3 VS 3

The features of the three people were extremely distinct. The one in the lead had a white pigeon standing on his shoulder. He had a cold expression, and the one behind him wore a cap. His square long nose was especially eye-catching. Of course, the most eye-catching one was the third person. It was a beautiful uniformed beauty.

These three people were naturally not others. Only these few people were qualified to be the training partners of the current maids on this island. In the afternoon, Vlad's sudden idea was quickly put into practice by him. Since the maid wanted to improve in Haki, then the fierce battle was indispensable.

Moreover, sparring was not possible. Without the mind to fight with the will, it was not so easy to upgrade. So after seeing the few people in the CP9, Vlad naturally focused his attention on them.

Not to mention Kalifa, the two remaining were passable, especially Lucci. When he did not use the fruit ability, his strength had already reached 4000 points. After using the fruit ability, this value would probably double. He was really a very strong guy. Of course, this strength was relative to the first half.

Thinking about it carefully, Lucci was really suitable to be a sparring partner for Baby-5. He was not weak. At least, it was almost impossible for the maid to defeat him. However, he was not very strong either. He would not defeat the maid with an overwhelming advantage. He was really the best sparring partner.

"What exactly do you know?"

Lucci asked, his tone abnormally cold.


Vlad was still as mischievous as ever.

It's really easy to lure these CP's little mice over. You just need to whisper a word in their ears: Hello, CP flies, these guys seem to be smelling Like a dog that smells like shit, he will never let him go.

He didn't contact them before because he was afraid of being exposed, but it didn't matter now. The ship was almost completed and he could set sail when he got back. Then, there was no reason to be afraid of these guys.

"You won't tell me?"

Rob Lucci gently twisted his neck, making a creaking sound. His eyes were as cold as ice, and the coldness in his words was like that of an evil ghost running out of the Infernal Realm.

"Forget it, I will capture you and interrogate you. You will say everything!"


"Hey, that's more like it! Rob Lucci!"

Vlad laughed and said, "Only fighting is the best way to solve the problem! Only victory can bring about everything!"

"Isn't that very reasonable? As long as you can capture all of us, all the natural information can be obtained. It's just such a simple logic!"

"Then, Miss Maid,"

Vlad turned his head to look at the baby - 5 and smiled. "You can bring us victory!"


The maid was a little surprised. The king against the king, the general against the general was the law of the sea. The guy who raised the pigeon in front of him must be the leader of the other party.

"That's right, it's you,"

Vlad said, "The other party is very strong,"


Lucci was never a person who would wait for the other party to finish speaking before making a move. He was a special agent and not a warrior.

Compared to Vlad, some of the slender bodies disappeared instantly. The six forms of the Navy were all very practical skills. It was not a joke to be able to break through the limits of the human body and reach the realm of Superman.

But unfortunately.


Vlad casually stretched out his hand. In just an instant, a man appeared in his hand. It was the body of a man.

"Hey, kid, I haven't even finished speaking yet."

Vlad's tone was very bad. "What are you trying to do?"

The Rokushiki was indeed very strong.

But in fact, it was just a weakened version of the Haki. The current Robu Lucci could not fight back in front of Vlad. Vlad just reached out his hand and grabbed his throat.


Vlad threw Lucci away. He did not want to waste this man's combat power before the war.

"No, no, it can't be, right?"

The secretary, Kalifa, looked pale. "That's Lucci, the strongest Lucci in eight hundred years!"

"Hu ---"

"Looks like we'll have to fight to the death!" The long-nosed Kaku slowly let out a breath.

"You bastard!"

Of course, the one who was the most shocked was Rob Lucci himself.


Vlad ignored these few strange fellows. These fellows who had been training and occasionally going out to do missions on the Priest Island did not know the vastness of the world.

"Miss Maid, go on. For you, this man is super strong!"

"If you can't win, you can only die! We won't help!"

"Right? Chef?" Vlad said.

Dino smiled, "It's a bad thing to interfere with the battle of your companions."

"So, go, baby - 5. If you don't become stronger,"

It was the first time that Vlad had called Miss Maid by her name. Both Vlad and the maid looked a little uncomfortable. "Only death!"


The maid laughed, "Stupid captain, don't look down on me too much!"

"That's good,"

Vlad smiled and turned to look at the three of them, who had gloomy expressions. "Come on, Mr. Lucci. If you can get rid of this subordinate of mine, I can let you go."

"Hey, captain, aren't you looking down on me a little too much?"

The maid said.



The sharp slash hit the maid and sent her flying.

"The one who is looked down on is me!"

Rob Lucci's voice was very low, and it contained endless anger.


"This is the beginning!"

Vlad laughed out loud.

"Don't be too arrogant! A rude person who offends justice!"

Of course, Lucci did not listen to Vlad. He just wanted to tear this man to pieces.


The huge explosion immediately spread out. The place where Lucci was originally standing was already in ruins.

"Hey, bastard, you actually attacked me!"

The arm of the maid who was sent flying into the distance turned into a huge cannon. She had a cigarette in her mouth as she swaggered back.


Lucci was naturally unharmed. The moment the cannon descended, he had already run to the side through Soru. He looked at the woman who was between him and Vlad with an unfriendly gaze. "Are you trying to stop me?"


The maid said, "I just want to kill you or be killed by you!"

"Then you are courting death!"


Lucci's body instantly disappeared.

"I can see you, idiot!"


The maid roared. Her right hand had already turned into a huge electric saw.

The fierce battle that belonged to the maid had begun!


"Well, chef, which one do you choose?"

Vlad seemed to be a little troubled as he pointed at the remaining Kaku and Kalifa.

"Mr. Captain, as a gentleman, it is not good to attack girls!"

The chef said.

"Alright then! Although I feel like you are mocking me,"

Vlad turned his head and looked at him. "Then let me be a hero who destroys flowers!"

"A hero there!"

The chef complained.