Arrive at the capital of the Land of Fire

The strange person who suddenly appeared wore a long trench coat with a black background and red clouds. His body was white and black, and the outside was wrapped in pig cage grass.

Such a distinctive feature was naturally the absolute of the Akatsuki organization.

At this moment, White Zetsu sighed with his exaggerated tone: "Aiya! It really is an amazing wood style! In comparison, our wood style is simply a fake!"

Black Zetsu was thinking about whether the unexpected person with the Wood Release would affect his plan to save his mother. "You were fake."

"Aren't you a fake? Isn't it just a layer of black? I'll also dye it later." "Of course, if you can make a big deal out of it, then I will admit that you are different from us." White Zetsu muttered unhappily.


Black Zetsu was too lazy to pay attention to White Zetsu. He looked around and said, "The information of the 4th Hokage has been gathered. It's time to go back and report to the leader."

"Hey hey hey, are you going back so early? Are you not going to continue with the 4th?" Zetsu was surprised.

"No need! After today's battle, no more idiots will dare to assassinate the 4th Hokage. Even if they do, they won't be able to force the latter to do more things. We still have things to do, so don't waste time here. This time, let's stop here."

After that, Zetsu didn't wait for Zetsu to respond, directly controlling his body to dive back into the ground.

The battlefield finally returned to its true calm.


Another day passed.

Without any disturbances along the way, Yuki and his group smoothly arrived at the capital of the Land of Fire.

Looking ahead, they couldn't see the side at a glance. The various buildings were densely packed, and many people were coming and going. It looked like a very prosperous city. Yuki's eyes were filled with interest.

Speaking seriously, according to the foundation of the Land of Fire, this city in front of them should be the number one city in the Ninja Realm.

After looking around for a short while, Yuki withdrew his gaze and slightly pressed down the fire hat on his head. He had already seen the person in charge of welcoming him at this time.

"Lord Hokage, welcome to the capital of the Land of Fire. Your name has been waiting for you for a long time." After discovering that Yuki and his group had arrived, the Land of Fire's leading official warmly welcomed them.

"I swept away some trash that didn't have eyes in the middle. I have made Your Excellency wait for a long time." Yuki said with a faint smile.

The time was short, and apart from a few people involved, the outside world had yet to know what had happened to Yuki along the way.

Although the officials of the Land of Fire did not understand, they still smiled and chatted for a while before leading Yuki and the others into the capital of the Land of Fire.

It was now not a good time to enter and see the great name.

After all, this was a political show between the new Hokage and the new Hokage, and they naturally could not afford to be careless.

Therefore, after some discussion, the meeting time of both sides was scheduled for tomorrow morning.

After that, Yuki declined the proposal of the Land of Fire's officials to stay in the Town Hall and instead went to Konoha's Ninjas' base.

As the strongest force to protect the Land of Fire, although the twelve Guardian Knights protected the name, Konoha also sent elite soldiers to guard the place.

The commander of Konoha's Ninja Army stationed in the capital of the Land of Fire was called Shikaku Nara.

He was the brother of the Nara Clan, and he could take this position because Konoha needed a smart and sharp person to deal with the affairs between the village and the officials of the Land of Fire.

In this regard, the Nara Clan, which had a high IQ, naturally took responsibility.

Arriving at the defense base, after meeting and greeting the local Konoha Ninjas one by one and sending Ritsuko and the Shadow Guards to rest, Yuki and Shikaku came to a secret room.

In the following time, Shikaku told the recent situation of the Land of Fire to Yuki in detail.

In general, the current Konoha and the Land of Fire relied on each other, and their relationship was very close and harmonious, so there would naturally be no conflict.

This time, Yuki met the famous one to get familiar with each other and make feelings for each other.

However, Shikaku also said that among the Twelve Guardian Ninjas around him, there was something that was not good for Konoha, thinking that the Hokage should not exist at all. All the power should belong to the famous idea.

Yuki said, "As long as the name is not kicked in the head by a donkey, this kind of thing will never happen."

Konoha was built from scratch by its own people.

All the village's Ninjas, villagers, and even the Ninjas only recognized the Hokage.

Even if the name gave Konoha money, Konoha's income would develop in a positive way. The former would, at most, be the icing on the cake, and it would be very difficult to use economic means to restrict Konoha.

Because of this, Yuki dared to guarantee what he had just said.

Shikaku naturally knew this as a smart person, but he still reminded: "It's not good to let this kind of thinking spread. The name may not be affected, but it is hard to guarantee that the people below and even all the twelve guards are hostile to Wood."

"The current generation is a smart person. If this kind of thinking really passes the line, he will deal with it himself without us doing anything."

Yuki remembered that in the original work, the guardian of the twelve ninjas was still a steady faction that destroyed the radical faction and did not receive any punishment afterward. It was obvious that there was a famous promoter behind all this.

"Of course, there is still a need to be on guard. Recently, Hiruzen has been telling me that he is going to guard the twelve ninjas. Since the inside of the guardian is unstable, it will be of great use to let him join."

"Hiruzen Sarutobi?" "Is it the intention of the third generation?"

Yuki waved his hand. "No! It's his own idea. A person who doesn't want to live under his father's shadow forever, hoping to get rid of the extreme thoughts of the person who gets out. Originally, I didn't intend to agree, but now it seems that it is a wonderful move."

Shikaku sensibly did not pay attention to the family affairs of Hiruzen but nodded and said: "The 3rd Hokage joined the 12th guardian and swore to protect his name. It has great political significance, and it is enough to show the support of Konoha. I think the latter will not refuse. In addition, the addition of Asuma can also suppress the situation of the Guardian against Konoha. It is indeed a plan to kill two birds with one stone."

"In that case, it is decided." Yuki clapped his hands and said, "I think the kid Asuma is also anxious. I only hope that Hiruzen won't blame me for what I did."

"It shouldn't be, right?", Shikaku hesitated.

Yuki thought for a moment and said with a smile, "Indeed not. After all, the third generation leader is a person who can distinguish the overall situation!"