Konoha, 48 years

Konoha - January, 48 years.

Just as Yuki was focused on developing his wood-style ability, a new year quietly arrived.

During this time, the outside world seemed to be calm, but in fact, there were many dark tides.

Besides the Land of Fire, the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth also retreated to their homes and quietly healed their injuries.

The frequency of the Mist Ninjas in the Land of Water gradually decreased. Not only because of the great deterrence of Might Guy kicking four ninjas and seven people but also because of the vague words of the blood families in the country.

However, the Land of Thunder was still not satisfied with the current situation and had been doing all kinds of probing actions at the border of the Land of Fire, which made the relationship between the two countries still like a barrel of gunpowder, which might explode at any time.

And outside the five big countries, in the Land of Rain, one of the small countries that were ignored by the world the five major countries, the Akatsuki organization, which will affect the whole pattern of the tolerance world in the future, has been transformed and reborn under the guidance of the masked man who claimed to be "Madara Uchiha", had changed and moved on the opposite way from the beginning of the establishment.

Inside the Land of Fire.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had resigned because of the dissatisfaction in the village due to the compromise with the countries of the Third World War, still secretly held the power of Konoha.

And besides the Anbu, the Root that was deeply rooted in the darkness was still in the hands of another Konoha consultant, Danzo Shimura. Even Hiruzen could not command it.

At this moment, the root base is buried deep in the ground.

In the dark office, Danzo, known as the "Darkness of Ninja" by the Ninja Realm, was sitting on a chair with a cane.

Standing at the side was his most capable assistant, Shino Aburame.

"What has our new Hokage been busy with recently?" A cold and deep voice came from the mouth of Danzo.

Shino raised his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and replied, "Just like in the beginning, apart from building the badge in the Hokage building and chatting with the villagers after work, we have spent a lot of time on individual cultivation. Because the latter has supercilious shadow guards around him, our people can't check up on him at close range. As for what the 4th Hokage is cultivating, we can't find out."

"If you can't find it, then you can't find it." When he finished speaking, he thought of something and snorted coldly, "He's just a young boy who has taken good luck in the name of 'Senju'. I think he now knows how free he is and can only vent his energy on cultivation. Hmph! Hiruzen has a good plan!"

Obviously, Danzo is still unhappy about not being able to serve as Hokage, and the Orochimaru he recommended afterward has yet to be able to take on the role.

"Forget it! Let's put the matter of the 4th Hokage aside for now. What's going on with Orochimaru recently?" The walking stick in his hand heavily tapped on the ground, and he said with dissatisfaction, "Recently, the progress of his experiments has been much slower than before. What is he thinking? Has he not come out from the failure of the elections?"

"Orochimaru's words seem not to be affected by the failure of the elections." "On the contrary, he seems to have spent more time in the laboratory recently, but many things are not within the scope of our requirements."

Danzo said coldly: "The resources given to him by Root are not for him to use. It seems that this old man has to remind him personally."

"In addition, there are many living people that Orochimaru has asked for during this time. Root was unsatisfied, so he went outside to bring back a lot. This matter seems to have leaked some clues and has attracted some attention in the village." Shino thought of something and said.

Hearing this, Danzo frowned: "Why are you so careless? There are plenty of people outside the village. Why does Orochimaru have to make a move inside the village? Tatsuma Aburame, send someone to suppress this matter first. As for Orochimaru, it seems that we can't delay it. I have to talk to his son as soon as possible."

After saying that, Danzo stood up and walked toward Root's laboratory.

"By the way, the internal affairs of the Mist Village have been unstable recently. The conflict between Jonin of the Ninja Village and the Blood Limit Family has become more and more serious. Send another group of Root Ninjas. If there is a chance, add hot oil to their conflict."

The figure of Danzo had disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind only his ruthless voice in the room.


Tatsuma calmly ordered.

The Root that was deeply rooted in the darkness continued to absorb the nutrients of Konoha's main body but fearlessly slashed out its sword in the face of an enemy.

This was an extremely sharp double-edged sword.


It was also regarded as a double-edged sword, and even in Konoha's consultant group, the Uchiha Clan was very lively at this time.

The Naka Shrine.

Every once in a while, the main ninjas from the Uchiha Clan would come here for a meeting to discuss the clan's major matters.

Today was no exception.

In the shrine.

Sitting on the seat of honor, Fugaku looked at the noisy scene of people on both sides of him with a frown.

The reason for this was that the clansmen were dissatisfied with the upper echelons of the village.

Especially this time. In their opinion, Uchiha contributed greatly to the three battles and sacrificed a lot. The position of Hokage, which should have belonged to them, had been lost. He also let their former enemy, another "Senju", ascend the throne.

One had to know that, including the first and second generations, just the four heads of the Hokage Rock alone accounted for three of the Senju Clan.

This made them, who had built Konoha together with the Senju Clan, feel ashamed.

Because of this, the mood of the Uchiha Clan was very irritable, and the power of the Martial Arts School was rising.

Although it was not like in six or seven years, except for a few people, most people agreed to initiate the Bloodless Revolution, but now there was a faint sign of it.

Therefore, Fugaku, as the leader, was very tired at this time.

Although he also chose the Bloodless Revolution in the future, most of it was in a situation where people could not go against their expectations.

He still hoped to solve the problem with a gentle method.

Finally, after several hours of meeting, Fugaku, who barely managed to calm down his clan, returned home with a tired body. Seeing his son Itachi staring blankly in front of the pond, he stepped forward and patted his shoulder:

"Itachi, what are you thinking about?"

Fugaku had always been very satisfied and proud of his son, who was highly talented in ninja arts.

"Father, I am thinking about Ninjutsu."

It was still the young man who lied.

He was brought to the battlefield by his father when he was four years old and killed someone with his own hands. At this time, he was thinking about the question that many adults would never consider, "What is the meaning of life?"

Fugaku naturally did not know that his son had the potential to be a philosopher at such a young age. He comforted him with a "ask me if there is anything you don't understand" and stepped into the house.

Mikoto, whose stomach was heaving, was gently walking towards him.

After the couple warmed up for a while, Mikoto smiled and said, "I met Kushina on the street today. I didn't expect her to be pregnant like me."

Fugaku paused for a moment and smiled, "Kushina is pregnant? It seems Minato is going to be a father."

In the previous war, he had joined hands with Minato, and with the relationship between Mikoto and Kushina, the relationship between the two families was quite good.

It's a pity. If Minato became the Hokage, the Uchiha would be in a much better situation.

Fugaku suddenly thought of something.

Then, he remembered that Kushina was a nine-tailed human pillar, and during childbirth, it was difficult to guarantee that foreign forces would be fishing in troubled waters.

However, when he thought about it, he sneered slightly.

The things that he could think of, the senior officials of Konoha could not think of.

He was afraid that the latter would not only defend against foreign enemies but also defend against him, the owner of the Sharingan.

Mikoto didn't know what her husband was thinking. After she finished talking about Kushina, she touched her stomach and said with expectation:

"I don't know if Kushina and I have a boy or a girl. If they are both boys, they will become best friends in the future."

"Of course, they will also be a pair of amazing ninja partners." Fugaku put his palm on his wife's stomach and said with a smile.