
"They're coming?"

The voice was a bit surprised, "This group of pirates are really bold, they actually dare to attack the navy fleet? With such a small ship?"

The man's voice sounded particularly surprised, as if he was amazed at why an ant dared to charge at an elephant. This was no wonder, a small pirate ship actually dared to attack the navy fleet led by a former Admiral. It was really amazing.

If the ship was a Yonko, it would be easy. Even if there was only a small ship, with the strength of the Yonko and the senior cadres, it was not difficult to defeat the navy fleet on his side. After all, these people were really a burden to Teacher Z.

But that's not it. On the pirate ship that is rushing over, there is an unfamiliar pirate flag. It is not famous at all. It seems that it is just a small sea group that has just gone out to sea. Is such a newborn calf not afraid of the tiger?

"Binz, I have already said, do not look down on anyone in the sea, especially your opponent!" The man's low voice sounded. The man with a huge mechanical arm on his right arm stood at the bow of the ship, with a kind of deep and lofty temperament.

"The other side dares to launch a charge at us, naturally has something to rely on!"

Z took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to his disciple.

"This is?"

The ninja looked at the pattern on the paper and was surprised.

"Not long ago, a group of pirates went out of the Sabaody Archipelago and easily defeated Jack. It looks like these guys!"

Z looked at the approaching Skeleton Dragon with sharp teeth, sharp horns, and a pair of wings on its back and said, "What a bold group of pirates. They dare to let the rear admiral witness their departure!"

"But Teacher Z,"

The woman standing on the side said. "However, their journey is destined to end here!"

"Yes, all the pirates should not exist in the sea!"

The man who was known as 'Don't Kill 'had an astonishing hostility at the moment. His tragic experience had gradually changed the man. "Let these pirates stay here!"




The artillery shells were like rain, continuously flying towards the small ships. From time to time, water columns would splash around the hull of the ships. Those with poor mental quality could be directly scared to death.

Of course, such dense barrage of bullets naturally did not have a strange situation where they could not hit a single one. The marine gunners were different from the wild methods of the pirates. They were all professionally trained, and the technology of artillery was very reliable.

"Dance of Death!"




Her strong and slender body leaped into the air. Her two slender arms had already turned into two buzzing electric saws. They formed a beautiful arc and easily cut apart all the shells that were coming towards the ship.

Vlad had always felt that it was a cool thing to cut shells with a knife. Unfortunately, he did not know swordsmanship. The principle that he had always followed was that a pure man had to punch at the flesh, so he could not do such a thing. Moreover, there were no swordsmen on the ship now, so he could only ask the maid to be a guest. He could also test the progress of the maid.

It turned out that Vlad's long training was effective. The maid's physical strength had changed dramatically since the beginning. She could easily cut all the shells flying over without missing anything. Of course, she had the help of the Kenbunshoku Haki. Although the Busoshoku was weak, the maid unexpectedly had a smooth cultivation.


Vlad stood at the bow of the ship and laughed, "Just like this,

Charge! Charge! "

"Hey, you should at least put in some effort, right? You bastard captain!"

The only person who dared to speak to Vlad in such a manner was naturally the maid. Now, the chef was in the driver's seat controlling the rudder. Vlad stood at the bow of the ship in a daze. She was the only one who had been resisting the attacks from the other side. Although the intensity was not high, it was still very depressing, alright? She was a girl. Did two men go to rest instead?

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Come on, maid, this is a test for you!"

Vlad didn't look embarrassed at all. He just laughed and looked at the ship that was getting more and more excited. The purple-haired man on the ship.



Z on the warship was enlightened. He felt a burning gaze on him. As a strong man who used to be a general, Z didn't have any shortcomings. Although he was famous for his Busoshoku Haki, his Kenbunshoku Haki was not weak. He could easily feel someone on the opposite ship looking at him.

"Are you coming for me?"

The purple-haired man said.

"Very good, this pirate has some courage, but he is still too young!"

The former Admiral said.


Z's line of sight focused and a figure on the opposite side of the ship flew directly into the sky.


"The enemy is coming!"

"Get ready to fight!"

Z didn't need to remind them. The Marines on the warship didn't panic at all. A level one order was passed down. The long sword was unsheathed and the gun was loaded. The battle was imminent!

"He has wings on his back! He is flying over!"

"It is the ability!"

"Get ready to shoot! Beat him down!"

Z was very satisfied with the reaction of his subordinates. He didn't panic at all. In the face of the enemy, he was calm. One must know that this was the first real battle of the pirate guerillas. He was already very satisfied.

Z was satisfied but it didn't mean that Vlad was also satisfied. His vision and smell had long been exposed. He felt that the Marines below wanted to use guns to beat him down. Did these guys treat him as a bird?

"Be quiet! Idiots!"

The huge sound exploded in the sky. Along with the loud sound, there was also a terrifying momentum. It was an extremely shocking momentum. The invisible waves began to spread with Vlad in the sky. In the blink of an eye, it covered the warship below.




Visible to the naked eye, the Marines on the warship lost consciousness one by one and fell down in an instant. Even those who didn't lose consciousness fell to the ground, their faces were in chaos.

"Damn it! Haoushoku?"

Z stared at Vlad in the sky, he thought in his heart: "I didn't expect that there would be an amazing guy!"



Vlad only felt his vision go black, and a tall figure had already appeared in front of him.

"What did you do to my subordinates? Kid!"

A huge mechanical arm wrapped in pitch black Haki force smashed towards Vlad.


Vlad's sense of observation was fully activated, he had already seen Z's movements, and he was not surprised. The muscles in his right hand were raised high, and he punched back without showing any weakness.


The shockwave spread out and formed a huge wave. The surface of the sea below was covered in waves.

Vlad was sent flying by a punch. The wings on his back flapped and he stabilized his body. There was a look of lingering fear on his face. "I almost forgot that there is a sea stone on it! I can't stand it without Haki."

Vlad suffered a loss. Z's mechanical arm was made of sea stone. Just a moment ago, his body went soft and he almost turned back into human form.

Zephyr didn't have any leverage in the air and fell back on the warship with a cautious expression on his face. "Strength is not weak!"

"Mr. Z, I have wanted to see you a long time ago!"

Vlad gently landed on the warship, ignoring Ain and Binz who were on guard. He said, "A long time ago I wanted to see what you looked like!"

"Hahaha! It's ridiculous, boy, do pirates actually want to see me as a navy?"

Z's tone was not polite.

"Of course, I wasn't born a pirate. Well, it seems wrong? But forget it,"

Vlad said. "I have wanted to see you for a long time. From a very young age, someone has been telling me your story. Tell me what kind of man you are and what kind of great man you are. Of course I am curious. Isn't that strange?"


Z's expression suddenly became serious. Looking at Vlad who had returned to his human form, he was a little surprised. "What do you mean?"

"So, Mr. Z, my name is Vlad."

Vlad said: "Ferdinand Vlad!"

"So, you understand?"


Z's expression was a little dazed for a moment: "Ferdinand?"

"Boy, are you Snowden's son?"