Guardian Ninja

Remember [New] in one second, Guardian Ninja Twelve Warriors.

As a close-combat protector of the country of fire, it was a private army.

The so-called Twelve Warriors referred to the twelve elite ninjas. They were very powerful, and each of them had a "fire" waistcloth on their waist to show their identity.

As the son of the 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen had joined the Guardian Twelve Warriors to protect the Land of Fire.

However, recently, the conflict between Konoha and the Land of Fire has given him a lot of malicious gazes.

He slipped on the gear, and with a crisp sound, the lighter in his hand produced a wisp of flame.

Hiruzen lit a cigarette for himself, and as he took a puff from his bearded mouth, the corner of his eyes swept over the people nearby.

Then, he pretended that nothing had happened and continued to return.

After returning to the station, the closed door isolated the outside world from view. Asuma put away the few cigarettes in her hand and walked toward Ritsuko, who was her friend and colleague.

At this time, there was a constant sound of chanting in the underground room.

Asuma stood outside the door for a while. When the chanting ended, she pushed the door open and entered.

"More and more people have been monitoring me recently," he said straightforwardly.

A man dressed like an accomplished monk stood up and said indifferently, "Not only you, but I, Beigen, Chenma, Shindou, and Freezing Rain have been monitored all this time."

Asuma could not help but frown deeply when he heard this.

These people were the same as him among the Twelve Warriors, and they firmly denied the idea that there was no need for the Hokage to exist and that his name should control the real power of the Ninjas.

As the capital of the Land of Fire, they could monitor the troops without any restraint, and they knew where they came from.

Because of the conflict between Konoha and the upper echelons of the Land of Fire, the steady position of the group of people supporting the Hokage became very awkward.

"Recently, with the support of the high officials of the Land of Fire, the Yamato people became increasingly arrogant. The other side is also extremely radical, and it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen. Asuma, did Konoha tell you anything during this time?"

Chiriku asked.

The Temple of Fire had always been very close to Konoha. Although they were currently on guard duty, their hearts were still biased toward Konoha.

Not only he but Beigen and Chengma were more or less linked to Konoha.

There was naturally a reason why they could always stand on the side of the steady.

Although the so-called Twelve Guardian Ninjas were directly under their name, they were able to grow into powerful Ninjas. They were also influenced by Konoha, who had mastered the knowledge of the Land of Fire.

This was also the reason why Konoha had always allowed the Twelve Guardian Ninjas to exist outside of the Ninja system.

Although the people of the Land had some wording for the 4th Hokage's different actions during this time, they could only take one path to the end.

Asuma shook his head and said, "In the end, it's the internal affairs of the Twelve Warriors. In the current situation, it's not good for Konoha to intervene."

Chiriku was silent, and in the end, he could only say, "Kazuma, you are not lonely people. Asuma, you and I have to be alert."

Another cigarette lit up, and Asuma nodded in silence.


As the leader of the Twelve Praetorian Corps and the leader of the Twelve Praetorian Corps, Kazuma had been very pleased with himself recently. Especially after getting the support of the officials of the Land of Fire led by the Left Minister, the strength of the radical faction he was in grew stronger. For the first time, he successfully suppressed the steady faction led by Hiruzen.

But this was not enough.

Even if the higher-ups of the nobility supported his philosophy, it was still far from enough when facing the huge Ninja Village.

He Ma was very clear about this.

For this reason, he had proposed to his name many times in hopes of strengthening the Guardian.

Compared to the support of the Left Minister and the others, the support from the entire the Land of Fire undoubtedly gave him the ability to truly be fearless of the Konoha Village.

However, what surprised him was that the latter rejected this proposal, which was obviously beneficial to his name.

The reason was to avoid conflict with Konoha.

"D*** it!"

At the thought of this, Kazuma was very angry.

It had to be known that everything he did was to let the name of the Land of Fire hold full power.

Everything was clearly for the sake of the other party, but the latter actually blamed him for his excessive actions.

At this time, Kazuma felt like he was about to fight to the death, but why did His Majesty surrender first?

"Konoha has already provoked us first but still wants to back down. He is too weak!"

He was so angry that he even had the bold idea of changing his name in the end.

At this time, the special envoy from the Left Minister and the others came to meet.

After a private talk, he felt that this idea was more and more reasonable. Even after telling it out, the special envoy unexpectedly did not reprimand him but instead talked about the feasibility of this matter.

This made Yamato overjoyed and more determined that this was the right decision to cut off the chaos.

However, he did not know that just as the special envoy left, a pair of blood-red eyes were constantly flowing in the depths of the other person's pupils.

The leader of the Dark Group team that carried out the mission in the capital of the Land of Fire was Shisui.

Although he was famous for his instant movement technique, in terms of illusion techniques, his level was still at the top of the Ninja Realm, even if he did not consider the other gods.

One had to know that when he encountered the Mist Ninjas led by Qing, he directly used illusion techniques from a long distance to defeat two Mist Ninjas, forcing Qing to retreat.

Now, confusing an ordinary person with an envoy was naturally easy.

The Left Minister and the others naturally did not dare to assassinate the famous, but with the help of the Dark Group, this matter could not be accomplished.

The purpose of this operation was very clear.

It was to stir up the internal strife of the twelve guards, destroy their organization, and take this opportunity to destroy Konoha's Opposition led by the Left Minister.

And to do this, Yuki and the others had already prepared their goal.

It was the Yamato.

This sword was unconventional, and for the sake of his own philosophy, he even dared to assassinate a famous person and was just used as a pawn.

At that time, not only would it lead to the destruction of the Twelve Guardian Swordsmen like in the original history, but it would also be able to follow the clues and use the assassination as proof to catch up with the Left Minister and the others.

To ensure that the plan was foolproof, Yuki ordered the skilled illusion Shisui as the leader.

Late at night.

As soon as he returned to the secret base of the Dark Group in the capital city, the cat-faced ninja who had been on guard outside noticed him.

Shisui naturally knew that this was his younger brother, but because of the rules of the Dark Group, he accepted the check without saying a word.

After confirming that the code was correct, he was allowed to go.

Looking at the back of Itachi, who was still standing guard behind him, Shisui suddenly felt slightly emotional.

Time passed really quickly.

The children who were still in school at the Ninja School could now contribute their strength to Konoha.

In particular, the dedication of this power was not just for the sake of tools but for the sake of ideals.

He could not help but think of a debate between the two years ago.


In the Uchiha training ground, there was still the familiar forest. After the training, the requirements of Yuki, Itachi, began to tell Shisui about Unity and peaceful philosophy.

This was not mentioned in the book of the will of fire.

Only the trusted confidant of Yuki would pass on this concept.

Itachi, who the thoughts of Yuki had influenced since childhood, naturally had the qualifications.

Even now, the latter still could tell people who were qualified to talk about this concept to Shisui.

However, after Shisui understood some of it, for the first time, he disagreed. "This... is too extreme! Outside the country of flames are four great countries and countless small ones. If we want to unite as one country, how many wars will be waged, and how many people will die to achieve it? If it doesn't go well, the duration will be longer. This will not only not welcome peace but also cause more chaos!"

Itachi retorted, "There was bound to be a lot of pain on the road, but as long as these were passed, true peace would indeed come. Like the Land of Fire initially, it was only a small part of the current map. After experiencing countless wars without expansion, it became the current great country. Although there were many casualties, once it was unified, there was no more turmoil in the country apart from foreign invasions. The same principle was used in the entire Ninja Realm. If all countries united as one, true peace would come. For this, no matter how great the sacrifice was, it was still worth it."

As a ruthless person who had destroyed his own family for the sake of the village in history, Itachi never pitied the heavens and the people, and he did not lack the will to sacrifice.

Whether it was sacrificing himself or others.

As long as he could achieve the ultimate goal, then it was worth it, no matter how many people died.

He naturally scoffed at the price of what Shisui had said.

How could there be no price to achieve true peace?

No matter how great the price was, when peace came, no matter how great the sacrifice was, it would be completely worth it.

It was like the number one, two, and three great Ninja World Wars in the past few years, and even the number four, five, six, and so on, the great Ninja World Wars that had constantly been breaking out.

Itachi explained strongly.

Although his expression had always changed, it was clear that he had not really changed his mind in the end.

His personality was gentle and kind, to begin with, and he could not be as decisive and indifferent as Itachi.

Although he knew that pain was not as good as short-term pain, when he thought about how he had sacrificed so many comrades in the Land of Water and then thinking about how the people who would have to sacrifice might have to take advantage of the fact that they would have to achieve peace like what Itachi had said, he could not make up his mind to do so.

Why do we have to be united by force?

Can't there be other ways? Or can we maintain the status quo forever?

This was the idea two years ago.

However, after two years of Yuki's personal teaching, he had witnessed the luxury of the nobles, the exploitation and oppression of the civilians, and personally experienced the prosperity of Konoha under the leadership of Yuki, the happiness of the people, etc... His heart had changed.

He, who had always been gentle and kind, had only noticed how much sacrifice his comrades would make.

However, he had not noticed how many people in the Ninja Realm were unwilling to die under the oppression of the nobles.

That was much more than the number of ninjas who died in the war of the Ninja Realm.

This had already opened up his field of vision, and it seemed very uncomfortable for him to not only look at the village of Konoha.

Because of this, he willingly accepted the idea of unifying the world and also accepted the principle that pain was better than short-term pain.

Of course, in his heart, he still hoped that all the battles would end quickly.

After all, the 4th generation with powerful Wood Release and his pair of Mangekyo Sharingan, coupled with Konoha's experts, it was not impossible for him to copy the World God from back then.

In this way, he could also reduce some of his death.

Shisui thought in his heart he had to do his best for this.

Just like this.