Encounter of a Pirate and Navy

Vlad's huge head gently swung, and the scorching pillar of fire instantly shifted. It swept across the bottom of the huge wave. The huge amount of seawater could not withstand the terrifying high temperature of Vlad's flames and instantly evaporated. In the blink of an eye, a huge fog had already descended on the sea. It was a fog of extremely high temperature.

The huge wave gradually calmed down. Even the terrifying power of nature, even the monstrous waves, were nothing in the eyes of powerhouses at the sea like Vlad.

The huge wave disappeared, but Vlad's movements were not over. He still had something to do.

"Damn it, it's really annoying to keep raining!"

Vlad's huge pupils were filled with annoyance. It was really annoying to keep raining. If he wanted to bask in the sun, he could not even catch a fish.

Vlad flapped his wings forcefully. His large wings brought about a huge gust of wind, causing waves in the raging sea. The huge dragon soared into the sky and charged straight towards the dark clouds.


A bolt of lightning tore through the sky and struck at Vlad.


Amidst his heroic laughter, Vlad's huge body was instantly wrapped in a layer of black Haki, and he was not afraid of the might of the heavens at all.



The lightning directly struck Vlad's head. It did not cause any damage to Vlad at all. It dissipated in an instant. Only the tiny electric sparks were still flickering on Vlad's body.

"Yes, it's quite comfortable!"

Vlad muttered to himself. A single bolt of lightning was far from enough to hurt him.


In the midst of the howling wind, Vlad had already rushed into the dark clouds.

"Hey, hey, hey. What does the captain want to do?"

Baby-5 shouted in confusion as she watched the huge fire dragon charge into the clouds with lightning.


The chef understood Vlad's thoughts. "The captain probably thinks that the dark clouds in the sky are too annoying. It must have blocked him from basking in the sun!"

"What do you mean?"

It could only be said that Baby-5 did not understand a man's heart.


The chef smiled and did not speak. There was no need to explain. What he understood was naturally understanding. If he did not understand, he naturally would not understand.


In the thick clouds, pillars of fire that had gradually turned into white-gold flames shot out from the clouds from time to time. The terrifying temperature would instantly evaporate a large amount of seawater.

Vlad felt uncomfortable in the clouds. The crackling lightning could not hurt him at all. The difference between the natural lightning and the lightning on the empty island was still a bit big.

"Flame Martial Body!! Incomplete --"


Vlad roared. His body began to shine. In just an instant, raging flames surged out from every corner of his body. There were gradually burning flames shooting out from every scale. However, the flames returned to the golden color of the past. It was completely different from the white-gold flames it had spat out before.


The flames were like a raging tide, far more imposing than the huge waves from before. The tides formed from the flames wantonly spread in the dark clouds.

Bright colors began to flash in the dark clouds. The flames wantonly scattered, and under the hot temperature, the dark clouds began to gradually disperse.


The maid looked shocked as she watched the dark clouds gradually disperse. "Can such a thing really be done?"

"What a monster!"

The maid exclaimed in shock.

"The captain's strength is indeed amazing."

Dino, who had been very calm all this time, turned around and walked to the cabin.

"Hey, kid, where are you going?"

The maid was far less respectful to Dino than Vlad.

"I think Mr. Captain really wants to enjoy the dessert time after exercising!"

The chef replied.


The maid was a little unhappy. He was really a good flatterer.



"Your captain is back!"

When Vlad came back with such laughter, what awaited him was a small plate of fragrant cake and a cup of steaming red tea.

Vlad felt more and more that his action of saving Dino was right.


A huge warship was in the lead. Several warships broke through the waves and sailed across the sea. The strong navy soldiers were meticulously patrolling the warships. Their spirit and appearance were completely different from the ordinary navy of the Grandline. They were two levels above each other.

A beautiful woman with soft blue hair stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the sea in the distance. It was unknown what she was thinking, but her beautiful face was thoughtful.

"What's wrong? Ain, are you alone in a daze?"

The man dressed in colorful clothes walked behind the woman and asked softly.

The man was dressed like a ninja. He had a long knife on his back and a pink scarf wrapped around his head. He looked a little funny.


The woman's name was Ain. She was wearing a blue, half-length cloak. Her long, slender and smooth legs were directly exposed. She was only wearing a short pair of shorts. One could clearly see a scar on her right leg.

"I'm just a little emotional."

The woman named Ain said.

"Emotional? What's wrong?"

The man's name was Binz. He had trained together with Ain and joined the newly formed army together. It could be said that their relationship was very strong.

"Binz, why do you think there are so many pirates in the sea?"

The woman's voice sounded a little erratic. "Why are there so many dregs in the sea?"

There was no doubt that this woman named Ain was a marine who hated pirates very much. She had once witnessed the pirates slaughter her companions who were trained together with them, and then seriously injured the man she admired very much. There was no reason for the woman who had witnessed all of this to not hate pirates.


The ninja dressed man did not speak and did not know how to solve the confusion of his companion.

"The sea is extremely vast! Ain,"

The deep voice of the man sounded from behind. The heavy footsteps approached step by step, and the figure of a tall man gradually approached.

The man looked quite old. His purple hair was soft and he had a pair of glasses on his face, making him look a little elegant. The purple suit matched him very well. He had a huge mechanical arm on his right arm and a warm smile on his face.

"My disciple, because the sea is very vast, there will naturally be all kinds of garbage scum. Our Marine is here to clean up the garbage on the sea, to protect the safety of the people!"

The man's name was Z, the legend of the Headquarters, the well-deserved hero, the former Admiral, the mentor of the heroes, one of the greatest men in the Headquarters, and now he was the commander of this newly formed pirate guerillateam.

"Teacher Z!!"

The two quickly turned around and greeted their most respected teacher.

"Found a pirate ship!!"

"Found a pirate ship ahead!!"

A shrill alarm sounded, announcing that the battle was about to start.


Z laughed, "This is the first battle of our pirate guerillas."

Not far from the fleet, a small pirate ship was slowly floating on the surface of the sea. It looked very leisurely.

In this way, without any preparation, the pirate Vlad and Z met.