
This was really a very eye-catching island. From far away, one could see its high spire. It was a huge fountain. A huge amount of water gushed out from it and flowed through the complex water channels all over the Seven Water Capital. The main transportation for people living here was to rely on these water channels. They would raise a creature called the bull fish as a means of transportation and run through the water channels in the Water Capital.

"Wow, what a beautiful city!"

The maid exclaimed. In fact, it was rare for people who came to this island for the first time to not be amazed by its beauty. Baby-5 was naturally no exception.

"Is this Seven Water Capital?"

The chef's expression was filled with admiration. "Although I've read it many times in the book, this is the first time I've truly seen it in front of me. It really is a great city!"

"Yes, it is indeed a great city!"

Vlad knew that this city had existed for far longer than the imagination of ordinary people. As early as eight hundred years ago, this place had already become a world-famous shipbuilding holy land. This was indeed a long history.

What was even more interesting was that eight hundred years ago, a ship was created here by the shipbuilders at that time. It was indeed not a simple ship. Its prestige would make people who knew about it feel horrified even now. The name of the ship was no longer clear, but people who knew later called it Hades. It was one of the three legendary ancient weapons, a terrifying warship that could sink an island with one shot.

This was really a very interesting thing. The boatmen who lived here all loved peace. Whether it was the navy or the pirates, whether it was nobles or civilians, if they needed a ship, they would help. But it was this kind of place that made the legendary super evil warship. Was it a kind of irony?

"Captain, are we going to drive directly in?"

The chef asked. Their boat was gradually approaching the Seven Water Capital. It was time to consider where to stop the ship.

"Drive in? How is that possible?"

Vlad smiled. "Chef, don't forget. Although we only have three people, each one of us is a wanted criminal with a shocking bounty. If our flag is seen by others, it will be difficult."

"Then what should we do?"

The chef had a headache. Indeed, although the Seven Waters Capital did not care whether you were a pirate or not, the bounty of the three of them in this paradise was a little too scary, especially the captain. The bounty of more than seven hundred million was not a small number even in the new world. Once recognized, it would probably alarm the navy soon.

"Let's circle the ship to the back of the island. I remember there is a bay there. Let's stop there!"

Vlad still remembered that the straw hat group was parked there. It was a secluded good place.


The chef had no objection to his captain's idea. He had never been to the Seven Water Capital, so he naturally did not know the situation here. Although he did not know why the captain clearly did not understand the Seven Water Capital, he was very familiar with some small details.


"Hu -"

Vlad stretched his body, and all the bones in his body made a "crack" sound. "I feel like I have not been down-to-earth for a long time!"

"It's really a long-lost feeling. It's really uncomfortable to keep floating on the sea!"

Vlad stood on the bare rock, unable to hide the excitement on his face. It had indeed been a long time since he had been on the island. He had almost forgotten what it felt like to step on the soil and rock.

"Captain, what should we do next?"

The chef asked softly.

"Next? Let's go find a hotel first. Have a good rest. We will find someone to build a ship tomorrow!"

Vlad looked at the majestic city not far away.

He opened his mouth and said, "As for the rest of the time, it's up to you. You can go sightseeing or buy anything!"


The maid was the first to react. For girls, shopping and sightseeing were always irresistible temptations.

"Of course it's true,"

Vlad smiled. "I also have something I want to do! It's very important! Let's take a break today. If you have anything you want to do, you can do it. Chef, you are the same."

"Well, I also heard that there is a very delicious seasoning in the Seven Water Capital. I wonder if it is true?"

The chef said.

"Of course it is true!"

Vlad did not say this. It was better to let the chef find it himself. Finding it was a pleasure.

"Then, let's go find a hotel first, and then we can move freely!"

Vlad raised a finger: "Remember, there is only one thing you must remember, friends."


The chef nodded his head in understanding. He already understood the thoughts of Vlad.

"What do you understand? Why don't I understand?"

The maid said with dissatisfaction.

"Since you don't understand, then remember it well. Miss Maid, there is only one thing I want you to remember. Don't expose your identity."

Vlad said seriously, "I think you are also very clear about your identity now, right?"


The maid nodded. She was a woman with a bounty of nearly 200 million on her back.

"Don't mind it. This island has a guy hidden in the government."

Vlad solemnly warned, "Don't let your guard down."

"Someone from the government?"

The chef was shocked. "CP?"

"That's right,"

Vlad said softly, "These guys are hiding on this island."

"So, don't expose your identity. If they discover your tracks, I'm afraid that the general will come soon. If you are exposed, please remember,"

Vlad's mouth split open, and his tone was a little low. "Get rid of all the witnesses!"

The chef could not help but shiver.


Vlad laughed out loud. "I'm just joking, I'm just joking. As long as you pay attention, there won't be any problems. I know very well where those CP fellows are!"

"If you don't know how to joke, then don't say it, okay?"

The maid's reaction was especially intense.


"Let's go, the small ones, Fire Dragon Pirates, have landed in Seven Water City!"

"Captain, what about this ship?"

The chef asked. Since they had already decided to look for a new ship, there was no point in keeping this ship.

"How should we deal with it? There is nothing important on it, right?"

Vlad turned around and asked.

The chef pointed at the huge package beside him and shook his head. "The important things have all been moved down. Only some clothes and food are left on it."

"That's good!"

Vlad flicked his finger, and a white-gold flame shot out, instantly hitting the small ship. The pirate ship carrying Vlad and the others from the Sabaody Archipelago to the Seven Water Capital quickly disappeared into the flames.

"Alright, little ones, the adventure of the Seven Water Capital has begun!"