Tsunade's Bet

The cultivation began.

Yuki sat calmly next to a lake full of natural liquid. According to the secret technique taught by the live slug, as he breathed, boundless natural energy could be seen to be absorbed into his body.

Affected by the environment, the natural energy in the wet bone forest was richer than in the other two holy lands. Because of the living slug, the characteristics of life inside were more active.

This was undoubtedly very comfortable for Yuki, who possessed the wood style.

As a result, the risk of being petrified was much lower compared to other people.

Half an hour later.

Just as Yuki continued cultivating, a white smoke suddenly emerged from the Shikkotsu Forest, and a person walked out.

The only one who could come here was Tsunade.

She came to Yuki's practice area with a clear purpose. She didn't disturb him. She crossed her arms around her chest and held the huge weapons. She looked at Yuki.

"This kid seems to have improved again! He will likely be able to cultivate the Senjutsu after his grandfather."

Although this matter was a good thing for Senju and Konoha, she was angry when she thought of the bet that this guy had made.

He was really cunning!

Tsunade snorted out of habit.

She was now very worried that the other party would put forward some bad conditions.

As for escaping the contract?

Although Tsunade would lose every bet, her gambling was still very good, and she never owed anyone money.

At most, it would be delayed for a period of time.

Although this time may be a little long, it would still be returned.

As for Yuki's request, would it be delayed like before?

Tsunade thought about it and shook her head unwillingly.

This won't do!

Now, because of the Wood Escape experiment, she and Yuki could meet each other every three to five days.

How could this be delayed?

As for Wood Escape, after witnessing Yuki's performance with her own eyes and now seeing that the immortal technique she tried and failed on the other party is about to succeed, Tsunade is not envious in his eyes.

Especially when he heard that there had been some progress in the wood escape experiment recently, he would never stay away from Yuki no matter what!

So, everything returned to the initial problem.

What should she do when Yuki makes a bad request?


When Yuki completed a cultivation cycle and opened his eyes to see Tsunade, he found that the other person's face was cloudy and hard to distinguish, changing very quickly.

He walked up to Tsunade and thought that she would react, but he was still absent-minded, so he waved his hand in front of her eyes and shouted mischievously.


Tsunade was shocked and subconsciously jumped back.

After discovering that it was Yunting, she angrily said, "Stinking brat! What are you doing?"

Yuki smiled and asked curiously, "What were you thinking just now? I didn't even react when I walked in front of you. This isn't like the usual you!"

Naturally, Tsunade wouldn't say what she was thinking.

Seeing that Yuki was still wearing a pair of shorts while cultivating, she changed the topic and said, "Why aren't you putting on your clothes? That little brat of yours, does he have a good figure?"

"He is indeed not as good as you." Yuki shrugged and said honestly.

The woman in front of him could be said to be very familiar. In Konoha, he couldn't find anyone who could compare with her in terms of figures.


Just as the voice Yuki fell, a roar sounded.

Not far away, the live slug looked up and continued doing his own things as usual.

A quarter of an hour later.

On the empty ground that was full of potholes and broken trees, Tsunade patted the dust with her fist and felt refreshed.

In other people's eyes, it was a fierce fight, but in her eyes, it was just appetizers.

There was also Yuki with the same idea.

After all, in terms of non-human physical strength, the Senju Clan and its close relatives, Uzumaki Clan, were both famous.

At this time, Yuki had already put on his clothes again. Besides a lot of dust on it, his other performance was the same as Tsunade.

He looked up at her.

In terms of physique, Tsunade was not inferior to him apart from the boundless life force brought by Woodwalk.

Compared to the thousand-hand clansmen in the past, the possibility of her awakening was the most likely.

It was a pity that she lacked some luck in the end.

It wasn't good that her current research on Wood Escape had improved, but she could see a glimmer of hope.

It was a coincidence.

After the usual warm-up, Tsunade also asked the most concerned question:

"How is the progress of the Wood Release research?"

Yuki replied: "Not bad, there are some breakthroughs. Through research and comparison, Tsunade's body has already met the requirements to activate the Wood Release. However, it lacks the influence of some key factors. The Wood Release hidden in the depths of the blood can not be activated."

"Under normal circumstances, you won't be able to awaken Wood Release again. However, there is still me! I could awaken Wood Release at this age because I had inadvertently found those key factors. With me as the blueprint, as long as you can find and cultivate these key factors, you can awaken them if you meet the requirements."

"Of course, all of this still needs time and luck. Right now, the research team is still a long way from the final success. Tsunade, you still need to wait patiently."

Even for a scientific master like Orochimaru, it would take a long time for him to invest in a research project.

Moreover, Konoha's research team.

In addition, the research target was still Wood Release.

In the past, who knew how many powers had launched their research, but in the end, apart from the lack of dog shit that could no longer be replicated, Yamato, who can no longer be copied, inherited the inferior version of Wood Release, and the others all failed.

Yuki was rather confident in the Wood Release research that he had created.

After all, he, who was still alive, had accidentally awakened the Wood Release and was extremely precious.

The underground black market had offered his corpse an astronomical price of eight hundred million, and the dozens of superior Ninjas in the Thunder Shadow School only wanted to retrieve a little bit of his blood.

If it was the other Senju clansmen, even if they found the key factor, it would be difficult to awaken due to the lack of physique.

Therefore, the future was undoubtedly bright.

But as he said, the process was always full of twists and turns.

It had been almost half a year, and the research had made some progress. If they really waited until the crack was over, it would probably take years to calculate it.

As an older female T-rex, a person who had been tempered in the second Ninja World War, although Tsunade's temper was still hot, in some aspects, she could still be sensible.

Although the Wood Release occupied a great position in her heart, the thoughts she had given up in the past were hard for outsiders to imagine the excitement and urgency of the reunion now.

But she, who was clear about the difficult process, could still suppress her urgent emotions. Occasionally, if she wanted to vent, she could find Yuki, who was so familiar that she did not have to worry about killing and injuring people.

"It's fine. I've been disappointed for so many years. I don't care to wait for a few more years. Just treat it as a gamble. If you lose, it won't be a loss. If you win, you earn money." Tsunade replied generously.

When Yuki heard this, a strange look flashed across his face. He hurriedly said, "Tsunade, don't treat this as a gamble! Don't you know the consequences of every gamble? Isn't this cursing yourself!"

One had to know that when Tsunade made a bet, it was the law of causality.

He feared that the other party's crow mouth would ruin the wood escape research he had built with a large amount of manpower and material resources.

Even if it could be done, it would be even more terrifying.

It had to be known that every time the other side won, people around him would suffer a great sin.

From the looks of it, whether it was blood or relationship, he was most likely to win the bid.

Therefore, this bet must not be made!

"Nonsense! I am the God of Gamblers." Tsunade's light yellow eyebrows tightened. Just as she was about to get angry, she suddenly remembered that this was a big matter related to the awakening of her Wood Release. When she thought about the results of her gambling in the past, she finally stopped deceiving herself. She said helplessly, "That... alright! If you don't want to gamble, then don't gamble!"

Yuki breathed a sigh of relief. "A wise decision."

Then, he thought of something and added, "This bet can't be established, but Tsunade, don't forget the bet we made before."


"Right! Also, if the Wood Release research is successful, Tsunade, you will owe me a huge favor. Have you thought of how to repay it?"

Tsunade: "...."