I Can See You

Vlad really wanted to run. This guy in front of him and his compatibility was really too bad. He was undoubtedly a strength type player, and his opponent was a terrifying expert with astonishing speed. Such an opponent was really too troublesome!

Against a shadow, even if it was a tanker, it would be more advantageous than Vlad himself. After all, the biscuit soldiers of the Cracker were extremely tough, even the awakened shadow would not be able to break it. This also meant that the shadow could not hurt the Cracker, and the two sides could only use the method of consuming physical endurance.

However, Vlad was different. His strength was extremely strong, and it was not a big deal for him to completely transform into a dragon to break the Cracker. However, his own defense could not reach the defense of the Cracker Biscuit. Although it did not matter before, there was no doubt that the shadow after awakening could already hurt him.

This was the situation that Vlad was facing right now. Although he possessed strength that far exceeded that of the other party, there was no point in being unable to hit him. The Celestial Dragon Guard by the name of Shadow was truly formidable.

However, Vlad could not run. This fellow had already seen his own abilities. He had seen what he looked like after he used his abilities. If he chose to run away, then unless he no longer used his abilities, once he was exposed, the only thing waiting for him would be the World Government's endless pursuit.

Although the World Government was his imaginary enemy at the beginning, Vlad still did not want to fight against a colossus like the World Government. After all, that was an enemy of the world. It was not something that could be solved by shouting slogans.


"I can only kill you!" Vlad said as he stared at the man who was so slender that he looked like a snake.

"Kill me?"

The shadow looked amused as he casually said, "What right do you have?"

"Let's bet!" Vlad chuckled.

That's right, we can only gamble now. There is no other way!

Vlad said in his heart.


Shadow's solemn poker face suddenly smiled. It was a very brilliant smile. "Then let's gamble and see!"

"Thousand Shadows!"

Shadow suddenly moved. It was not the terrifying speed from before, but the speed of a casual stroll. However, something shocking happened.

Wherever he walked, figures appeared. Soon, one figure after another appeared in front of Vlad.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey."

Vlad suddenly felt his scalp tingle. "All of them are afterimages?"

"That's right,"

A uniform voice came from all directions. The afterimages were all talking, and some of them had playful smiles on their faces. This guy's suppressed emotions were gradually released.

"So, do you still want to gamble and see?"

Vlad slowly let out a breath and smiled. "Let's give it a try!"

"Hahahaha! You are really interesting!"

Shadow laughed. "However, all those who go against the gods will die!"

"Thousand Shadows - Thousand Slaughter!"

Hundreds of afterimages disappeared in an instant and charged towards Vlad with terrifying killing intent.

"Armor - Harden!"

Vlad placed his hands on his head, and his entire body was instantly covered in a layer of black domineeringness. Since he was unable to determine the opponent's attack location and attack time, he could only strengthen himself to block the attack!





A series of sounds rang out continuously like rain.

Vlad felt as if he was in a rainstorm. Countless blades were like raindrops in a rainstorm, crazily hitting his body. There was no time for him to react at all.

A new wound was torn open from time to time, and blood was flowing out. Fortunately, although his body was not as hard as a hardened piece after going through the Busoshoku Hardening, it was not a problem to temporarily resist the crazy attacks of shadows with the solid dragon scales. Although there were wounds occasionally, the wounds were not deep.

Although the speed of acceleration of the world had increased a lot, in fact, there was still a distance to break Vlad's defense easily. After all, Vlad was not a weakling.

"Ah, I'm in trouble!"

In the face of Shadow's storm-like attacks, Vlad was trying hard to use his Subjugator Equipment to reduce his damage. On the other hand, he was thinking about something anxiously. After all, the current situation was too disadvantageous to him. If this continued, he would not be able to hold on for long!

"Calm down, Vlad. Calm down. Think about it. What did Katakuri say?" As Vlad thought of this, memories of the past gradually appeared in his mind.

"Vlad, remember, Haki is the power of will! It is the power of the body. The stronger the body and the stronger the belief, the stronger the Haki will be born!"

Body? Will?

Vlad thought like this. He did not seem to lack this kind of thing!

"Keep it in mind, Vlad, remember it clearly! The practice of Haki can not be built behind closed doors. In battle, there is only constant fighting, constantly fighting against people stronger than oneself, constantly fighting against people who can threaten themselves, constantly fighting against people with more courage, constantly strengthening their body in fierce battles, to strengthen their own beliefs, remember, Vlad, this is the way to enhance the Haki!"

Fierce battle? Strong enemy?

Vlad seemed to understand, wasn't this man in front of him this kind of existence?

"Vlad, listen up, Kenbunshoku Haki is different from the Busoshoku Haki, this is about talent, many people work hard to cultivate in a short period of time, Vlad, you have this talent!"

"You have to make it clear, Vlad. The Kenbunshoku Haki is the power of the soul! The existence of Kenbunshoku Haki is to strengthen the understanding of the world! Look carefully! Listen carefully!"

"Remember, seeing Kenbunshoku Haki is a very strong power, it is the power of the heart, the power of the heart, remember, it must be the power of the heart! Use your heart, use the power of your heart, calm down, calm your heart, don't be excited, the chaotic emotions will only make your heart confused, it will only make your sight and Kenbunshoku fail!"

Vlad clearly remembered that his brother, seeing the terrifying realm of Kenbunshoku Haki cultivation, Charlotte Katakuri, who could already foresee the future, said this when he taught himself Haki.

"Calm your heart? Calm your heart! Calm your heart..."

"Hu ---"

Vlad slowly let out a breath. Everything around him slowly quieted down. The attacks that were like a storm suddenly seemed to be seen from a third-person perspective. The sound of the blade colliding with the hard body gradually faded, and the wounds on his body seemed to have lost all feeling.

"Look carefully, listen attentively, watch attentively!"

Vlad closed his eyes. His vision was dark. The half-dragon ears were controlled and closed. All the noise was gradually gone. Now, Vlad could not feel anything.

It was like a calm lake. The waves were calm. There was nothing. Vlad gradually fell into a wonderful state.


It was like a drop of water falling into the lake. The original peace was broken in an instant. Vlad stretched out his hand.


Sparks flew everywhere.

"What?" Shadow had a shocked expression on his face.

"I can see you!"

The black dragon claw grabbed a long blade that was also wrapped in a Haki aura.

Vlad had a wild smile on his face. "I can see you!"