Shouldering Hope

"You lied to me!"

Sanji timidly held the lunch box and asked with a guilty conscience, "That guy doesn't want to eat at all! When I give him something to eat, he doesn't want to eat at all, and he even wants to hit me!"

"Sanji,you fool!"

Reiju smiled, covered her mouth with her hand and snickered, a cute but sarcastic smile, "He is a prisoner, a prisoner of our Germa. As a prince, are you still afraid of a prisoner?"


Sanji instinctively wanted to retort, but suddenly the ferocious look of that guy flashed before his eyes, and fear suddenly seized his heart. It was a look that really wanted to kill him.

"Oh, what are you afraid of? Sanji,"

Reiju smiled, "You are really a coward, Sanji. Didn't you say that you want to make dishes that will make mom happy? Don't you even dare to find someone to try the dishes?"


Sanji was shaken for a while. His mother was not in good health. He wanted to make delicious food to make his mother happy. This was the only thing he could do.

"Oh my, how pitiful, Sanji,"

Reiju smiled, turned and left, "That guy must be dead if he hasn't eaten for so long, right? Starving to death?"

"It's so pathetic!"


This is a way of death that Sanji has never thought of. Starving to death is really an unimaginable thing for this prince who, although he is often bullied by his brothers, actually has good material conditions.


Sanji gritted his teeth and ran away.


Sanji ran away without noticing that his sister had turned back and looked at his back, "So, you are the child who is most like your mother!"

"It seems that you are really useful, Mr. Croft-Dino!"



Dino was groggy;

His brain is in chaos, and he has almost lost consciousness. No matter how strong his will is, no matter how stubborn he is, this person is still just a child under ten years old. His physical condition is here, even if he has steel will, those who should faint from hunger will eventually faint from hunger.

Dino felt something was wrong. Something was entering his mouth. The taste was weird and instinctive. He didn't need to think too much. He just followed instinct and started swallowing. He was really hungry, even though he was almost unconscious. , but still instinctively saving himself.

"Hey, didn't you say you don't want to eat?"

Hearing such a voice vaguely, Dino gradually regained consciousness. Then he opened his eyes and saw a blond kid riding on him, feeding spoonfuls of a sticky-looking unknown substance into his mouth. .


Although he hasn't eaten for a long time, Dino, who has recovered somewhat after replenishing his energy just now, punched Sanji away with a punch, his expression was extremely ferocious, "Germa!!!"

Dino really didn't expect that this kid would dare to run into his cell. Isn't this looking for death?


Sanji was so frightened that he shrank back and huddled in the corner, "Don't come over! I just want to get you something to eat!"

"Hahahaha, stop joking, Germa!"

Dino smiled grimly, "Do you demons also have good intentions? Do you want to poison me directly? No, I was about to starve to death. You want me to continue living, right? The prince of the kingdom is always better than Death is useful! Right?"

"No no!!"

Sanji cringed.

"Look at your eyebrows, you are the prince of Germa, right?"

Dino got closer step by step. Although Sanji was also a modified person, his physique was completely inferior to that of his brother. He had no strength to resist Dino who was several years older than him.

"Germa destroyed my country! Killed my family! Father, mother, brother, sister, everyone was destroyed by you!"

Dino's tone was very ferocious, but tears shed from the corners of his eyes. After all, this little kid could not forget his sadness so easily, "So, Germa!"

"Go to hell to atone your sins from my family!"

Dino's tone was as cold as iron.

"You, you want to kill me?"

Sanji seemed to be frightened. This guy had never encountered anything like this before, "No, no, I can't die. If I die, my mother will be sad!"

"Who cares about you!"

Dino slammed Sanji to the ground, "Your family will be sad if you die, what about mine?"

"Stop kidding me! Germa!"

Dino raised his fist high, "Do you guys really understand what feelings are?"


Sanji cried loudly, "No, mom's health is not good. If I die, mom, she will definitely-"

"I don't know you at all, and I don't know what grudge you have against us. I just want you to help me try cooking for my mother. Why do you want to hurt me?"

The little boy burst into tears, "No, don't kill me, at least, at least,"

The boy named Sanji cried, "At least let me cook a good meal for my mother! I want to make her happy, I want, I want,"

"I want to see her smile!"


The fist seemed to be solidified. It was obvious that this brat had no intention of fighting back, and the fist was obviously not weak. However, it was like there was a wall in front of him, and he could not swing the fist at all.


With a dull sound, Dino punched the floor hard, and blood flowed from his young right hand.


Dino sat down on the floor, breathing heavily, his face covered with tears of guilt, tears of shame that he was too soft-hearted and unable to avenge his family. This kid, even though his heart was full of hatred, he still couldn't. He will not be cruel because of this, "Go away, go away! Germa! Don't appear in front of me again!"

Sanji sat up with lingering fear, his expression still blank, as if he hadn't recovered from the situation just now.

"Go away! You idiot!"

Dino yelled.


Sanji walked to Dino with some fear, tried his best to avoid Dino, picked up the lunch box on the ground, turned around and wanted to leave.


Sanji seemed to have remembered something, and he raised the lunch box fearfully. There was still a sticky strange substance left in it, "Do you still want to eat?"

"——Are you an idiot?"

Dino is going crazy. Is this kid really an idiot? I wanted to kill him just now, and now I came to ask him if he wanted to eat as if nothing had happened. There must be something wrong with his head, otherwise I wouldn't ask him such a question.

"I just think that if you don't eat anymore, you will die! "

Sanji shrank back and spoke cautiously, fearing to offend Dino.


Dino was speechless. He almost killed his enemy, but how did this kid say such a thing?

"You said that all your family members died. I think that must be a very sad thing,"

Sanji moved slowly towards the door of the cell, "Did dad do this? That's why you hate Germa so much, right?"

"Do you really want to die?"

Dino's expression changed, and the anger that had just been suppressed began to emerge again.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

The little kid named Sanji knelt directly in front of Dino, his little head knocked firmly on the ground, "I am really sorry for what my father did! I am really sorry! My family has made Such a thing happened!"


Dino made a voice unconsciously, "What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't know it before, but now I know it!"

Sanji said without raising his head, "I don't know why dad likes to destroy so much, but if my apology can make you feel some relief, then I have nothing to hesitate!"

"What are you talking about! Boy!"

As if he had received the worst insult in the world, Dino rushed over and lifted Sanji's collar, "What do you know? What do you think you are doing?"

"Who do you think I am, Croft-Dino!"

Dino roared, "Do you think your nonsense apology will be of any use? My relatives, friends, all my treasures are gone! Do you think you can rely on your apology to make a difference? Can it quell my hatred for Germa?"

"Stop joking, kid!"

"not at all!"

Sanji cried, Dino really scared him, "I never expected you to forgive us, let alone rely on my apology, I just, I just,"

"I just want you to forgive yourself!!!!"

Sanji shouted.


Dino was stunned and speechless.

"Even if you lose all your relatives, all your friends, and you lose all your treasures, Dino! Croft-Dino!"

Sanji shouted, "But for those who are no longer here, isn't there still one of their relatives, their friends, and his most precious treasure that is still here?"

"Do you want their last treasure to pass away like this?"

"Wouldn't this be too selfish?"

Sanji almost screamed, "At least, let their expectations not be disappointed like this! At least, you have to live well! You bastard! Don't trample on other people's thoughts!"

"Don't they want you to live well?"

Speechless, Dino was completely speechless. He took a few steps back in a daze and sat down on the ground with an extremely blank look in his eyes.

"These are quite good words! Sanji!"

A sweet female voice came from one side. The girl named Reiju leaned against the railing of the cell and smiled, "Aren't you very capable? Sanji, I am very impressed with you!"


Sanji was afraid when he saw this girl. Although this girl would not bully him like the other brothers, she would not help him either. She would just stand aside and watch the show, adding fuel to the flames. It can be said to be quite scary. Yes.


Of course, Dino recognized the Germa girl who caught him. Her inhuman strength was truly unforgettable for him.

"Sanji said it well! Croft-Dino!"

Reiju didn't look back and smiled, "Those guys really look forward to you living a good life!"

"Ah, his name is Croft-Dick, right? That's your eldest brother?"

Reiju seemed to be recalling, "Even if he was about to die, he was still smiling. He smiled and said, 'Great, it turns out that Dino was not arrested! It's great!' Such words must have been very touching. Are you happy?"

"I am very happy that my brother was able to survive and escape from this disaster!"

Reiju said, "I think that's what that man thought at that time, right? Even though he is dead, he still has a younger brother alive. This is already a very happy thing, right?"

"After all, this is the only child in the entire family who survived. They also hope that this child can live well, right?"

At this point, Reiju's voice suddenly began to be sarcastic, "So, that's why I was so surprised when I met the only survivor of the Croft family. Isn't it good to live? Really interesting that the guy with his family hope is so eager to seek death!"

Dino was stunned. The image of the eldest brother who laughed and joked with everyone all day long, who often took himself and his younger brothers and sisters out of the palace to play, and then was severely punished by his parents, once again appeared in front of his eyes. Of course he knew that his relatives, his friends, and his treasures all wanted him to live well. Of course he knew this, but he couldn't just do nothing, right? There has to be something to do, right?

Dino thought so.

"Ah, you must want to do something, right?"

Reiju smiled, and her tone could be said to be extremely mocking, "But, Mr. Dino, you can't do anything! Hahahaha, it's so ridiculous!"

"What can you do?"

Reiju smiled and slowly left, "You can't do anything now! Poor Mr. Dino, you can't do anything now! And Sanji, remember to get the key to the cell later. Give it back to me!"

Dino said nothing, not knowing what to think.

"Dino, right?"

Sanji came over a little scared, "Want to eat?"

Dino stared at Sanji blankly, just looking at him without saying a word.

Just when Sanji thought that the boy was going to beat him again, the boy named Dino snatched the lunch box from his hand, picked up the spoon and stuffed it into his mouth in large gulps, even feeling that the spoon was not easy to use, so he directly He began to scratch his mouth with his hands. It can be said to be extremely embarrassing.

But Sanji feels very happy. The happiest thing is that people like the food he made.




Big tears fell in the lunch box, and the little kid named Dino burst into tears, but his mouth did not stop. The boy who had decided to die like this once again felt dissatisfied. A fire of survival that will go out again.

"too delicious!"

Dino cried, "It's so delicious!"


Sanji smiled, his eyes under his curly eyebrows curved into crescent moons, "That would be great if you like it!"

It's so delicious! This is the flavor of life!