Magic Valley Town

"Please forgive me!"

Vlad's words were casual and did not have the slightest hint of truth. His perfunctory words were simply beyond words. For the people he apologized to, it was a serious insult. However, the people who accepted his apology at this moment did not dare to be angry at all.

"It doesn't matter, my lord."

The woman stood up and stood aside with her eyebrows lowered. Her tone was full of piety?

"It was my captain who caused trouble. It has nothing to do with you, my lord!"


"You are quite interesting!" Vlad said with some interest.


The woman did not say anything else.


Vlad seemed to suddenly remember something and said softly, "We are going to the island. Can you help us look after the boat?"

"Yes, of course,"

"Please leave it to us, my lord!" the woman said.

"Then please!"

Vlad left with his subordinates, without any worries, as if he really believed these pirates who just had a conflict with him.


"What are you doing?"

Vlad had just left when the burly man roared at the enchanting woman, "You actually lowered your head to the man who attacked the captain just now?"

"Ah -"

The woman's expression was extremely disdainful, "Then why didn't you take revenge for the captain just now?"

"That -"

The man was speechless for a moment, completely speechless. Did he have to say that he could not move at all because he was afraid, so let alone avenge the captain, he almost peed his pants?

How could he say such words?

"You are afraid,"

The woman said, "Just like how I'm afraid!"

"Who... who is afraid!"

The man said forcefully.

"I used to think that the captain was invincible, and he could easily deal with all the enemies, but -"

The woman did not say anything else, but the man naturally knew what she wanted to say. If such a powerful captain was defeated by the other party in one move, then wouldn't it be natural for the captain himself to be afraid of such an opponent?

"Wouldn't it be natural to be afraid?"

The woman looked at the big ship that had triggered the captain's tragedy. The pirate flag hanging on the mast was fluttering in the wind, and the ferocious dragon skull looked extremely extraordinary. "How can we deal with such an opponent?"

"But at least the captain is fine,"

"We are fine too!" the woman said.


"Captain, aren't you going overboard?"

The musician asked. She was not a ruthless person.

"Excessive? Really?"

Vlad asked blankly. In his opinion, this kind of thing was only natural.

"How could it be excessive?"

The chef smiled. "Isn't this a matter of course? The captain didn't do anything wrong!"


The maid snorted twice but did not say anything.


Miss Serena was very curious.

"It's very simple, curious musician lady,"

Vlad said, "I don't care about them. These guys are really insignificant. I don't have the extra strength to deal with them."

"I won't be unhappy because of their rudeness, and I won't be angry because of their offense. It's meaningless. These guys are destined to have nothing to do with us! Their boldness has already determined that they are just some fellows who are just so-so."

"I don't have the extra strength to argue with them."

"Then, why?"

Serena seemed to have a slight understanding.

"It's very simple, Miss Curious. It's a very simple reason."

Although Vlad was smiling, his expression was extremely sincere. "Although I don't care about them, even if they offend me, I will only feel that it doesn't matter because it is not worth paying attention to. However, there is only one thing that I don't want to endure."

The man said so nicely: "If one's partner is insulted and remains indifferent, isn't that too shameful as a captain?"

Serena's eyes lit up. "In other words, if I were scolded by someone, you would help me too!"


Vlad reached out to rub the musician's head and laughed. Although this woman was two years older than him, she was indeed like a sister now. "What nonsense are you saying? It's not just me!"



The chef smiled. The maid turned her head to the side and Serena nodded happily.

"That's why, Miss Curious, you have to work hard to become stronger!"

"Perhaps one day, we might even have to rely on you to protect us!" Vlad said.


Serena looked a little surprised.

"Otherwise, if we were to encounter a strong enemy like that guy today, wouldn't you be like that woman, using your dignity to protect your companions?"

Vlad really admired that woman. In order to protect her companions, she was willing to kneel at the feet of a man. This was not something that anyone could do! Such magnanimity could not be underestimated!

"Well -"

Serena looked a little tangled, "But my fruit ability doesn't seem to be very powerful in combat!"

"That's why,"

"You have to work harder!" Vlad said.


Magic Valley Town was a town occupied by pirates. There was no doubt that it was the main part of the island. There were no good people or security officers here. There were only strange pirates.


Following behind Vlad, the maid looked at the surrounding pirates who were looking at her with unfriendly eyes and said with some disdain, "Are these guys also pirates?"

"You are wrong, maid."

Vlad walked in front and heard the maid's words. He said without looking back, "Your words are not right!"


The maid was somewhat unconvinced. "Can these guys be considered pirates?"

"That's why I said you were wrong!"

Vlad said, "It should be said that these guys are the real pirates!"

"Captain, you are talking about something that I don't understand!"

The maid said that she didn't know much about Vlad's remarks.

"Yes, these guys are the real pirates!"

"In comparison, we don't look like pirates!" The chef said.


The maid didn't understand what her companions were saying.


"I think what Mr. Captain and Mr. Chef said makes sense!" Miss Serena nodded.

"You understand too?"

The maid glanced at Serena weakly.


Vlad laughed out loud. "It doesn't matter. Maid, you will understand. It is not a difficult principle. It is simple!"

"But before that, we seem to have to find a place to gather information,"

Vlad stretched out his hand and said, "I think that place is good!"

The place he was referring to was a bar, which was the best place. In terms of intelligence gathering, the bar was the most suitable place.