
When she thought about how she was forced to marry no matter what, Tsunade couldn't help but feel annoyed.

For her, who had never really been in love, to be forced to get married, her first thought was always rejected.

Because of this, facing the crazy persuasion of Hiruzen, she finally said impatiently, "Since there is no problem here, my task is completed, so I will go back first!"

Seeing this, Yuki immediately stopped Hiruzen from continuing to speak and then advised him. "It wasn't easy to come back. Let's go back to the village and have a drink. I'll pay for all the expenses! Don't worry. I won't talk about anything that will annoy you."

Tsunade hesitated for a moment. Honestly, after guarding Kushina for a day and witnessing so many things, she really had the idea of drinking a cup.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about anything else, only drinking?" She confirmed.

"Of course. It's not like I haven't drunk with you before. Did I say anything else?" Yuki said with certainty.

"Alright! It's settled then!" Tsunade nodded excitedly.

She thought that if she went back now, she would not be able to drink wine and not even have the money to stay.

She might as well have a good drink here before going back.

However, she felt that she had forgotten something.

Just as Tsunade was about to think, the seal that had just ended before she attracted her attention, so she threw it back into her mind.

On the side, Hiruzen watched the interaction between the two with a smile.

With these old people constantly deepening their impression in front of Tsunade, Yuki didn't need to wake up and fight for it in a roundabout way, and the effect would only be more obvious.


Hiruzen looked at Yuki again, and his eyes were filled with sympathy.


At this moment, the Nine-tailed Seal was coming to an end.

As all the sealing Ninjas completed the last seal, the huge seal finally disappeared.

Instead, the Nine-tailed Seal Seal was engraved in the stomachs of Kushina and Naruto.

"Wow ---wow ---wow ---"

As if to celebrate his new life, Naruto let out a loud, clear cry that shook the heavens.

As expected of a descendant of the Vortex Clan.

If any other infant had experienced so many twists and turns when they were just born, how would they have the strength to cry?

Just as Minato was about to pick up Naruto and comfort him.

As if stimulated by the sound of crying, Kushina, who had been unconscious before, slowly opened her eyes and subconsciously said: "Child? Where is my child?"

Minato quickly picked up Naruto and brought him to Kushina, saying gently: "Kushina, this is our child, Naruto!"

"Naruto. Naruto."

After giving birth to her flesh and blood, Kushina finally saw her son's face for the first time.

Then, regardless of her weak body, she held Naruto tightly in her arms, and the tears in her eyes could not help but drip down.

The once blood-red hot pepper is now the mother of humanity.

Time always passed by so casually.

Only when you raised your head and suddenly noticed it would you let out a sigh from the bottom of your heart.

Oh, so it has been so long!

Looking at Kushina holding Naruto and Minato holding Kushina, the family of three was very warm, and Yuki finally noticed,

It has been a year since I came to this world!


Konoha Village, Akimichi BBQ Restaurant.

As the best meat in the entire village, with the highest craftsmanship, and the secret recipe of the Akimichi Clan that had been passed down for hundreds of years, even though it was already late at night, there was still an endless stream of customers.

The place where Yuki invited Tsunade to drink was here.

After all, there was wine without meat, so there was always a lack of meaning.

Sitting in the private room, Tsunade, who had been walking all the way here, had regained her thoughts that she seemed to have forgotten before just as she was about to think of the final answer, suddenly!

A rich wine fragrance wafted to her nose.

"Good wine!"

Tsunade's eyes lit up, and she immediately turned to the wine a fat man was holding.

As for what she was thinking, it was not an important matter. It was not too late to think about it after she enjoyed it!


At the same time.

In a gambling house in the Land of River.

Shizune trembled as she looked at the people around her. Their eyes were bloodshot, and their faces were filled with the desire to swallow her alive. Then, she looked at the small mountain of coins before her table.

She had already replaced Tsunade for a day and had never thought that her gambling skills would be so good.

Looking at the countless people that had been carried away and the number of gamblers that had changed, she asked with a trembling voice,

"Do you still want to gamble?"

"Bet! Even if I must go bankrupt, I still want to gamble!" The gamblers present spoke in unison, filled with righteous indignation.

They did not believe that as a veteran of the Sea of Gambling, how could he be completely defeated by a little girl who did not have any experience at all!

Hearing this, Silence could only nod his head in disappointment. Then, his little hand superficially shook the dice cup. Then, he opened the cup and stretched out his little head. In an instant, his gaze became sluggish as he whispered, "Six. Six. Six. Leopard. Leopard. Leopard. Eat."

The gamblers on the table also had dull eyes.

Seeing that the small mountain of coins in front of him had increased a lot, Silence wanted to cry but had no tears.

She really didn't want to win anymore!

Especially when she noticed that the people around her were looking at her more and more fiercely.

"Mr. Tsunade! When are you coming back? I... I'm so scared!"

While silent had no choice but to continue winning money with tears in her eyes. She prayed in her heart that her Mr. Tsunade would return soon.


"En! Not bad!"

Tsunade, who had been in silent love, was currently enjoying fine wine and delicious food.

Yuki, who was sitting opposite her, also smiled and picked up a piece of meat. While eating, he looked around the lively surroundings.

These villagers who enjoyed their nightlife did not know that if it was according to history, this place might have already been destroyed by the Kyubi. It was unknown just how many people could sit here and chat.

However, everything had changed now.

Only Yuki could deeply understand the sense of accomplishment brought about by this generation shift.

This was also one of the reasons why he invited Tsunade over for a drink.

Not only did the latter experience a lot today, but he also felt a lot more.

Today's wine could be considered the big stone he had accumulated over the past year, finally falling to the ground and drinking.

Ever since he crossed over here and learned that he had become a fourth-generation Fire Shadow, although Yuki was happy and excited, he was still more uneasy.

Everything was because of the chaos of the Kyubi that was going to happen in a year.

He did not want to be like Minato, the most short-lived Fire Shadow.

But at that time, he had already become the 4th Hokage, so when the Kyubi really appeared as the leader, he had to bite the bullet and go first.

He was unsure how much he was, but he feared that the Kyubi would kill him in a few moments.

Fortunately, the system's appearance allowed him to see the dawn of hope.

To earn reputation points, he ignored other people's incomprehensible gazes and wandered between the villagers every day just for that little bit of accumulation.

Later on, when he met Great Good Kairen, his progress sped up.

Finally, after awakening Wood Release, his originally restless heart gradually calmed down, and he began to have confidence in the chaos of the Kyubi. From then on, he could finally calm his heart and carefully plan things out.

Orochimaru defecting was a scheme that he had carefully prepared.

Not only did it allow him to truly control the power, but it also increased his reputation points, allowing his strength to improve further.

At this point, his crisis could be solved.

After today, there would be no more twists and turns in the next ten years.

If he wanted to, Yuki would be able to enjoy this time.

However, since he knew the direction of history, he was not willing to waste these ten years.

Especially now that he had completely integrated into this world, understood this deformed society, and understood that every ambitious person, no matter their level, was using their own way to fulfill their peace philosophy.

As the Hokage, how could Yuki, who should have been the most qualified, not have thoughts?

Using the entire world as a blueprint, using his own ideals to draw out a peaceful and prosperous scene, and letting the later generations enjoy the good results they brought, such lofty aspirations were what every man expected to achieve.

Yuki, who had the power to dominate the entire Ninja Realm, also hoped to do it.