Rayleigh And Hindrance

It had been nearly twenty years since the start of the age of discovery. Since the earth-shattering words of Gol. D. Roger, the sea had been thrown into chaos. When men went to the sea, the era that truly belonged to the heroes had finally arrived.

The pirates later called the Pirate King. Gol. D. Roger as One Piece, and he had everything. Wealth, power, reputation, and reality. There was no doubt that Roger already knew everything in the world. He was a man who truly knew the truth, so he chose to turn himself in because he knew that the power of freedom was not enough. The people who yearned for freedom were not enough, and the heart of freedom was not enough.

So he chose to die. He opened the magnificent era of pirates with a few words, and the world welcomed an unprecedented wave of freedom.

One must know that the world government was never afraid of pirates, but the will of freedom. Pirates, even the Yonko, generally would not attack the government. The enemy of pirates was only pirates after all. Moreover, even if a single Yonko attacked the government, it was just sending food.

However, only the will of freedom was different. The world government spent eight hundred years to consolidate their rule. Twenty years after the start of the era of pirates, a free army like the revolutionary army had appeared. God knows what would happen later.

One Piece who knew everything was dead, but his partners were still alive. These most famous legends of the sea still existed. There was no doubt that although they had retired, these guys who had followed the pirate king to achieve great achievements still existed in this sea.

Rayleigh, the character that Roger would inevitably talk about, the right hand of the pirate king, the vice captain of Roger Pirates, had retired for nearly twenty years.

"Are you here? Rayleigh?"

Shakky was surprised to see Rayleigh. After all, that guy just came for this man.

"No, I just came back."

Rayleigh walked into the bar and picked up a bottle of wine to drink.

"That's a pity,"

Shakky said with great interest, "A few interesting little fellows came just now."

"Ah, I saw it."

Rayleigh wiped his mouth and smiled. "I already saw it. Whether it was Holy-Fist Ace or that guy just now, i saw it all."


Shakky raised her eyebrows. "Then you came back quite coincidentally."


Rayleight laughed. "Everyone's meeting will not be an accident. Shakky, in your opinion, it is an accident, but it may not necessarily be that we are destined to see them here?"


Shakky was a little surprised. "This is not like you. Could it be that those two little guys have something special?"


Rayleigh smiled. "Shakky, everyone is special. No one is like the others."

"I mean, what are they worth your attention?"

Shakky flicked smoke and dust, her tone somewhat helpless.

"Hahahaha! Who knows?"

"It is life to be at a loss, Shakky," Rayleigh replied.

"Up to you." Shakky smiled. She knew this man very well. He would never say anything he did not want to say. Of course, she was not interested in this.

"Shakky, only when I see these young people will I feel that the era that Roger was looking forward to may have really come,"

Rayleigh suddenly said as he drank his wine.

"What does that have to do with an old man like you?"

The black-haired woman replied.

Rayleigh was stunned for a moment before he laughed out loud, "Ahahahahahaha, that's right. Shakky, you are right. My era has passed, and now it is the era of these young people. After all, I,"


"Am just an old man!"

Even if he was as strong as White Beard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki, Red the Aloof Patrick Redfield, Iron Fist Garp, and Sengoku the Buddha, he was still Thunder Rayleigh. They were veterans of the last era. When the new wave was over, new heroes would be created. Wave after wave, the sea was like this.

"But that little guy is really amazing!"

Rayleigh thought silently in his heart. Compared to him, Fire Fist was still a bit lacking.

Was it him? Would the person you were waiting for be him?

My old friend,



"Is this our ship?"

Dino asked in confusion.

He really didn't understand. It wasn't that the ship was too luxurious, it was completely different. On the contrary, this ship was too simple and crude. It was a 'Caravel sailing ship' with a skeleton structure and triangular sails all used the central control of the ship's tail. The black pirate flag hung on the mast. The ship was very small. It was estimated that there would be more than ten people on the ship. It was really very small.

Dino couldn't figure it out, didn't the two-plus-billion-Berry get into the account just two days ago? Why buy such a small boat.

Maybe you readers don't have any intuitive understanding. Let's put it this way, this ship is similar in size and structure to the Golden Merry of the Straw Hat Pirates three years later. Shabby pirate ship.. Not to mention the new world, even in here, it is the poorest pirate ship.

"So stingy?" Dino was already confused, completely unable to understand what his captain was thinking.

On the other hand, the always-talking maid, baby-5, didn't intervene. She obediently carried her luggage on her back and stood aside without interjecting. She has experienced the devastation of Vlad in the past few days, no matter how disobedient she was, she should behave.

"Wahahaha! Don't mind it, chef,"

Vlad patted the chef's shoulder and laughed. "This ship is just a transitional. The shipbuilders of the Sabaody Archipelago are not very good. There is no good ship here!"

"Huh? Captain, what do you mean?"

Dino understood a little.

"Let's go to Seven Water City first. The ship workers there are famous all over the sea!"

Vlad said, "Get another good ship there! As for this ship, as long as it can carry us, it is enough."


Dino expressed his understanding. A transitional ship really did not need to be too good.

"Then, let's go. The two of you have already finished fixing up in the Sabaody Archipelago in the past few days. You can already set sail!"

Vlad smiled. "Next stop, Seven Water Capital!"

"Yes, captain!"

Only Chef Dino responded. The maid was bored and did not reply.

"Huh? What's wrong? Miss Maid, are you leaving? Be happy!"

Vlad said.


Baby-5 looked a little weak. It seemed that the recent training had been a little too much for her. It was a little too much for this woman. Right, this woman's physique was still a bit worse than those monsters. However, the results were still very gratifying.

"Hahahaha! Then, come -"

Vlad did not finish his words.

"Stop, stop! Pirates!"