The Name Of Fire Dragon Resounds Through The Sea (3)

"Sir Tesoro?"

Baccarat stood respectfully behind Tesoro. She looked at the delighted expression on his face. She was a little puzzled. Tesoro had always kept his emotions hidden. It was rare to see such a happy expression on his face.


Tesoro gently picked up a book and pressed down on the wanted poster. He turned around and smiled. "What do you think of Vlad?"


Baccarat was a little confused. Why did he suddenly mention this person? She did not have a good impression of Vlad. She had not forgotten the fire raging in Gran Tesoro that night. The destruction of the man on this ship was still vivid in her mind. Although she did not know what kind of shady deal he had with Tesoro, this could not reverse his bad impression of Vlad.

"He must be very powerful!"

"In terms of strength, he is indeed a very powerful fellow. Although I have not seen it before, there is no doubt that Vlad is indeed a very powerful fellow."

"It's rare to see a man who can fight to that extent with Lord Tesoro!"

Baccarat had a feeling of lingering fear. The powerlessness she felt when facing that man that night once again emerged in her heart. He really was a very strong man.

"Yes, in terms of strength alone, Vlad is already amazing enough!"

Tesoro walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the bustling lights in the distance. He sighed, "He really is a very strong guy, Vlad."

Baccarat didn't say anything.

"He really is a very powerful guy, not just in terms of strength!"

Tesoro smiled. He really thought that Vlad was a very amazing guy, not just in the present, but in the future. Right now was just a small beginning, and what was truly amazing was waiting for the future.

"It's true, Vlad. You're making me believe in you step by step!"

"Don't make me wait too long, Vlad. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait to see the future you're describing come true!"

"How long do you want me to wait? You brat!"


"The fire dragon Vlad?"

"Is it the fire dragon fruit of the Zoan type?"

"Boss, it's a great fruit!"

The big and rough man held a wanted poster in his hand that was extremely narrow for his hand and said excitedly.

"Mythical beast? It's really rare!"

The man was as tall as a small mountain, his body was full of big muscle lumps. Kaido poured wine into his mouth and said: "This kid really got great power!"


Kaido suddenly laughed: "What a pity, hahaha, why, why is such a great fruit not here with me? Originally, I wanted to build an army of animals. Isn't it a pity that I don't have this fruit ability?"

"Hahahaha! What a pity!"

The vigorous laughter and slightly depressed words were completely different. It seemed to be an extremely pleasant thing.

"Boss, don't worry, I will go and catch this kid immediately!"

The tall man patted his chest and said.


It was unknown when the giant mace appeared in Kaido's hand, but it directly knocked away the man who stood up and promised to catch Vlad.


It was like a howitzer was fired. The man who was sent flying directly smashed into a mountain in the distance. There was a constant rumble and the mountain actually collapsed. The beast Kaido was worthy of his immortal body and terrifying wrist strength.

"Bastard, what nonsense are you saying!"

Kaido roared: "This kid, this fire dragon kid, is my prey!"

"Lord Kin!"

The pirates screamed in fear as they ran to the collapsed hill.


The tall man scratched his head and came out of the ruins. His head was slightly bleeding, but his expression was still doubtful. "Did I get hit just now?"

The man said.

"It's all right!"

The subordinate screamed in unison.

"Oh, so he was really beaten!"

The man scratched his head and confirmed.


"Really amazing!"

A man with white hair was sitting in front of the bar with a glass of wine in his hand. He looked a little surprised. In front of him, there were several bounties. On the top one, the man with the arrogant smile looked familiar.

"Have you made a name for yourself in the sea so quickly?"

Rayleigh poured a mouthful of wine into his mouth and said with a smile, "Young people nowadays are really scary. It makes us old seniors feel ashamed."

"Fire Dragon Vlad."

Shakky held a cigarette in her mouth and casually picked up Vlad's bounty. Her tone was a little surprised, "Is this really the first bounty? What did this kid do?"

"Rayleigh, I kind of understand why you think so highly of this little brother!"


Rayleigh laughed. "No, Shakky, you are wrong. I am not optimistic about this little guy. I am optimistic about this era!"

"... "

Shakky looked at the man with a red face and did not speak.

"Hahahaha, Shakky, I am now really sure that the era that Roger was looking forward to is coming!"

The man who was known as the Dark King said, "The times have changed!"


"Wahahaha, that's great."

Vlad looked at the bounty and laughed, "That's great. This is the famous sea!"

"Captain, this is, is this a wanted poster?"

The chef walked out of the cabin with a stack of desserts and saw the wanted poster in Vlad's hand.

"That's right, a wanted poster!"

Vlad took out a piece and handed it to the chef. "Come and take a look. You are also wanted!"

"Is that so?"

The chef didn't mind. As a pirate, it was unavoidable for him to make a name for himself. Most of the time, for pirates, the bounty was the capital for them to brag about.

"Oh, the bounty is really amazing!"

The chef saw the bounty under his photo and was a little shocked.

"How is it? How do you feel? Chef? Now you are also a pirate with a bounty of 399 million Berry!"

Vlad laughed.

"What? Chef's bounty is 399 million? Why do I only have 180 million Bailey?"

The maid heard Vlad's words and came over with a very unhappy expression on her face.


Vlad laughed, "Maid, this means that you are not strong enough. The Marines think that your threat is not enough!"

"Damn it!"

The maid looked at the chef with resentment. For her, only half of the reward was a shameful thing.

"By the way, captain, since we have been rewarded, you must be the same, right?"

The chef handed the dessert to the impatient Vlad and asked.

Vlad, who was busy sending dessert to his mouth, casually handed over a piece of paper and did not pay much attention to it.

"Well, fire dragon Vlad."

The chef got Vlad's arrest warrant, and his tone gradually became higher: "Ferdinand Vlad, life or death, a reward is offered, and the reward is—"

"Seven hundred and fifty million Berry!!!!"