Furious Beast

The earth is breaking and the air is moaning!

The terrifying power was swayed randomly, and the unskilled physical conflict between the two monster-like guys completely destroyed this corner of the island near the sea.


The figure of the man named Jack has grown taller and taller, reaching almost four meters in height. At the same time, with the sudden increase in body size, the more obvious change is that his pale skin due to his long-term obsession with research is now apparent. He became a little darker, his light hair began to grow, the short horns on his head began to grow, his nostrils continued to expand, his eyes were red, and the whole person looked like a human cow!

It seems that he has completely lost his mind. This guy no longer thinks extraneously. After a little accumulation of force, his huge fist suddenly blasts out, and the thin air makes an overwhelming explosion sound.

"Have you completely lost your mind?"

Paso, who just felt like a ferocious wind was blowing towards his face, thought this way. The situation of Jack in front of him was obviously that the bull's genes in his body had taken over, and his rationality as a human being had been completely suppressed by the more ferocious beast nature.

Paso held out a hand.


The wind is blowing! ! !

Some scenes that subvert people's three views have appeared! The ground under Paso's feet instantly turned into pieces and flew away, but his palms, which were extremely thin compared to Jack's huge fist, really easily blocked Jack's terrifying blow!

Paso's Gummies and Jack's Bull Potion are both the same type of things developed based on blood factor technology. They both use the blood factor to temporarily implant animal genes into their bodies. Thus gaining unimaginable power that is comparable to Devil Fruit!

But although they are the same type of medicine, in fact, the effectiveness of the two is completely different! Jack's Wild Bull Potion only blends the genes of the bison and can provide him with amazing strength, but that's all.

The two gummies used by Paso, the smart gummy and the power gummy, are far more than that. They are the result of blending the genes of several animals, eliminating defects, strengthening the advantages, Jack's potion is not a product of the same quality at all!

The speed of a leopard, the agility of a cat, and the airflow perception of a fly. These three points alone, Paso's smart gummy, are enough to make Jack unable to even touch the corners of his clothes, especially the sensitive hairs on the body. The ability to sense airflow, to be honest, in such a close combat moment, its role is enough to be on par with high-level Haki.

Coupled with Paso's unimaginable reflexes and amazing speed at this time, if he wanted to, Jack, who had only strengthened his strength, could not even touch him!

But Paso didn't want to think too much, even he wanted to give it a try and see how different his skills were from Jack!

So he ate another power gummy. Just like the dexterity gummy does not only provide dexterity, the strength potion combines the genes of bison, rhino, elephant, bear and other animals. It brings more than just dexterity. Terrifying power, astonishing defense and unimaginable endurance!

The consequence of strength and dexterity is that even a guy like Paso, who was just a helpless researcher when he wasn't taking drugs, now has enough power to gain a bounty of hundreds of millions.

However, such genetic modification is not without side effects. Even guys like Paso and Jack, whose bodies have been modified many times, can easily have animalistic overpowering rationality when using genetic drugs, like It's the same Paso before and Jack now!


Jack lost his mind but became stronger. The beast's fighting instinct is far more powerful than that of a researcher who is not good at fighting!

After missing the target, Jack punched Paso hard again!

"This can't go on like this!"

The short hair on Paso's body was keenly aware of the changes in the airflow. The sensitivity of the cat in the body allowed Paso to dodge Jack's blow just by turning slightly.

"If I continue to let Jack go berserk, he might not be able to recover at all later!"

"Then bite the bullet! Jack!"

Paso yelled, for the first time, he clenched his right fist tightly, and the muscles on his arm, which was far more slender and well-proportioned than Jack's thick arm at this time, began to bulge.


There was a dull sound, and Paso's fist hit Jack's chest, which was already covered with hair!


Jack immediately spurted out a large mouthful of blood, which was vaguely mixed with internal organs. Paso's fist had been deeply imprinted into his chest, and the sound of crunching bones filled the air!

"Oops! It seems like I went too far!"

Paso, who was not satisfied with the control of his power, said this.


Pain often arouses the beast's bestiality. Jack's eyes became even more blood-red, and he raised his fist with all his strength, wanting to give Paso a blow!

"What a tenacious beast!"

Paso said this, jumped slightly, and hit Jack hard in the face with a whip kick. His huge body was instantly knocked away by the surging force, and landed heavily on the ground in the distance, kept rolling back, plowing a furrow directly on the ground!

"Cough cough cough!!!"

The blood in Jack's eyes, which was lying on his back, gradually dissipated, the black hair on his body began to fade away, and his body shape began to return to its original appearance.

"Damn it!"

Jack was breathing heavily, his face was a mess, his flesh and blood were bloody, "Damn it!"

"Okay, Jack, that's it!"

Paso breathed a sigh of relief slowly. Although Jack wanted to kill him, he couldn't do the same thing. He and Jack were partners who grew up together. Although they had different ideas, it didn't matter. That's no reason to take his life!

"You understand now, right?"

Paso said, "You can't force me!"

"Hahaha, hahaha, You're really carried away! Paso!"

Jack barely raised his body and laughed with a twisted face, "How proud! Just like that old man!"


Paso frowned slightly.

"By the way, you never knew, right?"

Jack reluctantly stood up, "That's right, I never told you! That old man really thinks highly of you!"

"That old man,"

There was unspeakable malice in Jack's eyes, "That old man, he kept saying until he died that I can never compare to you!"

"Really, keep saying this, keep saying this, keep saying this, keep saying this, keep saying this, keep saying this, keep saying this, keep saying this, keep saying this, keep saying this,"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, just like,"

"Like flies!!!!!!!!!!"

Jack's face had a wanton twist, "It was so annoying! Until later, I gave him some medicine,"

Jack's face became relaxed, "Phew - it's finally quiet!"

"you say,"

Paso's eyes suddenly became empty,


The beast is furious!