Wood-Style's thoughts

A battle that they had expected began.

"Wood Style: Silence Killing Technique."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A thick and solid wood rapidly grew from the back of Yuki and stabbed towards Tsunade like a spear.

"It really is Wood Style!"

Tsunade's eyes suddenly lit up, and then they became complicated.

In the next second, the trees that quickly arrived bound her, who had no reaction.

If it was someone else, they would definitely be unable to move.

However, the one who was bound was one of the three ninjas, Tsunade, who specialized in physical skills.

She moved, and without any pause, the trees on her body were easily torn apart.

Yuki was not surprised.

Although Wood Style had excellent resistance to ninjutsu, the effect could only be considered ordinary when facing physical skills.


The black high-speed right foot suddenly stepped on the ground, creating a huge pit. Along with the huge thrust, Tsunade rushed toward Yuki extremely fast.

"Wood Style: Tree Barrier!"

"Wood Style: Wood Shield!"

Rows of defensive Wood Style Ninjutsu were summoned by Yuki and placed between the two.

However, it was quickly destroyed by Tsunade.

Just as the latter was about to approach, Yuki suddenly stretched out his right hand.

"Wood Style: Explosive Tree Spear!"

In an instant, a giant tree quickly grew on the surface of his right arm.

Under his wave, the giant tree in his hand smashed toward Tsunade with a strong wind.

Seeing this, Tsunade finally stopped.

Just as the giant tree was about to hit her, she shouted and suddenly raised her hands.


A violent wave of air spread in all directions from the centre of their exchange.

Pieces of bone forest were blown down without any resistance.

In the centre of the battlefield.

Tsunade did not retreat at all.

The giant trees above her began to crack.

However, under the speed of regeneration, the giant trees quickly recovered. The new trees that grew from Yuki were also added to the tree one after another. The pressure from the giant trees was getting stronger.

In the end, even Tsunade frowned.

At this time, Yuki's left arm also grew a tree spear and stabbed her.

Tsunade had no choice but to retreat.

In the following time, relying on the tree spear technique, Yuki was able to fight against Tsunade in close combat.

However, in terms of flexibility, he was still inferior to the opponent.

In the next exchange, Tsunade finally seized the opportunity to break the two giant trees under her feet.

Taking advantage of the moment when the giant tree had yet to recover, she rushed forward at an extremely fast speed and punched at the original body of Yuki.

In the end, wood-style took over Yuki and suffered this disaster.

"You really don't show any mercy, Tsunade." Yuki appeared from not far away. As he spoke, he clapped his hands together and said,

"Wood Style: Tree Realm, descend!"

In an instant, many trees were pulled out from the ground, but in the blink of an eye, they quickly grew and expanded, quickly replacing the original landscape and forming an incomparably prosperous forest.

"Tree Realm, descend?"

When she was inside, she looked at the lush canopy above her head and the surrounding trees that were full of life. Tsunade suddenly had a myriad of thoughts. In her mind, there were many familiar scenes that she had never seen in her childhood.

She subconsciously looked at Yuki. At this time, she seemed to see the person she had a deep impression of and deeply admired.

At the same time, after summoning the Tree World, Yuki didn't control her to attack immediately. He also turned his eyes to Tsunade and said calmly,

"You have seen Tsunade with your own eyes. You should be very clear about the power of the Tree World's Descent."

We don't have to fight anymore. It's not good for both of us to consume too much energy.

Previously, he had used so many Wood Style Ninjutsu, and apart from the need for battle, Yuki was also specially prepared for Tsunade to see.

In particular, when the world of trees descended, the forest around Konoha was created by Hashirama, and Tsunade had seen a lot when she was young.

This was also a reflection of Tsunade.

The latter had more feelings for Wood Style than him.

Tsunade was silent for a while and then nodded.

After sweating all over, she was no longer interested in fighting.

Moreover, the forest in front of her had indeed evoked her memories.

In the time after that, Yuki did not disturb Tsunade's contemplation. After giving a signal to the live slug not far away, he left with a bang.

When he returned again, he had a large jar of wine in his hand.

"I think you should need this now." Looking at Tsunade's eyes, Yuki pointed to the wine jar.

Tsunade didn't stand on ceremony and took the wine and boldly poured it into her mouth.

Looking at the other party's chest, which was instantly drenched, Yuki coughed and raised the bowl in his other hand. He said, "Don't finish it. At least leave some for me."

"You don't have a share!" Tsunade wiped her mouth and said.

Although she didn't continue fighting, it didn't mean that the anger in her heart was gone.

Yuki shrugged his shoulders and could only watch Tsunade enjoy the wine alone.

After a long time, when the jar was finished, her eyes were still clear, in addition to her rosy face.

At this time, she finally opened her mouth and asked, "How did you awaken Wood Style?"

Yuki was not surprised. He smiled and said, "I thought you would hold back and not ask."

Tsunade snorted.

Yuki didn't provoke her again. He couldn't say that the awakening of Wood Style was due to the system, so he shook his head and replied, "It suddenly awakened. It happened to be the days when I became the Hokage."

"Oh." Tsunade's face was obviously disappointed.

Yuki knew what she was thinking. Obviously, he was stimulated by himself and wanted to see if he could awaken Wood Style. After all, his way of awakening was not normal.

Wood Style was different from the Sharingan. The latter could only awaken after the mental level was stimulated, so it was not limited by age. The former was affected by the physical aptitude and often could judge whether he could awaken Wood Style when he was young.

Originally, Yuki had no Wood Style aptitude like her, but now he could awaken it, which undoubtedly gave her the idea.

Just like the Sharingan of the Uchiha, Wood Style meant a lot to every Senju Clan.

It was a pity that the answer from Yuki immediately extinguished the desire that had just risen in Tsunade's heart.

"But it is not impossible?" At this moment, Yuki touched his chin thoughtfully, with a hint of hesitation.

Tsunade suddenly raised her head, and the flames that had just been extinguished immediately ignited again.

"You have a way?"

She was afraid that Yuki would deliberately make fun of her. At this time, Tsunade had the urge to attack again.

After all, the person in front of her had a criminal record.

Seeing this, Yuki, who was hesitant, could only quickly tell the idea that suddenly appeared in his mind.