The Dust Has Settled


"So hungry! So hungry!"

The huge monster was roaring. In just a short time, the man named Jack had become more and more separated from the concept of human beings. For now, this man was more like a mixture of various funds than a human being. Monster!

The giant-like figure brings unparalleled power! Just walking around casually is enough to shatter the heaven and earth, enough to make the sea shake!

"So hungry, so hungry!!!"

"I want to eat! I want to eat!!!"

This monster with completely blood-red eyes roared like this! A huge size means huge strength and defensive capabilities, but a huge size also means that just to support the most common activities requires an extremely large amount of energy consumption. Jack used to be a normal human body and could eat food. The energy taken into the body is extremely limited. It is not easy to support such huge physical activities.

"Ah! It smells so good, it smells so good! What does it smell like?"

The giant beast said this. His face, which no longer looked like a human being, was filled with the most eager expression. His face was not facing anything else, but the people on the other side who were trembling with fear. To be precise, he looked at the pile of fishermen among the fishermen who were either groaning or dying after being hit to a bloody pulp by him!

The genes of the beast are boiling in his body, and the so-called human rationality cannot suppress such a desire from the deepest part of his bones!

"I want to eat! I want to eat! I want to eat!!!!"

With such a roar in his mouth, the huge beast strode towards the dense crowd. He wanted to eat!

"Ah! Monster, monster, monster!!!"

People shouting.

"Don't, don't come over! Don't come over!!!"


"Help! Help!!!"

Such a cry for help!

Obviously they have an overwhelming numerical advantage, but facing a monster that is completely rivaled by humans, these fishermen can only scream and cower. Now, they don't even have the strength to escape. These fishermen who have been bleeding and cutting their flesh all year round have long been exhausted. Strength, in such a crisis moment, it is not easy just to stand up!

"Hey hey hey hey!"

"It smells so good! It smells so good! It smells so good!!"

The huge monster said so.

"So woo, so woo, woo woo, woo woo!!"

Gradually, this monster even lost the ability to speak. Saliva continued to seep out of its bloody mouth covered with black hair and long fangs.

"Hey Hey!"

Smiling so much, this monster is smiling so much!

"Calm down, you idiot!"

A cold voice sounded, and a figure that was extremely petite compared to the beast's tall body jumped up from the ground, easily reaching the monster's face.

"Let me show you the second stage application of my gummy!"

"Strengthen your wrist!!!"

Paso's right arm suddenly expanded. At first glance, it looked like a normal-sized person with an extra-large arm attached to his body!


A powerful and heavy punch hit the monster directly in the face! Even with such a huge size, even with the genes of several animals mixed in, and even with astonishingly enhanced strength, this monster was still knocked to the ground by a direct punch!

"How is it?"

Paso landed gently on the ground, and his originally thick arms suddenly returned to their original slenderness. He shook his hand slightly and Paso said, "Although you can't hear me anymore, I still want to say something. Its not bad, right?"


The monster didn't suffer much damage. It got up and roared, seemingly angry that Paso prevented him from eating!

"Jack, the teacher said that! As a genetic worker, you must not let your humanity be suppressed. He has seen the most horrific consequences like that. I can't imagine what will happen if you continue to be like this, so! Just go and die !"

Paso's body began to undergo strange changes again. The muscles in his legs expanded again, and their length also increased astonishingly. He looked like a long-legged person!

"The next step is to strengthen the weapons!"

Paso raised his right hand, and the palm of his hand changed rapidly. The five fingers were brought together, completely losing the structure of the fingers, and then a layer of black horny color quickly covered it. It was still a little tender at first, and then gets extremely hard quickly! It looks like a rhinoceros horn growing on a human hand!


The huge monster stood up and roared angrily! ! The violent wind blows wantonly! It's obviously just a roar, but the effect is like a sonic attack!

"Although more genes were integrated, due to the loss of rationality and the rapid expansion of the body shape, it became!"

Paso squatted down slightly, looked at the beast that was flying toward him, and said, "Weaker!"

"Penetrate it!!!"


The ground suddenly shattered under Paso's feet. Large chunks of land were directly blown away by the terrifying force. A fragment of the earth that could be called a boulder flew directly into the air! Flying heavily into the distant sea! ! The ferocious cracks spread erratically! It can be called a catastrophic scene!


The air groaned under the strain! ! The man's figure disappeared instantly, and ripples spread out in circles!


The extremely dull sound was like a real bullet penetrating tofu! There is no obstruction at all, and it is not hindered at all! The humanoid bullet easily penetrated the body of the ferocious beast! !


"Boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

Continuous explosions! A corner of the surrounding islands was shattered into a state of disarray, and the coast had completely turned into a broken bay!

Terrifying explosions and invisible slashes complement each other!

"How is it? Can you continue? Senior?"

The chef is smiling so much!

He stood there without moving, and tentacles shot out continuously from behind! Some are translucent explosive oil that will cause a big explosion if touched easily, and some are extremely hard special butter wrapped in dark haki!

Explosive oil whips and buttery fists! It hit the old man on the other side like a gust of wind!

The explosive oil whip that can bring powerful explosions, and the butter fist that is no less powerful than the old man's fist! This offensive is extremely powerful!

"Whirring whirring!"

The old man didn't reply. He didn't know how many times he waved his arms, and he didn't know how many invisible slashes he had made with his palms! I don't know how many times I have blocked powerful fists and terrifying explosions with my arms!

Even with this old man's strength, his hands have gradually lost feeling!


As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. A pitch-black butter fist finally broke through the invisible slash and the protection of the armament haki arm, and hit the old man hard in the face!

The old man, whose face was covered with sweat, couldn't help but lose consciousness!

"Then it's over!!!"

The chef is smiling so much!

Several times the number of tentacles appeared behind him!