Meeting Old Friends

"Ring Ring!!"

The phone buzzed, and the young navy soldier picked up the phone casually and asked, "This is headquarters, what can I do?"

"This is the East Blue Loguetown branch, and I am Smoker!"

What came from the other side was the voice of a somewhat weak man.

"Captain Smoker!"

The young soldier's expression suddenly became serious. Smoker's reputation in the headquarters was quite good. He was a Logia-type ability user and actually ran away to the East Blue Sea. His story of repeatedly contradicting his superiors was also widely circulated.

"Listen, tell the guys up there,"

Smoker said, "The Fire Dragon Pirates have entered the East Blue Sea. They are the same Fire Dragon Pirates who defeated the former general Zed!"

"They have become even more fierce!"


When Smoker regained consciousness and was lying on the hospital bed, he was reporting the Fire Dragon Pirates' movements to his headquarters. The Fire Dragon Pirates' big ship was flying quietly over the East Blue Sea, and no one could notice their presence at all.

The chef held a nautical chart in his hand. Unlike the Grand Line, where one pointer can connect the world, nautical charts are very important in the four seas. They specially found a navy branch to grab this chart to ensure it was detailed.

"Captain, is this the place you want to go most?"

The chef pointed to a patch of sea on the chart.

"That's right, that's right!"

Vlad licked the lollipop and said excitedly: "I have wanted to go there and see it a long time ago!"

If you want to say how long it has been, it is probably the last life.

"Sea Restaurant, Baratie,"

The chef read out the name with some frustration, "It's really your style, captain!"

Sea Restaurant Baratie is the place that Vlad wants to go to most when he comes to the East Blue Sea. There is no doubt about this. There are the best chefs on the sea there. Just think about the one that Sanji made later. Vlad couldn't stop drooling from the cake that would make people happy as soon as he smelled it..

Since we have already been to the East Blue Sea once, wouldn't it be a pity not to take a look? Vlad has always been a person who does what he wants and never allows himself to regret, so the ship is now sailing on its way to this restaurant on the sea.

"Hey, chef, do you have any more wine?"

Enel walked into the cabin with a blushing face, holding an empty wine bottle in his hand. This man has been out of control since he learned to drink in Loguetown last time. He wishes that fruit could be used as food and wine. He came to eat the same way, and within a few days he had already developed a good drinking capacity. From a weakling who drank only one bottle to the current one who can only drink without getting drunk, it was indeed a very rapid transformation.

"Sorry, Mr. Enel,"

It's rare for the chef to be a little cold, even if he is as kind as he is, it is really uncomfortable to be vomited all over him even though he has some mysophobia.

"There weren't many people on the ship who liked drinking, and now there's no stock left."


Enel looked very unhappy, "Isn't there any more?"

"I wonder if you would mind if it's some cooking wine for cooking?"

The chef's tone was slightly mocking.


Electricity began to shine on Enel's body. The man still remembered clearly the time he was beaten up by the chef because he was drunk, "Are you looking for a beating?"

"You can give it a try!"

The chef was not timid at all. He didn't do anything during the half year on the island, and he was equally honest when facing Enel.

"Okay okay!"

Vlad yawned, "It would be terrible to start a fight on this ship! It would be too troublesome."

"Okay, Mr. Captain!"

The chef replied with a smile and walked out of the cabin minding his own business.

"Tsk, what an arrogant guy!"

Enel sat opposite Vlad, raised his neck, and tried to pour out the last drop of wine from the bottle.

"You are the one who is arrogant, right? God!"

Vlad said.

He looks very relaxed with his legs crossed.

"Pride is God's nature!"

Enel replied.


Vlad smiled.

"Are we going to a restaurant next?"

Enel said this, looking very curious.

"That's right,"

Vlad replied with some excitement, "Great restaurant!"

"So, there are a lot of fruits and wine there, right?"

Enel had a malicious smile on his face.

"Hey hey hey!"

Vlad smiled.


Sea Restaurant Baratie is definitely the most famous restaurant in East Blue. There is no doubt that there is no second restaurant in East Blue that can compete with this restaurant. Absolutely no.

A large number of diners come here to eat every day, whether they are navy or pirates, nobles or civilians. The unique concept and excellent delicious food make the reputation of this restaurant spread farther and farther like the aroma of the food, until it spreads throughout the world. the entire East Blue Sea.

However, even in a restaurant with a large flow of people, such a battle has never been seen before. In other words, no one had ever thought that such a thing would happen today.

"Hey, is that really a boat?"

A large, rough man muttered to himself on a boat parked outside Baratie.

"A ship flying in the sky!"

someone yelled.

"Flying Pirate Ship,"

Someone suddenly shouted, "Is this the pirate ship that attacked Loguetown a few days ago?"

Within a few days, the news about the flying pirate ship's attack on Loguetown had spread throughout the East Blue Sea. Loguetown was placed in the East Blue Sea and was like an iron-walled place, but it was broken so easily. Some heard that the invincible town guardian Smoker is still lying on the hospital bed, unable to get out of bed.


Along with the strong wind, the huge pirate ship slowly descended and gradually landed on the sea. Even though the descent speed was not fast, it still caused a big wave in an instant.

On the second floor of Baratie, a man wearing a tall chef's hat and a beard in strange braids looked at the pirate flag fluttering in the wind on the pirate ship with a heavy expression, "Why does such a guy come back here? But, Sanji ——"


Vlad jumped gently from the boat to the door of Baratie. He could smell the fragrance coming from inside just by moving his nose slightly. This alone gave him an extremely delicious feeling.


In a flash of lightning, Enel appeared beside Vlad, "There must be good wine here, right?"


Vlad smiled and pushed open the door of the restaurant first. Of course, the chef, Enel, the maid, and Serena behind him followed. Although they don't know why the captain came so far to come to this restaurant to eat, but since they're already here, So just enjoy it.

"That flag, that flag!!!"

Finally, someone recognized the pirate flag of the Fire Dragon Pirates. He fell to the ground in an instant, with a look of horror on his face, "It's the Fire Dragon!!!!!!!!!!"

As soon as Vlad and the others sat down, everyone in the store ran away. Although not everyone knew about the Fire Dragon Pirates, everyone knew about the Flying Pirates that wreaked havoc on Loguetown a few days ago. Yes, even the invincible Smoker can't deal with the pirates, they'd better run away!

"Two ladies, what a fateful encounter!"

The man wearing a black suit and big leather shoes appeared in front of the maid and Serena like a whirlwind with a rose in his mouth. He was half-kneeling, with an incomparable intoxication on his face, like a crazy man.

"These eyebrows, you kid——"

The chef stood up suddenly, his expression extremely surprised, "Is it Sanji?"


The man named Sanji slowly turned back to look at the chef, and then gradually opened his eyes.

"Are you, Dino?"