Dragon Roar Cannon

"The reason is very simple!"

Vlad said, "I'm not interested in him! So of course I can't let him board the ship."


The chef was stunned.

"Hey, give up, chef."

The maid laughed. "Didn't you already know? The captain is a reckless guy who only knows how to do what he wants to do!"


"Captain will always act according to his own preferences." The chef sincerely agreed with the maid.

"Mr. Captain,"

Miss Serena approached Vlad with the most obvious emotion in her eyes. "You are so cool!"

"Right? Cool, right?"

"All men who carry out their own will are super cool, right?" Vlad laughed loudly.


Serena nodded her head like a chick pecking rice. She seemed to agree with Vlad's words. "So cool!"


Vlad hugged his new companion and looked very happy. No matter who it was, being praised would make people feel happy, let alone being praised by such a beautiful woman.

"Yo, ho, ho, ho!"

Vlad sang. He liked this song very much since his last life, and it was no exception in this life. The name of this song was , a very wonderful music.

"Gather Up All of the Crew,. It's Time to Ship out Bink's Brew!!!"

Serena, who was shoulder to shoulder with Vlad, couldn't help but start singing along with Vlad's song.


Vlad's reaction speed was astonishing. He had already covered Serena's mouth in an instant, stopping the large-scale sound wave weapons from spreading on the ship.

"Alright, alright! I was wrong, I was wrong,"

Vlad's forehead was covered in cold sweat. An incomparable feeling of regret enveloped his heart. "I shouldn't have sung!"

"I'm sorry,"

Serena, who was released by Vlad, apologized in embarrassment, "I just couldn't help myself."

"Nothing, little girl. It's nothing,"

Vlad said, "Singing is not a big problem. The only problem is, don't come so suddenly. At least let us be prepared!"

The chef and maid next to him nodded in agreement. Although they had already made Serena a member of this ship, and although they were already companions who had lived and died together, they were already prepared to listen to Serena's singing, but it was really unbearable for them to suddenly hear it.

"Huh? Who the hell are you talking about?"

The woman who was hanging from the corner of her eyes suddenly pushed away Vlad's hand that was holding her, and her expression was extremely unruly. "You are really stubborn!"


"Oh, it's you? Miss Violent! It's been a long time since we last met!" Vlad said in surprise.

"Don't change the subject. You were the one who said that my singing was unpleasant, weren't you?"

Serena wasn't someone easy to fool.

"Alright, alright. I've let you down this time!"

It was rare for Vlad to give in. This time, it was indeed his fault. Since Serena was already his recognized partner, admitting her singing should be his responsibility as well.

Vlad reached out to touch Serena's head and said softly, "I shouldn't have stopped you from singing!"


"Stop touching me!" Serena slapped Vlad's hand away.


Vlad, who failed to touch her head, was dejected.

Why can other time-travelers conquer the vast harem just by grilling meat and touching heads, while there are only two hard-to-get-together girls on my ship?

"Then, captain, can we really find a good boatsman according to the route you mentioned?"

The chef spoke softly, allowing Vlad to break away from the disdain he had for Serena.

"Of course,"

"He must be a very strong guy!" Vlad said.

"Very strong?"

"A very strong boatsman?" the chef asked in surprise.


Vlad confirmed, "Although the skill to build ships also has to be considered, there is no doubt that the strength is still very important!"


The chef was a little confused, "Can this also be considered a ship worker?"

"It's okay. He made an amazing ship."

Vlad was a little distressed. "But his personality is not good. It's a little hard to deal with!"

"Hey, hey, hey, captain. It's not easy to deal with us. Let's talk about it later. Now we are in trouble!"

The maid said in a playful tone with a telescope in her hand.


"What's wrong?" Vlad asked curiously.


The maid put down the telescope and smiled. "We found three navy warships in front of our route!"


Vlad laughed. "It can't be? In just one day, the Marine actually came to find us? Or is it just a coincidence? This is really -"

"Just in time!"

"I wanted to give it a try!"

"I didn't expect these Marines to come so coincidentally!" Vlad said excitedly.

"Captain, are we going to welcome them?"

The chef said.

"Of course!"

"These guys are not enough to make us turn around!" Vlad said with an excited smile.

"Maid, take a good look at the rudder. Let's go straight up!"

"Okay, captain ---"

The maid dragged her voice and slowly walked into the cabin.

"Chef, go and replenish your energy!"

Vlad smiled. "I want to try that thing!"


The chef had no choice but to act as his energy source again.

"That thing?"

Even though Serena had a strong personality, she still maintained her curious nature. She was worthy of the nickname that Vlad had given her.

"What thing?"


Vlad chuckled and did not answer. He quickly walked into the cabin. Serena, who was at the back, followed his footsteps. She was really curious, what exactly was that so-called 'that thing'?

Vlad entered the cabin and went straight down the stairs. He turned left and right and soon entered a room. It was a very special room. It was dark and nothing could be seen.

Vlad pressed lightly somewhere and the room lit up instantly. Miss Serena, who followed behind him, finally saw what was inside.

In the empty room, the only thing that was left was a cylindrical object that extended down from the top of the room. It gradually shrank until it was finally something that looked like a handle. In front of the handle was a seat. It looked like it should be for someone to sit on.

However, what exactly was this thing?

"What is this?"

Serena was very surprised.

"This thing!"

Vlad's eyes were shining.

"I call it --"

"Dragon Roar Cannon ! !"