not a shameful thing to not resist for their lives.

However, some people also felt that there was no hope of escaping. Under the extreme fear, they did not dare to attack the Celestial Dragons or the world government. Instead, the butcher knife in their hands was aimed at their companions.

For such a person, Vlad showed no mercy. A faint flame floated past and nothing was left.

He did not dare to resist and was unwilling to be lonely. He would only pour violence on his companions. Such people were usually called scum. Vlad believed that such people were not needed in the sea.


Vlad stood on the roof and looked at the group of slaves below with fanatical smiles on their faces as well as eyes that looked at death with equanimity. A smile appeared on the faces of the former slaves. The most precious spirit of humans was the spirit of resistance.

It was easy to say, but it was actually a very difficult thing to do. Humans always had a kind of inert mentality. They always thought that there was no need for them to do things themselves. There would always be people who stood up to do it. If no one stood up, then most people would choose to wait and wait for that person to stand up.

There were really very few people who dared to stand up and resist. This kind of courage was not something that everyone had. This was reality.

"Well, I should also do something about myself!"

Vlad muttered to himself. His eyes were shining as he wandered around the surrounding buildings. The Celestial Dragons were undoubtedly the richest group in the world. There was no need to say more about their collection. It was definitely a wealth that no one in the sea could imagine.

Although the flames were raging and many buildings had already been burned, there were still many left. Presumably, there would still be a lot of gains. Vlad had no doubt about this. This was his expectation for the world nobles. This was the main purpose of his chaos this time. Releasing slaves was just a temporary idea. The feelings he had felt in Marigeoise before made him a little unhappy.

"Hey, hey!"

Vlad gently jumped into the window of a house.



"Freedom! Freedom is calling for us!"

A group of freed slaves shouted, holding weapons found from the sea of fire in their hands, rushing towards the free world in groups.

It was strange to say that these flames seemed to be alive, and the slaves would automatically open up a path as soon as they came over, as if they were escorting them.

This kind of situation was playing out in different places. Thousands of slaves were divided into ten teams and fled in all directions. Under the cover of the sea of fire, no one noticed their movements for a while.


A group of World Government officials dressed in black suits were trying to put out the fire with a group of Celestial Dragons guards, but it was useless. Ordinary water had no effect on this golden flame.

However, suddenly, there was a sudden change. The flames that could not be eliminated before suddenly spread out. A passage was revealed, and a group of people ran out from it. The surrounding black suits and guards were stunned. These people were naked.

The skinny guy was undoubtedly the slave of the Celestial Dragons.

"Kill them!"

Before they could react, the slaves had already launched an attack. All the people who blocked their path of freedom were the enemies of life and death.


"Hey, it really isn't peaceful!"

Vlad was carrying a big bag on his shoulder. It was filled with all kinds of treasures that he had found in the house of the Celestial Dragons. He looked at the three guys in white and sighed in his heart. How could he be seen like this? This was too unlucky.

"Who are you?" "Are you also a slave who escaped?" asked one of the white clothes.

"Hey! My luck is really bad!"

Vlad scratched his head and said unhappily.

"This is the base of the Celestial Dragons. It is the territory of the Gods!"

The white-clothed man stepped forward. "All sins will be punished. Don't try to escape punishment by luck!"

"What nonsense are you saying?"

Vlad couldn't see his face under the hood, but his voice was clear. "You guys are the unlucky ones!"


The man in white was shocked. Under the hood, Vlad's face could not be seen clearly. However, a pair of golden and narrow eyes were reflected in his eyes.


Before the voice could be uttered, Vlad had already appeared in front of the white clothes like a phantom. His empty right hand was covered with fiery red scales. With a gentle wave of his hand, a line of fire shot out from his hand.

"Dragon Fist - Claw Cut!"

"Why? Why are you here to die?"

Vlad stepped forward, ignoring the white clothes that had already stopped moving. He whispered to the remaining two white clothes.

There was still a confused expression on his face. His huge head fell straight to the ground and he even jumped a few times mischievously.


The headless body fell to the ground. Its neck was charred black and the air was faintly emitting the smell of meat. To be honest, it was a bit disgusting.

"It seems that you are a criminal?"

The remaining white clothes said in a deep voice.


The two white clothes did not hesitate. They were not as careless as their companion who had died. The black color was wrapped around their hands.



After two consecutive sounds, two white figures disappeared in an instant. This was the Soru of the Rokushiki, which could provide an extraordinary speed.


Vlad laughed disdainfully. His sharp Kenbunshoku Haki had locked onto the traces of the two guys.

His right hand was wrapped in a dark Busoshoku Haki, and he casually smashed it to the side.

A figure suddenly appeared in the empty area. It was none other than one of the white clothes. The moment he appeared, Vlad's huge fist had already smashed heavily on his head.


There was a huge hole in the ground, and the white clothes were lying in it. There was a huge depression on the head, and there was no sound at all.

"Die! Shigan!"

The other white clothes appeared in The Busoshoku in his right hand hardened. He raised his index finger and his eyes were calm. He was not moved at all by the death of his companion. In the next moment, the indestructible finger gun would pierce through Vlad's back.



"Eh" There was a scream.

Vlad did not turn around. His attention had already shifted to another place. There was a sea of flames there. There was nothing there.


A gust of wind blew over and the flames split apart in an instant. A man walked out. He was also dressed in white, and his figure was a little too slender. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and had a meticulous back. He held a long and narrow saber in his hand, and a strong aura emanated from his body.

"Hey, hey, hey, can we even meet such a strong enemy?"

Vlad heaved a sigh of relief.

This was the scene that the visitor saw. A tightly wrapped man was carrying a large bag on his left hand. Behind him was a headless corpse. Beside him was a white shirt. Behind him, there was a white shirt that was pierced through by something similar to a tail.

"Is that you? The prisoner?"

The man said in a deep voice.