Shadow Clone

What should I do if my child is always angry?

Of course a good beating would be enough!

Vlad believed in this view.

"Oh, I really don't understand you! Moria, do you really have no accurate prediction of your own strength?"

Vlad said so.

Moria is really not strong. Maybe he was a rare big pirate when he fought against Kaido, but that was a long time ago. This fat man really couldn't let Vlad find a trace of the strong demeanor. With such a fat body, physical skills can be basically ignored, Haki is naturally needless to say. Can this man who finds it difficult to exercise really have Haki? Vlad was in denial.

"No matter how arrogant you are, please have a limit! Moria, has the name Shichibukai completely blinded you?"

Vlad taunted as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Shut up! Don't insult Lord Moria!!"

"Even if you are a great pirate with a bounty of 750 million Berry, you'll fall for this trick -"

"Ghost of negativity!!!"

Before Moria could speak, his loyal little fangirl, the girl who respected him as a father, the ghost princess Perona could not sit still. With a wave of her hands, two transparent ghosts moved directly towards Vlad.

"Hooh, negative ghost!"

Vlad smiled and said, "Don't touch this thing casually! It's dangerous!"

With that said, Vlad just used a little force and his whole body appeared behind Perona, "Oh my, luckily my speed is not slow either!"

The fruit held by Princess Mononoke Perona is the Paramecia ghost fruit. It is also an extremely powerful fruit that can create ghosts and turn its own will into ghosts.

The so-called negative ghost can turn the emotions of all those it passes through into negative. Although Vlad has not experienced it personally, he also knows the effect, even if it is as determined as Straw Hat Luffy or Pirate Hunter Zoro. Men can also be easily put down, a real trick that must not be touched.

Fortunately, Vlad didn't have to touch either.

"It's scary, so scary! Miss Ghost!"

Vlad now understood very well why Kizaru always liked to show off like this. It was so satisfying. The other party was unhappy but there was nothing he could do about it. It was so satisfying!

"It really almost scared me to death!"


Perona's eyes widened in panic, and her round eyes were now like light bulbs.

"Oh, don't move! Miss Ghost!"

Vlad said, "Just one move, that's it."

"I'll kill you!"


The terrifying murderous intent filled the air behind her, and Perona couldn't move. It wasn't because of Vlad's words that she didn't dare to move, but because her body was completely out of control and she couldn't move even if she wanted to.

"Yes, yes, this is a good baby!"

Vlad smiled with satisfaction, "That's it, don't move!"


Perona was speechless. Is this man a monster? The momentum alone can make people unable to afford the slightest thought of resistance.


The lion-like man, Absalom, raised his right hand, and the rocket launcher made transparent by his own transparent fruit was ready to go, pointing directly at Vlad, who was standing next to him.


Vlad turned to look at Absalom who raised his hand, and said happily, "Are you going to attack me?"


'I can't press it down, I can't press it down at all. The attacks that I can usually launch without hesitation are now unable to be launched no matter what. The attacks that I can launch easily are like being blocked by the God of Death. Every cell in my body is... Trembling, you will die, you will definitely die, if you take action, you will definitely die! ! ! '

'Is this, is this the strength of the great pirate with a bounty of 750 million? Just an ordinary look can make me lose the power to take action?'

Vlad looked at the last of the three weirdos, Hogback, who was as round as a ball. This man was obviously more knowledgeable than the other two of the three weirdos. He shrank back obediently, obviously not daring to Mess with Vlad.


A big foot dug deeply into Hogback's fat face, and this necrophiliac who stole other people's bodies was kicked away by Vlad.

"Well, although I don't remember you very much anymore, I still have a rough idea that you are a nasty guy!"

Vlad said so.

"Shadow Horn Gun!!!"

I just said it took a lot of time, but in fact from Perona's attack to Vlad kicking the necrophiliac away, it was only a few sentences, so short that Moria hadn't done it yet. After enough reaction, two of his subordinates were frightened and lost their fighting spirit, and one of them was kicked away!

Although Moriah is a fat nerd now and likes to leave everything to others, before he was defeated by Kaido, this man was a guy who loved his partners extremely much. Perhaps it was because of his love that he lost his life.

Therefore, even now, Moria still cares about his partners, so after seeing Hogback being blown away, this man naturally launched an attack!

"oh oh!"

Vlad jumped up, and a pure black spear-like attack hit the ground, directly shattering the hard ground into pieces.

"It was such a close call, it was so close that not even the scum was left!"

Vlad landed gently on the ground and smiled, "It's really amazing. This is Gecko Moria – one f the Shichibukai!"

"You kid!!!"

Moria's anger was completely uncontrollable, and Vlad was really good at irritating others!

"Shadow Clone!!!"

Moria roared angrily.

A strange thing happened. His shadow, which was peacefully lying on the ground, suddenly distorted, then broke away from the ground, and turned directly into a shadow monster with the same shape as Moria.

"Hey, this is the power of Shadow Fruit!"

Vlad exclaimed, "It's really amazing!"


The shadow monster, or Moria's shadow clone, was very close in size to Moria. It was considered a giant with a height of more than six meters. It appeared in front of Vlad as if floating, and with a heavy blow his claws hit the ground, bringing up countless gravel.

"One bone!!!"

Vlad's figure appeared in front of the Shadow clone, and he punched the Shadow clone directly with a heavy punch.


The shadow clone suddenly dispersed and turned into countless bat-like shadows.

"Hehehehe, idiot, how can fists be useful to shadows?"

Moria said so.


The shadow mage who gathered behind Vlad once again slapped Vlad away with one palm.