October 10th

7th month, 8th year of Konoha, 7th day, the Inuzuka Clan's son, Kiba Inuzuka, was born, and Yuki was given money as a gift.

In the 4th year, 7th month, and 23rd day, the son of the Uchiha Clan, Sasuke, was born. Itachi Uchiha instantly became a senior brother-in-law, and Yuki was given money as a gift.

4th year, 9th month, and 22nd day, the son of the Nara clan leader, Shikamaru, was born, and Yuki was given money as a gift.

The next day, which was the 9th month, 23rd day, was when Ino Yamanaka, the daughter of the Yamanaka clan leader, was born. He paid double the amount to show his respect for the son of the Yamanaka.

Out of the remaining 12 cockroaches, only Naruto and the youngest Hinata were left.

But as time passed, the former saw they were about to arrive.

Konoha was 48 years and ten days.

This was a very special day.

As early as before, Konoha's hospital had specifically chosen this day to deliver Kushina.

Unlike in the past, Yuki had put off all matters early today, making full preparations for the birth of Naruto.

He and Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had been staying at home for a long time, came over to help.

It was only because, as the Kyubi Jinchuriki, Kushina having a child was not only a personal matter but also a matter of Konoha.

On this day, because of her child, she would be in the worst condition, and it was very likely that the Nine-tailed Seal would be unstable.

As a member of Konoha, everyone knew what kind of disaster it would be if something happened to the Nine-tailed Fox.

In addition, they had to prevent external forces from stirring up trouble.

Therefore, not only did the three generations personally join, but under the command of Yuki, the whole Konoha village became relaxed and tight. All the Ninjas maintained their wartime state, ready to be on standby anytime.

At this time, Kushina had been sent to a hidden residence specially prepared by the Dark Group for production.

Not only was there the protection of the Dark Group but there was also a barrier protecting the surroundings.

Of course, Yuki, who knew everything, did not think this could help much.

So he let Minato go early and let him always follow his wife.

And he himself, after everything was arranged, would go to Kushina and stand guard outside.

Unfortunately, he could not enter the delivery room.

Otherwise, it would only be more foolproof.

"Yuki, it is best for Kushina to have someone familiar and experienced accompany her in the delivery room. Why don't I ask Biwako to help?" At this time, seeing that Yuki was free, Hiruzen suggested.

Yuki looked at him, and to prevent this old man from losing his life, he kindly refused: "Senpai Biwako is indeed good, but I have already prepared a better candidate. With her in Kushina, it will be safer."

Hiruzen did not care about his proposal but asked curiously: "Who is it?"

"Tsunade," replied Yuki.

"Tsunade?" A look of disbelief appeared on Hiruzen's face. "As a medical master, Tsunade is indeed the best choice. But, is she willing to return to Konoha?"

Hiruzen was very clear about her character.

In the past, he had tried to persuade her to return, but he was always rejected.

Even now, he had not seen her return, so he knew her intentions.

"I just asked her to come back temporarily! Don't worry. Since I said it, I can naturally do it." Yuki said, full of confidence.

Then, he told Hiruzen, "Leave for now and come back immediately." Then, he turned into a ball of white smoke and disappeared from the office.

"Reverse - Spirit Technique?" The experienced Hiruzen soon guessed how Yuki recalled Tsunade from thousands of miles away.

However, what puzzled him was when Tsunade and Yuki were so good to be able to make such a guarantee.

If this is the case, it is possible to realize the things that I stayed by my side and never forgot to mention in the past!

Hiruzen's eyes lit up.

As for Wood Release, not only did the Senju Clan care about it, but Konoha also hoped that this powerful Blood Limit could continue to be passed down.


Shikkotsu Forest.

When Yuki arrived, he did not see Tsunade arrive as punctually as they had agreed a few days ago.

She must be gambling again and forgot about the time when she was addicted.

At this time, he actually stood me up!

Yuki, who was furious, said to the living slug: "Living slug, go and summon Tsunade, that woman. You heard before that she and I had an appointment to meet at this time today."

The Living slug was a very principled person. Under normal circumstances, without the permission of a contractor, it would not do anything against the psychic, just like how Tsunade had hoped that it would turn down Yuki after learning about Orochimaru's death.

However, it was different this time.

After all, both hands agreed, and the live slug was not so stubborn and did not know how to change.

In addition, Tsunade had patted her chest a few days before she left and promised that she would be there on time.

Therefore, to protect Tsunade's reputation, the live slug nodded and replied, "Okay, Lord Yuki."

At the same time.

In a gambling house in the Land of River.

Tsunade, who was wearing a green gambling robe, was excitedly shaking the dice while shouting "big" in anticipation.

At this moment, it was undoubtedly a critical moment for her. Even if the Emperor of heaven came, he wouldn't care.

As for the appointed time to meet with Yuki, she had long forgotten about it.

On the side, silent, holding the little pink pig named Iruka, could only tearfully watch the money on the table decrease one by one.

If this continued, he would have to sleep on the streets again today!

Did you come to stop Lord Tsunade?

Silence shouted in his heart.

The next second!

It was as if he heard her voice.

A cloud of white smoke suddenly rose from Tsunade's body.

After the smoke dissipated, Tsunade and the cup in her hand disappeared.

She was not surprised that she had seen Shizune many times.

She naturally knew that Tsunade was summoned to the Shikkotsu Forest.

Although she did not understand why she was summoned at this time, it was good news for her.

She did not need to sleep on the streets tonight!

Shizune's little face was full of joy as she was about to put away the money on the table.

However, at this moment, a thick palm full of black hair slammed hard on the money.

Shizune raised her head subconsciously.

He saw a ferocious face smiling at him.

"Little girl, you should know that children should not run around after adults leave. Otherwise, it will be very easy to get lost. Just stay here until your adults come back. By the way, you can continue doing unfinished gambling for your adults."

"No. No." Shizune trembled.

"There's nothing bad about it. We're taking care of you on behalf of your master!" When he said this, Shizune was surrounded by a magnificent man full of muscles and tattoos.

Iruka was so scared that she tried her best to move her head to Shizune's barren chest, leaving only a pink butt outside.

Shizune also nervously swallowed her saliva.

In this situation, she could only nod her head stiffly.

"Then... okay."

So, Shizune replaced Tsunade and sat at the gambling table.

As for Tsunade, she held the dice cup in her hands and came to the Shikkotsu Forest with a confused face.