Space Pirates

"Well, that's it, now Enel has officially become a member of the Fire Dragon Pirates!"

Vlad put his arm around Enel's shoulders and grinned, showing two rows of big white teeth. He looked very bright, "Although his skills are terrible, I think he will study hard and will become a great boatman!"

Enel's eyes glanced to the side as if nothing had happened. Although he looked careless, there was actually a thin layer of sweat on his face. You didn't need to look closely to find that this man was in an unprecedented panic, extremely proud, He is a man who regards himself as a god, but at this moment, he is more nervous than ever before.

"Welcome, Enel,"

The chef smiled and said, "Although I have said it once before, I should say it again at this time, right? Welcome, Enel, we are partners again from today! Please take good care of me from now on!"

"Great! Mr. God, you won't leave again this time, right?"

The musician lady said excitedly that her relationship with Enel was already good. Today, Enel suddenly wanted to go to war with Vlad. She was also the one who felt the most uncomfortable. Now that she saw Enel going to board the ship again, she felt very happy.

 "Well, ah, uh,"

Facing Serena, who had stars in her eyes, Enel was a little overwhelmed for a moment. However, there is no doubt that at this moment, this man's heart is warm. In the most confused moment of his life, he persisted for several times. Ten years of dreams have been shattered. Anyone would feel confused, right? That's just human nature.

But just when Enel reached the crossroads of life and didn't know where to go next, Vlad stretched out his hand, and Enel, who had been lost, found his own way again. This time It is not the path opened by others. There are really no other factors. It is simply what Enel wants to do. He wants to get on this ship. This time it is really what he wants to do. Enel is convinced!


The maid stared at Enel quietly without speaking, her expression was calm, and was unmoved at all, as if she was observing Enel carefully.

Enel was a little nervous. After all, this woman had the worst opinion of him on the ship. Even someone like Enel who was not good at human relations could easily detect Baby-5's dissatisfaction with him. The perception reached its peak today.

Enel understands this very well. Baby-5 can be said to be extremely loyal to Vlad. When he proposed to fight Vlad before, the amazing murderous aura exuded by this woman was definitely not a joke. , Enel can be sure that at that time, this woman really wanted to kill himself!

"What's the matter? Maid,"

Vlad smiled, "Aren't you a little cold?"

"Shut up!"

The maid said seriously, "But, Captain, what if one day he does something like today?"


Vlad turned to look at Enel in surprise, "God, will you--"

"I won't!"

Enel spoke before Vlad finished speaking. This extremely proud man lowered his head and bent down, "I, the god, want to be your partner!"


The maid looked at Enel who lowered his head in surprise, never expecting that this man would actually bend over him one day.

Vlad smiled and looked at his earliest companion.

"Welcome! Enel!"

The maid laughed and said, "Oh no, boatman!"

"Captain, it looks like you have found a great partner!"

"That is not--"

Vlad smiled, "Of course?"


Vlad laughed, "To celebrate God joining us again——"

"Is it right to have a party?"

The chef smiled like this.

"of course not!"

Vlad stretched out his right hand, raised his index finger and shook it, smiling, "It's a little too early to have a banquet now!"

"There are still this group of competitors on this planet!"

"If we don't deal with them, where will we be in the mood to eat?"

"The secret of this place can only belong to us!!!"


The world is really big. This sentence is no joke. Even the four seas are just grains of rice in front of the infinite vast space, let alone the small and pitiful new world occupied by the four emperors. Only by flying into space can we be able to see how vast the world is.

The vast universe is extremely mysterious. Since Vlad's planet can give birth to life, is it not strange that other planets can have life?

For example, the moon had life in the beginning, but it later migrated. Even a small moon can breed life, so there is no reason why other planets cannot.

In the same way, since Vlad can break out of his planet and sail in the universe, there is no reason why people on other planets can't do it. In the same way, since Vlad is a pirate, why do other people from other planets come from alien planets? Can't the person who breaks through the barrier of the planet be a pirate?

This is what is called,

"Space pirate???"

The maid raised her eyebrows. There was only a tiny bit of the cigarette left in her half, and a large puff of smoke came out of her mouth. The woman rubbed her forehead and said with a headache, "Do they really exist?"

"Yeah, to be honest, I can't even imagine it!"

The chef said, "Although the universe is very big, it's not like there are alien creatures so close to us, right?"

"Well, alien creatures?"

Vlad said, "Have you not seen it before?"


The chef was confused.

"As for the Space Pirates,"

Vlad said softly, "Isn't it right in front?"

"Boom! Boom!"

They can already hear it! You can vaguely hear the sound of rumbling and rumbling, as if some big project is being carried out, not far ahead.

"Hey, hey, hey, really? Are there really any living things in this place?"

The maid said, "It looks like a deserted place, but it doesn't look like there are any biological activities at all!"

"So those guys are also foreign things! There were no living things on this planet a long time ago!"

Vlad said so.

"long time ago?"

The chef was very keen, "Does that mean there were living things here a long time ago?"

"Well, who knows?"

Vlad was as ambiguous as ever.


"Now go give those so-called space pirates a beating!"

Vlad said, "The Fire Dragon Pirates' journey to dominate the universe begins here!"

"I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King of the interstellar space!"