Strange Man

"Pollock fish caught!!!"

A very excited voice, a very excited voice, and a somewhat guilty voice came from a fishing boat that was gradually approaching. The person shouting loudly was a man standing on the bow of the boat, who looked a little thin. His skin is dark, which fits the image of a fisherman at sea.

(←_←) Vlad's expression is like this.

!!!∑(?Д?ノ)ノThe chef's expression is like this.

Embarrassing, super embarrassing, isn't it rare to agree? Didn't we already agree that if there are two or three fish every day, it would be a good harvest? Why did you bump into one so casually?

Not to mention the embarrassing situation on the Fire Dragon Pirates' ship, on the other side, ever since the fisherman on the ship shouted those words, the nearby waters fell into an unspeakable silence.

Relying on the tall hull of the Platinum Draig, Vlad standing on the bow could easily see the performance of the people on the surrounding ships.

Generally speaking, they can be divided into two categories. One is surprised, and then immediately changes to an expression of ecstasy. People in this category are generally well-dressed, and the boats they ride on are tall and sturdy. At a glance, they can tell that they are businessmen who come to this city for acquisitions.

The other type of people were dressed similarly to the fisherman, with dark skin and a somewhat thin body. They had a confused expression, and then immediately a look of horror on their faces, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

After the same brief daze, the two types of people had two completely different reactions. People like businessmen quickly drove their boats towards the fishing boat, while people dressed as fishermen immediately dispersed. He drove his boat quickly into the waterways extending in all directions in this port city. Ships intertwined with each other, and for a while there was some chaos on the wide water.

"Hey, it seems like there are interesting things going on in this city!"

Vlad said with a smile.

"Captain, why don't you go take a look?"

The chef tried to ease the awkward atmosphere and chuckled.

"I'm still stunned. I'm very interested in the legendary and extremely rare Pollock fish! Didn't you say that in the past, this was a super delicacy that even the Celestial Dragons rarely tasted?"

Vlad glanced at the chef sideways, and did not intend to continue joking with the chef. He jumped directly off the huge Platinum Draig. This big ship is good, but the problem is that this ship is in It's a bit difficult to perform in a place like this. In this place where there are ships on the sea, a big ship like the Platinum Draig is in trouble.

"Hey, maid, please keep an eye on the ship!"

With such a sound, Vlad had landed on a small boat, very small, even smaller than those fishing boats!


The chef named Dino followed closely behind Vlad, falling directly behind him.

"Oh, I'm sorry! This friend!"

Vlad turned to the owner of the boat and said, "My boat is a bit too big and can't be used here, so it's okay to give me a ride on your boat, right?"

Vlad was a little surprised. The owner of this ship did not seem to be any of the two previous people, but he was more eye-catching than either of them.

He is a very tall man. Although he is sitting on the boat, his height is already close to that of the standing chef. If he stands, he may reach about three meters in height. He is considered a tall person in a sea full of freaks.

His black curly hair was very long and messily spread across his back and chest. There were some strange things mixed in it, like rice grains, oil stains and even paint-like things.

He is wearing a white coat, let's call it a white coat for now. Although the style can vaguely tell that it is indeed a white coat, the color cannot be seen at all. To say it is colorful is to underestimate it, it is like a rainbow. The colors were mixed together, and they were so dirty that they couldn't be seen as they were.

This man looked to be in his thirties, with dull eyes. He looked at Vlad blankly. Vlad was a little unsure. Although the man's eyes were indeed looking at him, there was no trace of emotion in his eyes. His mouth was constantly opening and closing, and you could vaguely hear him mumbling something.

He didn't pay any attention to Vlad. The man just sat blankly, not caring that Vlad and the two invaded his ship.


Vlad was finally sure. Although his eyes were indeed facing this way, his attention had no idea where to go.

"Hey, this old man!"

Vlad waved his hand in front of this man's face, but there was no reaction, no reaction at all!

"I'm going, what's going on?"

Vlad was a little unsure. What was the situation with this person? I don't understand it at all.

"Hey!!! Did you hear that???"

Vlad took a breath and shouted very loudly.


Finally, this time the man finally reacted. His body trembled visibly, and his eyes finally became alert. Looking at Vlad, his eyes panicked for a moment, but immediately, the man calmed down.


This man sat very straight, his eyes were calm, and he looked very elegant.

"Oh shit, did you hear me just now?"

Vlad was speechless. What happened to this man?

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was distracted!"

He apologized very decisively. This man did not hesitate at all and immediately bowed his head and apologized.


Vlad smiled, looking a little interested, "It's really interesting!"

"a ha ha ha!!"

He blushed, his face turned red, and the red color could be seen even on his stained face.

"It's so easy to understand this person!"

This was the thought that came to both Vlad and the chef's mind at this time.

"Um, speaking of which, are you—?"

The man didn't notice that there were two more people on his boat until this moment.

"Oh, we are going to see the legendary Pollock fish! I want to take a ride on your boat!"

Vlad said so.



The man's eyes gradually became empty, and his thoughts flew to nowhere.


Vlad tilted his head, a little confused.

"Okay, Captain, let's go there first!"

The chef looked a bit dumbfounded. This place was really amazing. It would be so strange for anyone he met!

"Okay, leave this guy alone!"

Vlad looked at the man who was stunned again and said, "Let's go directly!"

The chef walked knowingly to the oar placed at the stern of the boat, gently swung the oar, and the boat began to move.

Not far away, soon the small boat Vlad and the two were on had gathered together with the merchants who had rushed over to buy fish. Everyone had a tacit understanding not to approach the boat. There were nearly a hundred boats, large and small. The boats formed a circle, surrounding the boat selling fish in the middle.

So Vlad saw the legendary fish, the Pollock fish. It was a very big fish, about five meters long, hanging on the mast of the fishing boat. Its color was a dreamy cyan, shining beautifully in the sun. The fish has a slender body and its scales look very delicate.

The fish's head was very large, somewhat out of proportion to its body, and it seemed to have no eyes. What impressed Vlad the most was the sharp teeth in the fish's mouth. They had gradually lost their vitality, but just looking at those teeth made him know how difficult it is to capture it.

"Awesome! This fish!"

Vlad smiled, his Adam's apple rising and falling.