Love Song

The music in the theater easily covered the entire island through the passing of the music, and the sound of Olaf's piano also spread throughout the entire island.

It was incomparably beautiful, and it was truly an incomparably wonderful piano sound. In terms of the level of the piano, there was probably only Serena on the entire island that could compare to him. This was even under the premise that this man had not touched any musical instruments for decades. It could be imagined just how high this man's attainments in music had reached.

However, at this moment, no one noticed such a wonderful piano sound. Because, what was even more worthy of their attention was the sound of the song. Although it was not pleasant to listen to, it was a song that made people unable to move their ears away.

They had not felt it before, but when Olaf's piano sound appeared, everyone noticed the abnormality in the song. It was a strong emotion that even the most uneducated person would be moved to tears.

It's really incredible that even Olaf's beautiful piano voice can't suppress Serena's ugly singing voice.

On the contrary, Olaf's piano voice further enhanced Serena's singing voice, integrated the annoying and unbearable horror voice in her singing voice, and made the fiery emotion contained behind the ugly singing voice further stand out.

That is really an emotion that makes people cry without even realizing it. Even a thug who hates music can't help but feel excited when he hears such singing, just because what this song contains is absolutely impossible to ignore.

"It's really unpleasant!"

A man named Olaf was sitting in front of the piano with tears streaming down his face. His face was messed up with tears and snot, and there was a smile on his face, "Really, Kana, you would never have thought of it, right? Our daughter singing sounds so ugly,"

"It's not like you at all. There's no such wonderful singing as yours at all!"

"But, but Kana,"

"This singing voice is exactly the same as yours!"


"I'm sorry, Olaf. I'm afraid my journey will end here!"

The beautiful woman lay on the bed and smiled. On her pale face was the most beautiful smile in the world. Even though she was incomparably weak, it did not diminish the beauty of this woman.

"You are here, you are here. What nonsense are you saying?"

The face of the man named Olaf might be the most reluctant smile in the world. His hand tightly held his lover's hand and said, "What are you talking about, Kana? Don't be silly!"

"Isn't our journey just beginning?"


"Cough, cough, cough -"

The woman named Kana laughed and then coughed violently. "Are you afraid?" Olaf, are you afraid of the future without me? You are still as timid as before! "

"Ah, yes,"

The man said. Even in the face of the storm in the new world, the man said this. His face was full of fear. "I really can't imagine what the future will be without you."

"Kana, don't leave me,"

"What can I do without you?" Olaf asked in a hesitant tone.

"Serena is still so young. She can't lose her mother!"

The woman turned her head slightly and saw the little girl in the baby bed.


The cute little girl was not sad because of the conversation between her parents. After all, she was still too young and she was still smiling.

"Yes, Serena is still so young."

There were tears in Kana's eyes. She did not want to die. After all, she was only in her twenties and the most beautiful age in her life. However, she still smiled. "Yes, Olaf. Serena is still so young."

"So I'll have to depend on you next!"


Olaf was extremely agitated.

"I'm really sorry!"

This woman said: "Since a long time ago, I have been causing you trouble because of my selfishness. It is the same for you who don't like music to learn music, it is the same for you to play with me, and it is the same for you to give up the performance at the Theater. I asked you to go to sea with me, I asked you to marry me, and now, I want you to take care of our children alone,"

"I'm really sorry!"


"Don't be silly, Kana. Who do you think you are? Can you control me?" he said.

"It's me. I always wanted to be with you, so I tried my best to learn music, so I wanted to perform with you no matter what. So I went out to sea with you. It doesn't matter what the performance is. Kana, don't get it wrong. I, Hadrick Olaf, as long as you are there, everything is fine!"

"And Serena!"

The woman laughed.

"Yes, there is also Serena."

Olaf smiled. "As long as you are there, it is enough!"

"My youth is the youth with Kana. What is the meaning of my life without you?"


Kana did not speak. She just smiled. Her face was the most brilliant smile in the world.

"Hey, Olaf, tell me,"

Kana gently closed her eyes and said, "What song should we play if we perform in the theater?"

"Whatever you want!"

Olaf lowered his head and gently pressed his face against the woman's naturally smiling face. "I just need to cooperate with you, just like how it has always been."

"Then, To Olaf, how about that?"

The woman's voice gradually lost its strength.

"Very good, super awesome."

The man's voice was low and deep like never before.

"I also think that I really want everyone to come."

The woman's voice gradually became inaudible, "Come and listen to our story -"

"Mhm --"

Tears gradually poured out, and the man lost all of his strength.

"Yes, yes!"

"Olav, I'm really happy that I can meet you,"

"I really do..."


Tears, like rain, directly wet the man's collar. No one could have thought that this overbearing president would have such an emotional time.

He was not the only one who was crying, the three women on the stage, whether it was Serena or Anna, and of course the maid, all of them seemed to have their tear ducts exploded, unable to stop their tears at all.

"Why why!"

The maid squatted beside Vlad and wailed, "Why do I feel so sad? I always feel that this song is very sweet!"

"Stupid woman,"

Vlad smiled, "It is only after experiencing the best times in the world that you can truly taste the most extreme sorrow in the world! This is the so-called feelings."

The song gradually stopped, and the piano sound also stopped.

Silence, an unprecedented silence. The entire theater was silent. No one spoke. Even Big Bear Dirac, who was brought in by the chef like kicking a football, did not say a word.

"Since you know this song, then the other song is no exception, right?"

The man named Olaf said.


Serena nodded gently. Even though she had a strong personality, she did not show any signs of anger.

"That's good,"

The man said. "Then let's continue. Let's see if your mother can hear this song. This song was originally written for her, but she has never heard it before!"


Serena wiped his tears and nodded.

"Wait, Olaf!"

Someone said. It was the old man.


Olaf said in a deep voice, "I don't care what you want to do later, but shut up now."


The old man's face was also filled with tears, "I mean, at least, leave the accompaniment to us, Kana, she.."

"Rather than accompaniment, she would like this song you wrote to propose to her more if you sang it yourself!"

"Isn't that the agreement?"

A middle-aged man stood up and said with a smile, "Didn't we agree at that time?"

"You sing and we will accompany you."

A woman stood up and smiled. "And then use a song to make Kana agree to marry you. Didn't we agree at that time?"

"You don't want to go back on your word, do you?"

Someone asked.

"You -"

Olaf looked at his old friends in a daze.

"I still remember all of them!"

"What nonsense are you saying? Every line of lyrics and every note is clearly remembered."

The old man smiled. "Isn't that song the work of all of us?"

"Isn't it our blessing to you?"

"You, you guys -"

Olaf stood up and walked to the center of the stage. Tears were still flowing on his face, but the corners of his mouth were indeed smiling. "Do you remember how to play?"

"Of course. Although it has been more than ten years,"

The most outstanding musicians on these islands, the best first-class musicians on the sea, smiled. "But this song is the only one that I will never forget!"


The somewhat stunned Serena was pulled off the stage by Vlad. He smiled and said, "Now listen carefully."

"This is the love song your father wrote to your mother!"

Olaf stood in the middle of the stage. Behind him were his old friends. All of them had indescribable smiles on their faces. Although they were no longer young, they were still full of confidence.

The music rang out. Dozens of musicians present began their performance. There was no doubt that this was the world's top level of music. The intense emotions contained in it were on the verge of bursting out. How shocking was that!

"This is how it should be!"

Vlad thought.

Next is the singing voice, which is not inferior to Serena's singing voice, so it seems that Serena and Olaf are indeed a real father-daughter relationship, with an ancestral broken voice.


Vlad touched his face in surprise. There were traces of wetness on his hands. He actually cried unconsciously. "This is amazing!"

Vlad was crying, but Olaf on the stage was smiling. His face was the most brilliant smile.

"Can you hear me? Kana?"

"You can hear it, right? This song, this one I wanted to sing for you a long time ago, but I didn't use it later on."

"You can hear it very clearly. Although it's very unpleasant, I think you will like it very much, because if I give it to you, you will like it, just like how I like everything about you."

"Listen well, I always wanted to sing it to you, this -"

"(dedicated to Kana)!"