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"Well, it's getting late. I'll leave first." Tsunade, who didn't know the true meaning of Yuki's smile, waved her hand and said goodbye.

"By the way, remember the bet. If you can't, admit defeat in time. I don't want to see you become a stone when I return. And..."

Tsunade looked at the Hokage's robe and said, "The future of Konoha will be left to you."

After that, without waiting for a reply from Yuki, she turned into white smoke and left the Shikkotsu forest.

Looking at the place where Tsunade disappeared, Yuki was silent for a while and muttered: "Konoha ---"

Speaking of which, he had always dreamed of joining the Akatsuki organization before he crossed over.

Not for anything else but to wear that extremely handsome Akatsuki organization uniform.

Of course, it was also cool to be enemies with the whole world.

However, there was a big difference in reality.

Who asked him to transmigrate into the body of the 4th Hokage?

At this time, who would be stupid enough to let go of the strongest force in the world of ninjas? The dignified leader of the Konoha Village had turned into a rebel and went to join the Akatsuki organization. He was just one of their subordinates.

The door missed Yuki's head, so he naturally tied his own interests completely to the Konoha Village.

As for his childhood dream, maybe in the future, he will kill the members of the Akatsuki organization and collect their uniforms to make a dream.

Shaking his head, Yuki said to the live slug not far away, "I'm sorry, Zombie Slug. I made a mess of the place you lived just now."

"It doesn't matter." Zombie Slug said gently, "It won't be long before they can grow again. On the contrary, the Shikkotsu Forest hasn't been so lively for a long time. I also enjoyed watching the fight just now."

"Alright then." Yuki nodded with a smile.

Then, after bidding farewell to the live slug, he also left the Shikkotsu forest.


Because of the extra battle, it was a bit later than expected when Yuki returned to the Hokage's office, which made him have to speed up the accumulation of documents during this time.

However, this small price was nothing.

After personally fighting Tsunade, Yuki had a clearer understanding of his own strength.

If he included Wood Style, his strength should be above that of the Three Ninjas.

Therefore, when facing the key target of his carefully prepared plan, Yuki was even more confident.

In that case, let's begin.

Yuki looked at the personal file on the table.

In the top right corner of the personal photo, a man with pale skin, golden vertical pupils, and a gloomy temperament was looking ahead.

It was one of the three Konoha Genin who was as famous as Tsunade, Orochimaru!

"Someone come!"

Yuki shouted as he covered Orochimaru's file.

Soon, his assistant, Hiruzen, who had a full beard, pushed open the door and entered. "Lord Yuki, what can I do for you?"

Yuki calmly looked at his assistant and said, "Go ask the security team captain to come to my office."

Hearing this, Hiruzen's face slightly changed.

The so-called captain of the garrison referred to Fugaku Uchiha.

One must know that because of the position of Hokage and the relationship between Senju and Uchiha, the current attitude of the Uchiha could have been better, and they rarely contacted each other during this time.

Therefore, when he heard Yuki call Fugaku, his assistant was shocked.

However, although he was surprised, as a subordinate, he only needed to listen to orders.

"Yes!" Hiruzen quickly agreed and turned to do it.

Of course, he remembered to pass this message to Hiruzen.

Regarding his assistant's small actions, Yuki could guess them without even looking at them with his own eyes.

He did not care about this.

In any case, there was no harm in knowing.

Moreover, it would take little time.

When all the dust landed, he could replace the other party.

At that time, he would definitely have to change to a black silk long-legged secretary.

This was what a real leader should be like.

The bearded guy was too annoying!


Soon, Fugaku, who was working in the Security Team, received the news.

His first thought was naturally very puzzled.

After all, he had no friendship with the current 4th Hokage, and even if something big happened in the village, it would not be up to him, who seemed to be in a high position, but was actually excluded from the power layer of Konoha.

However, as the leader of the village, Fugaku did not dare to delay. He put down his work and walked towards the Hokage building.

"Lord 4th Hokage!"

After asking for permission, Fugaku pushed open the door and entered, calmly speaking to the young man on the throne.

Yuki nodded and didn't talk much. He directly opened the door and said, "Leader Fugaku, I invited you here today because I want to ask you about a few cases."

"A case?"

Fugaku was very surprised.

On the way here, he also thought about the reason why Yuki called him here.

Some of them thought that the latter wanted to beat up the Uchiha clan. After all, the clan atmosphere was not good recently, and they often complained about the village.

He even thought that the new Hokage might want to recruit him, but it was different. After all, he knew that the other side had no real power, and the Uchiha clan was also a strong help. It was a good choice to combine the two.

As for the contradiction between each other, in the face of real interests, it could be temporarily put aside.

For this reason, Fugaku was evaluated in his heart for a long time.

But he didn't expect that Yuki actually called him here for the case.

The responsibility of Konoha's special forces was to protect the village and deal with all the big and small affairs in the village. Naturally, they had accumulated a lot of cases.

As the general manager, the 4th Hokage had a case to ask, so it was normal for him to look for him.

So, is this really business?

Looking at Yuki's serious face, Fugaku was a little speechless.

"It is indeed a case."

Yuki did not care about Fugaku's reaction. Even if he had to deal with the matters of the Uchiha clan, it would be in the future, not now.

Therefore, he directly said in a businesslike manner, "I have checked the case file of the garrison and found that in the past few months, there have been a total of six cases of missing people in the village, and one of them was done by human traffickers, killed by others and buried secretly. These two cases were quickly solved and captured by the forces. They did very well, but there were other things. Although the file has been solved, the report is simple and crude, and there are many loopholes in it. Captain Fugaku, you can take a look at them yourself."

At this time, Fugaku had adjusted his condition. He took the file and looked at the case that Yuki had pointed out.

Soon, he frowned.