Listen To Her Singing

There was a singing voice that filled the air. There was a singing voice that filled the entire island. It was the voice of an incomparably beautiful woman. It should have been the same beautiful song, but the problem now was that this woman's singing was completely different from her voice. It was unimaginably unpleasant to the ears of ordinary people, surpassing the limits of the human race.

"Is... is this a song?"

"It's so unpleasant! How could there be such a terrible song!"

"I can't believe it. Is this really Miss Serena's song?"

"This is her real song! What we heard before was just a fake song. It was the song of the young lady called Anna!"

"No wonder, no wonder she was looking for a fake song. Is this kind of song really something that humans can do?"

Not long after, in just a short period of time, the entire island was already boiling. Under the torture of this kind of music that could be said to be demonic and ear-splitting, no one could sit still. Even the indigenous people of Elegia who had been studying diligently unconsciously walked out of the room, their faces full of anger.

"What is Olaf doing? Is such a song worthy of singing in the Elegia theater?"

Some people were furious.

"Is this kind of song really a human song? How does it look like?"

Some people were curious and wanted to know why she could make such a sound. For humans, this was something worth investigating.

"Such a song -"

Some people fell into deep thought, and their faces showed a confused expression. "Although it's very unpleasant, what is this thing hidden in it?"


"It's the heart,"

Vlad sat, his eyes staring straight at the woman singing on the stage. Beside her was the maid who was enduring very hard, and Miss Anna, whose face was full of worry. However, everything could not shake the determination to sing by Sena. Now everything she had was placed on singing.

"It's the heart, right? Mr. Olaf, although it's very unpleasant, there is no doubt that Miss Serena's singing contains a full heart, right?"

Vlad said, "Although I am not a professional musician, I can still hear it. What is hidden in your daughter's song is the so-called heart, right?"

The man named Hadrick Olaf was lying on the ground with a huge fist print on his face. Vlad sat on his back, making him unable to move. This man who could call the wind and rain in the music field was beaten by Vlad without any strength to fight back. He was instantly subdued, but he really had no intention of yielding to Vlad.

This man was very strong. He was able to make such a big business in the first half of the world not only relying on the bear-like bodyguard. His own strength was also very strong. If he was placed in the headquarters as a Lieutenant General, it would be fine. But unfortunately, he met Vlad.

"Heart? Yes, yes, there is a full heart in Serena's singing, but so what?"

"What do you know?" The man who had exchanged blows with Vlad before, whose hand knife had been completely blocked by Vlad's domineering aura, was now full of vigor. So what if he had a heart? So what if most musicians could not integrate their own feelings into their own music? Rena's singing had already been decided!"

There were traces of tears in the corners of the man's eyes. "She, ah, has no talent for singing. Even if her heart is strong, so what? The so-called heart can only be used on beautiful music. Fool, so what if she has a strong heart?"

No one will be willing to listen! 

This voice was also spread out by the sound of the music and quickly transmitted to the entire island. Naturally, the nearby Sena also heard this voice. Although it was a strong personality, her eyes suddenly became a little dark.


The emotional man was kicked away by Vlad and flew into the audience.

"You bastard!"

Olaf struggled to get up, his eyes looking like they were about to spit fire.

"It's so noisy! Bastard!"

Vlad said, "I don't care what the others think! I don't care if the others like it or not. As long as I like it, that's enough, okay?"

"I'm warning you, Mr. Olaf. I promised Serena. As long as she is willing to sing on stage, I will punish all those who have the guts to say that her singing is unpleasant!"

"You -"

Olaf was speechless.

The song gradually rose, and a warm smile appeared on the arrogant face of the woman called Sena.

"Listen up, president,"

Vlad raised his voice, "This song is not just for me to listen to, bastard. Although I was unhappy that I promised to sing a song for me, I have to share it with you now. But, Mr. Olaf, this song is for you, you bastard!"

"Listen to me! Listen to me carefully, bastard!"

Vlad was like a hooligan, his expression extremely twisted. "After listening to me, write ten thousand words for me!"

"Listen to her singing!"

""... "

Without answering Vlad, the man named Hadrick Olaf finally began to seriously listen to this song for the first time. This song was sung by his most precious daughter.


"Is it over in there?"

The chef noticed that the sound of battle in the theater behind him could no longer be heard. He knew that his captain had already ended the battle. It was no wonder. Although that Olaf was also a person who had fought in the new world, he had not fought for many years. How could he possibly fight with his captain for a long time?

"It's true,"

"Mr. Bear, why are you still unwilling to fall?" the chef said helplessly.

The big bear, which was a little charred, was still standing in front of him. It was not seriously injured. "What nonsense are you saying? I will never fall before I defeat you!"

"Then there is no other way,"

The chef said. "I can only go all out! Really, I'm just a chef. Why do I have to do so many things?"

"Just come at me!"

The big bear took a step like a small mountain moving. The huge bear paw was wrapped in a dark domineering aura, bringing with it a whistling wind as it directly slapped towards the chef.


The chef jumped slightly. Although the difference in size was very big and the difference in strength was also not small, if it was compared to spirit activity, the chef would definitely be above this big bear.

The kitchen knife in the chef's hand was not some kind of expensive item. It was only a convenience item that could be bought in the store. When such a knife was stabbed into the big bear's body, it would undoubtedly only be able to scratch an itch. It was completely unable to do anything to his thick fur. However, if it was wrapped in a domineering aura, it would be different.



The chef in the chef's hand became dark and straight down. He directly stabbed at the joint on the big bear's shoulder. As a chef, he had an incomparable understanding of the joints of animals like bears. With this slash, one of the bear's hands would immediately lose its ability to move.

"What are you thinking about? How can it be so easy"

The big bear roared, and its huge head directly crashed into the chef in the air.


"Hard butter - oil wall!"