Blonde Island

The huge pirate ship slowly sets sail! Leaving this island mixed with blood and tears, gradually covered by money!

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Vlad was smiling like this, and the person he was talking to was Mr. Paso, who was standing on the side of the ship. He had changed his clothes and looked tall and thin.

After the Fire Dragon Pirates dispatched Vlad's Dragon Tooth Soldiers, the remnants of the Pollock Fishing Company who were originally prepared to put up a stubborn resistance and risk their lives for their own wealthy life were easily suppressed. Mechanical creations that far exceed human strength, these people are completely unable to resist such power.

As for those ignorant people who seem to be honest, but have actually carved the desire for money into the deepest of their bones, they are absolutely unable to resist the power of the Fire Dragon group, and they can only passively accept.

"This is the first time you've been away from your hometown, right? It's inevitable that you still miss it a little bit! Right?"

Vlad leaned against the side of the ship and said calmly.


Paso looked at his hometown in the distance and said nothing.

"Huh - you still feel a little emotional, right?"

Vlad crossed his arms and smiled like this, "But, Mr. Paso, the most inevitable thing in a person's life is parting, parting with people, parting with things, and parting with home! These are all inevitable!"

Vlad said earnestly and thoughtfully, "Human growth is inseparable from separation. It is precisely because of experiencing the pain of loss that people learn to grow up!"

Vlad felt that this wave of spirit from his soul came very timely. It must be able to fill the holes in Paso's soul due to leaving his hometown!

"What a good captain you are! Vlad!"

Vlad thought with a smile on his face.

"Can't you stop showing off like this and give others a chance?"


Paso suddenly trembled, and turned his head as if waking up from a dream. He glanced at Vlad and immediately turned away with a guilty conscience. He touched his nose pretending to be calm and said, "Okay, let's go." !"

"Where do you want to go!"

The veins on Vlad's forehead popped out, and the flames in his heart kept raging, like a volcano that had been accumulating for tens of millions of years.

"Asshole, can't you listen to what others say? Who am I talking about for so long?"

This is the first time Vlad has encountered such a difficult guy. Until today, no one has been able to take advantage of him verbally. This man named Paso is the first one who can turn him into a complainer.


Paso bent down sincerely, almost at an angle of 90 degrees, "I was distracted, please forgive me!"


Vlad almost spit out a mouthful of blood. What should he do in this situation? The other party apologized so sincerely, and there was no trace of perfunctoriness at all. Vlad felt a little bit in a dilemma.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Vlad waved his hands half-heartedly, looking helpless, "Forget it, I forgive you!"


Paso straightened up, with a happy smile on his face.

"So what?"

Vlad asked weakly, "How does it feel to be away from your hometown?"

"Do you feel it?"

Paso also sat on the side of the boat and said with some emotion,

"I still need some feelings!"


Vlad smiled.

"I'm a little worried. How many generations can the genes in those bait pigs be maintained?"

Paso frowned and said, "I still don't know if my technology can keep the genes belonging to the Pollock fish engraved in the bodies of those pigs!"

"Oh, damn it! I wish I had brought a boat with me to observe!"


Vlad's eyes narrowed slightly, looking a little weak.

In the end, is this the only thing you care about?

"Pollock Island,"

Paso said this with a very relaxed smile on his face, "These are the things I can do for it! There are many other things I can't do! There is nothing to regret anymore!"

"Just like Mr. Vlad, you said, there is no corner for me on that island!"

Paso said, "They are afraid, afraid that I will manipulate them through bait like Jack! I can't stay there any longer!"


Vlad didn't speak, and smiled softly.

"So, thank you very much, Mr. Vlad!"

Paso looked down at Vlad and smiled, "Thank you for giving me a place to live when I have nowhere to go!"

"What are you talking about?"

Vlad stretched and said in a bored tone, "We should say we are in the same boat!"

"Okay, now it's dessert time!"

Vlad walked towards the cabin with a figure-footed step.


Paso looked towards the direction of the island that was gradually disappearing, and chuckled, "Really!"


Blonde Island is an island located at the entrance of the Great Sea Route in the North Sea. In principle, its status is equivalent to that of Loguetown in the East Sea, but it is not shrouded in a halo of legend like Loguetown.

However, in fact, the level of alertness here has never been lower than that of Loguetown. After all, the name of the weakest sea in the East Sea is no joke. The pirates in the North Sea are far superior to those in the East Sea in terms of quantity and quality. .

This is an indisputable fact. The quality of new pirates in the North Sea is much higher than that in the East Sea, and the amount of bounty is also very different. In other words, if the navy of Blonde Island is not strong enough, it will not stop the pirates from going there..

Here is also the destination of the Fire Dragon group. A month ago, They made an agreement with the Navy to fulfill their promise here. After a month of fulfillment in the North Sea, it is finally time!

"Oh, is this the Blonde Naval Fortress?"

Vlad sat on the bow of the boat and said excitedly, "It's really extraordinary!"

As Vlad saw it, Blonde Island was an unusual island! Unlike other islands, this island was built purely for war! There is no residential area. This small island itself is a naval fortress!

Towering turrets, densely packed black muzzles, and a huge port with dozens of warships docked! Vlad roughly estimated that this port could handle dozens of warships at the same time, which was really amazing!

What Vlad noticed more was that a warship that was obviously different from the others was docked in the port. It was larger, longer, visible to the naked eye, and carried more elite soldiers.

"Yeah~ Are you so worried about me?"

Vlad smiled, "This is really——"