
People always don't want to be criticized by others. Even if they were generous, they would be a little unhappy when they heard other people's criticism. If magnanimous people were like this, then there was no need to mention those stingy people.

Reality proved that Vlad's little maid, a woman named Baby-5, was not a magnanimous person. Or rather, this woman was actually stingy to a certain extent. Even Vlad, her nominal master, was often attacked by her, let alone this unknown man.


A low voice sounded. The maid's right hand instantly turned into a huge electric saw. Ever since she saw the man named Aiben doing this, Baby-5 liked this kind of weapon. It was far more useful than the sword she had turned into before. Its destructive power increased exponentially.

"Hey, boy, what did you just say?"

The buzzing electric saw was placed on the man's neck. The maid with a cigarette in her mouth looked at him disdainfully and said in a very unfriendly tone, "Are you saying that the food I cook is not delicious? Ah? Tell me?"

Although the electric saw that could easily tear a human body was placed on the neck, the man did not seem worried. He gently said, "It tastes bad."


"You bastard, go to hell for me!"

As the saying goes, if you don't want to talk, just say half a sentence. Baby-5 raised her arm, and the huge electric saw tore through the air, slashing down on the man's head with the power to divide everything.

As expected of the assassin from the DonQuixote family, she was ruthless and merciless.

Just as the huge electric saw was about to cut him in half, the man moved like a phantom. Two cold kitchen knives instantly appeared in his empty hands. It was unknown when he got them. After all, the two previous knives had already been melted by Akainu.


Sparks flew in all directions. The buzzing electric saw and the black kitchen knife that had been hardened by the Haki collided fiercely. The sound of the knife was extremely harsh.

"Oh? Not bad?"

Vlad noticed that in front of the strong electric saw, the man's hand had not trembled at all, and the kitchen knife had no signs of damage.

Whether it was strength or Haki, they were both very good standards. Vlad thought.

"Ma'am, please step back!"

The man exerted strength in his arm and instantly bounced back. Even in a seriously injured state, the difference in strength between the two was still very large.

"As a chef, wrist strength is only the basic skill."

The man withdrew his kitchen knife and explained indifferently.

"Protecting your own kitchen tools is just the instinct of a chef!"

Is that so? Is this how domineering power is explained? Vlad sighed in his heart.

"A chef?"

Vlad smiled. "Hey, Mr. Chef, may I know your name? My name is Vlad, Ferdinand Vlad."

The man looked at Vlad and bowed deeply. His tone was a little excited. "My name is Dino. As you can see, I am a chef, Mr. Vlad."

"Thank you, Mr. Vlad. Whether you release me from prison or take me away from the attack of the general, really, thank you very much. If, if not for you,"

Dino's voice was a little choked up. "I'm afraid, I only have..."

Facing Dino's heartfelt gratitude, Vlad did not care at all. This was not a big deal, not to mention,

He had never considered liberating effort as anything extraordinary. Vlad crossed his arms and smiled. "Idiot, it wasn't me who saved you, but yourself!"

"If you didn't have a free heart, if you weren't unwilling to end your life like this, how would I have the chance to save you?"

"If not for you standing up to resist Akainu's attack, I wouldn't have come out to save you. After all, other people's adventures are their own lives. I wouldn't interfere, but you are different. I like you very much!"

Dino raised his head and asked in confusion, "Mr. Vlad, what do you mean?"

Vlad held his cheek and smiled. "You said you were a chef?"


"Do you want to join my crew?"

Vlad said, "Although I have a ship, I still need a chef. After all, a maid is just a maid. Her cooking is still a bit of an amateur!"

"Hey, bastard, what are you talking about?"

Baby-5 was instantly enraged. Her beautiful face was instantly pressed against Vlad's face. However, she did not take out a knife to cut him down. After interacting with him for so long, this maid's attitude towards Vlad had changed.

"Stay away from me, idiot. It's too close!"

Vlad reached out his right hand and pressed it against the maid's face, pushing her away without paying attention to her cute resistance. With one hand suppressing the maid, Vlad laughed and said, "How is it? Although we haven't made a name for ourselves yet, you know, Dino, I won't be content with loneliness."

"Indeed," Dino could not help but nod. The man who dared to attack Maria - who would believe that he was a man who was willing to live a peaceful life? Such a madman was definitely not a mediocre person.

"You are a pirate? Mr. Vlad?"

Dino asked.

"That's right, although i'm not famous,"

Vlad did not deny it. After all, it was now a recruitment. "How is it? Are you interested in coming to my ship? Right now, I do not have enough manpower!"

"Alright, I will!"

Dino nodded and accepted Vlad's invitation.

"This is great! This way, we will have another partner!"

Vlad looked very happy. After all, even if he counted the men who were far away in the New World, he did not know if they would really join him in the future. There were only two people under the command of Aiben and Vlad. Now, with the addition of Dino, the number of people instantly increased by 50. It felt like it had increased a lot.

"Chef, since you have joined us, now, I have an important task for you to complete!"

Vlad said in a deep voice, his expression unprecedentedly serious.


Even with Dino's calm composure, he was still a little panicked when faced with Vlad's expression. After all, whether it was strength or courage, the man named Vlad was probably far above him.

"Can I trust you? Chef?" Vlad asked with a heavy tone.

Dino slowly let out a breath and said softly, "Of course, Mr. Vlad."


"The dessert after the meal, please!" Vlad said.

"Eh?" Dino tilted his head, a little confused.