
God Island was a forbidden area for Sky Island's residents. It was a place where the angels lived on the Angel Island were not allowed to enter. Even if this place had the land that Sky Island had, even if the earth had become a kind of faith in Sky Island, and even if Sky Island's residents all believed in this god called the earth, this was also a place that they did not dare to step foot in.

Because this was the residence of another god, the current ruler of Sky Island, who was omniscient and omnipotent, using his terrifying power to rule the residence of Sky Island's god - Enel.

The four priests under his command and the many men from the Divine Armament team held a supreme position in Sky Island because he had the terrifying power that no one else could compare to.

However, such a situation seemed to come to an end today, because there was an even more terrifying man who had his eyes on the guy called Enel. This was a terrifying opponent that even the power of God Enel could not resist.

This man's name was Ferdinand Vlad.

"Oh, is this a giant vine?"

The mighty dragon man flaps its huge wings and floats in front of the huge vine. This is a huge plant rarely seen in Blue Ocean. Its size is probably only comparable to that of the legendary sacred tree of Adam and Eve.

"This is really,"

"The miracle of nature!" Vlad exclaimed.

The island of gods has four priests under the command of Enilo. The priests who manipulate cloud dial and master the mantra are not comparable to ordinary guys. The test of gods they preside over is a nightmare for the people of Sky Island.

Vlad did not meet these guys. Although these guys were just small fry that he could deal with casually, they were not people worthy of Vlad going down from the sky to find them.

Vlad waved his wings and came to the front of the giant vine, which was below the shrine.

The god of Sky Island, Enel, was on this.

"It's on this?"

"Enel, are you going to face me on the top?" Vlad grinned, his eyes filled with incomparable joy.

"Wait, I'm coming!" Vlad seemed to be talking to someone, "Wait, I'm coming!"


"Arrogant disciple!"

"You actually dare to challenge the dignity of a god like me?" The man with a naked upper body and dead fish eyes had a playful smile on his lips.

His name was Enel, the God of Sky Island, and Logia Type who had the Lightning Fruit. He was a very powerful guy.

"Is Blue Ocean people always so ignorant and fearless?"

"Divine Soldier Captain!"

The man said.

"God, I am here!"

A meatball like fellow walked in from outside the door. Although Enel's voice was not loud, the Divine Soldier Captain who was far away could still easily hear Enel's voice. As the Divine Soldier Captain who served Enel, his mantra was constantly opened, constantly paying attention to the movements of Enel.


Enel leaned against the couch, his earlobe growing to his chest. His expression was extremely eye-catching. His dead fish eyes were like they had never woken up. Combined with his forever arrogant expression, he was a remarkably mocking face.

"Go and prepare. Commander, an intruder is here! Let him see the power of the Divine Weapons!"

Enel said.

"Yes, God!"

Although the Divine Soldier Captain was very curious about what kind of guy Enel was talking about, this was not the reason for him to question Enel. As a subordinate of the God, it was natural for him to believe in his God wholeheartedly.

"Come ! Blasphemer!"

Enel smiled. "Let me see, what kind of person would have the guts to challenge the glory of the gods?"

The gods would not easily make a move.

The gods would not be interested in someone who did not have a certain level of strength. Of course, that was excluding those who were against the gods.



"Is this place?"

The heroic voice spread out, and everyone could hear the man's voice very clearly.

The tall and ball-like Divine Commander stood dozens of Divine Weapons behind him. These guys were the last barrier of the Divine Guardian.


A black shadow rushed up to the top of the shrine from below, and then smashed heavily on the ground. A huge tremor spread out, and the ground instantly shattered, and smoke filled the air.

"Hey, that ball, let me ask you, Enel is in this place, right?"

The deep voice of a man came out from the smoke.

The Divine Soldier Captain who was called Ball did not have the slightest intention of being angry. He just quietly waited for the smoke to disperse, and then finally saw the man, which was the 'Invader' that God said.

"Blue Ocean people, please pay attention to your attitude. The name of God is not something you can casually mention!"

The fat Divine Soldier said.

"Oh, oh,"

Vlad had already returned to his human form. The advantage of wearing a loose pair of pants without a shirt was evident. Even if he transformed into a dragonborn and returned to his human form, he would not be afraid of anything leaking out.

"Is there really a fool who treats people as gods?"

Vlad clicked his tongue in wonder. "This ball, let me tell you. Only those who are still alive or have really existed are not qualified to be called gods! The so-called gods,"

"Isn't it just a perfect person that doesn't exist?"

"You... you..."

The originally calm fatty's expression changed in an instant. His chubby hand pointed at Vlad, his mouth stuttering, as if his anger had reached his heart. "A blasphemer! A blasphemer!"

"A blasphemer? Hm? This title is much better than my fire dragon! The fashion value is quite high!"

Vlad crossed his arms over his chest and said with interest.

"Kill him! Let this blasphemer pay the price for his words!"

The fat Divine captain cried out, no longer as indifferent as before.

The Divine soldier behind him no longer needed his orders. The Divine soldier who had submitted to the terrifying power of Enel were incomparably afraid of Enel. Although they did not respect Enel like the Divine soldier captain, they could not ignore Vlad. After all, if Enel got angry, all of them would die.

The Divine soldier swept out. Their speed was extremely fast. They were all equipped with something similar to an ice blade under their feet. There was a vigorous wind at their heels, and the wind shells embedded on their shoes gave them a powerful thrust. Their speed was very fast.

"Oh, this is Dial!"

"How interesting!" Vlad said with great interest.


A divine soldier had already arrived in front of Vlad. His palm was already facing Vlad's face. His hand was also equipped with a precious dial type weapon. Dial type weapon that could send out a strong attack was powerful enough to tear a human body apart.


The divine soldier roared.

He pressed his palm lightly, and an invisible thrust whistled out from the palm of his hand, pointing straight at Vlad's head.


Vlad raised a finger.




This divine soldier couldn't help but be shocked.

The invisible slash instantly collapsed. The moment it touched Vlad's finger.

Vlad looked at the group of divine soldier that were like skating ice and was a little impatient.

"This is really ridiculous!"