Ready to Move

"Pollock Bloodline Factor?"

The chef's eyes suddenly bulged, and he said in disbelief, "Are they actually fished from the sea with these things?"

"Yes, the teacher didn't think that much at the time!"

Paso said somewhat bleakly, "The teacher's technical level at that time was not very mature! Being able to make such a fishing bait is already very impressive!"

"Why do we have to use human flesh and blood as bait?"

The maid slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and asked as she eased the surprise in her heart.

"This was the limitation of the technology at that time!"

Paso said, "The teacher's technical level at that time was limited, and the only blood factor that could be cracked was human. It was already very difficult to briefly integrate Pollock's blood factor into the human body! Moreover, even if there is bait, it is not easy to catch Pollock. It takes about a month on average for a fisherman to catch a fish! During this month, he has to bleed and cut his flesh every day."

"It was also the wish of the teacher and us at that time to use other animals as bait carriers!"

Paso sighed and said.

"However, the teacher's body could not survive that day after all! Not long after the fishing bait was developed, he passed away due to an accident!"

Paso said sadly, "The development of new fishing baits ends there!"


Vlad asked, "Why not continue the research?"


Paso said, "It's a very simple reason. At that time, my resources was far from the teacher's level. If I wanted to continue my research, I would need not only time, but also a lot of experimental materials!"


Vlad smiled and said, "So the fishermen who have already tasted the wealth brought by the Pollock fish do not want to donate the priceless precious fish for research, right? After all, the existing bait is enough!"

"Yes, I don't know since when, those simple villagers no longer look like they did back then! Money! What a wonderful thing!"

Paso said, "Even Jack, who studied under my teacher with me, deviated from our ideals! He established the Pollock Fishing Company, using fishing bait as capital, and quickly took control of the island! He had a monopoly Pollock fish trade all over the island!"

"The fishermen have worked so hard to catch a fish, and they have to take a huge commission every time. This city, and the residents here, are far from the bright and shiny they look like!"

Paso sighed.


Vlad said strangely, "Then don't you want to do something for your hometown? Are you just going to watch?"

"Do what? What do you mean?"

Paso hesitated.

"Like saving the island?"

Vlad said so.


Paso murmured, "How can there be such a statement! This island has never needed any rescue!"

"Although they have to pay 50% of their income, even so, a Pollock fish can make their life very comfortable!"

"But, even so, there are still people who want to take the risk of offending the fishing company and handle the caught Pollock themselves, just like what we saw during the day!"

"Hooh, really?"

Vlad smiled, "This is interesting!"


Paso agreed.

"So, that strange gummy of yours is also your masterpiece?"

Vlad said so.

"Well, through the blood factor——"


"In other words, you didn't kill that guy?"

In the dark house, even sitting down could not hide his burly figure. The man with a thick cigar in his mouth had a very deep voice.

"Well, I'm sorry. I was serious about killing that guy right away, but that fire dragon suddenly appeared and disrupted the situation!"

The man named Jack sat opposite him, with a somewhat apologetic look on his face, "He's worthy of the title of Shichibukai. I can't understand his strength at all!"

"That's so naive. Before he became the Shichibukai, that guy was a big pirate with a bounty of 750 million. His strength is beyond the imagination of a guy like you who has never even entered the Grand Line!"

The man said so.

"Sir, if you take action, are you confident enough to defeat him?"

Jack asked.

He had an almost blind trust in this man. Jack actually had a very strange psychology towards this man who suddenly appeared and relied on his terrifying force to take away the Pollock Fishing Company that he had worked so hard to establish. On the one hand, he was resentful. The fruits of his hard work were plucked by others. It is impossible not to be resentful.

But, on the other hand, he was more afraid of this man's strength, so he was curious, if it was this man, could he win the Shichibukai?


The man let out a breath of disdain and said with a smile, "As a pirate, you actually joined the government. Ha, the smartest guys alive on the sea? They are just a bunch of cowards!"

"I see?"

Jack nodded with some relief. He had easily defused his attack before, but the man who took Paso away in front of him as if he didn't exist left a heavy psychological shadow on him. Now on his side a reliable combat power has spoken, which gave him some comfort.

"In the end, it's still your fault!"

The man said, "Wouldn't it be better to kill that man before? Why do you have to keep him?"

"Hey, don't say that, sir,"

Jack smiled and said, "After all, he is someone who studied under a teacher with me before! How could I be so cruel as to kill him! Besides, he has always been relatively quiet and doesn't like to cause trouble and does research silently. I was still wondering if he could make some contribution to us!"

"Oh, you are really good at speaking!"

The man said, "That's why I will keep you! You are a born villain!"

"Don't say that, sir, I just want to make money!"

Jack said.

"So, how's your research going?"

the man asked.

"very successful!"

Jack smiled and said, "I have already tried it on Paso before! Through the blood factor, the animal's genes are temporarily integrated into the human genes, so that ordinary people like me can also have terrifying powers. !"

"Oh? This is the best news I've heard recently!"

The man said, "It's not in vain that I have waited for you for so many years!"

"So can it be popularized now?"

the man asked eagerly.

"No, my body is specially prepared. This genetic potion is different from the bait potion made by that old guy. Although I don't want to admit it, that old guy's technology is not what I can do. If a normal person uses it once, their genes will probably collapse!"

"Really? Does that mean we still need to wait for a while to perfect it?"

The man was silent for a while and then said, "Forget it, it doesn't matter. I've been waiting for so long and I don't care about the extra time! "

"Go to the Fire Dragon tomorrow! Bring that man back! With his help, your research progress will be accelerated!"

The man said so.

"Ring ring ring!"

The phone rang, and Jack exited the room knowingly.

"Click!" The man picked up the phone.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaa! Long time no see, senior!"