Konoha Old School

Just as the excited cheers continued to echo in the sky above Konoha, a quiet corner of the village seemed out of place.

If someone approached to observe, they would find that the three people standing there were all very high in Konoha.

One was the retired 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, and the other two were the elder of Konoha's consultant team, Homura and Koharu.

At this moment, listening to the announcement of the war in front of everyone, the two consultants looked very ugly.

This was not only because what Yuki had done was the opposite of their original plan but also because of such an important matter. The former was annoyed that he had never discussed it with them.

"Does the fourth generation chief still have us in his eyes? Interrupting the peace talks and declaring war on the Cloud Ninjas was such an important matter, and he directly decided without even discussing it. This matter concerned the future of Konoha. How could he dare to be so hasty? Also! Is this a good time to start a war? When Konoha needed to recover its vitality, it only needed to pay a small price to exchange for peace. However, the fourth-generation youth destroyed all of this, and now he wants to drag Konoha into the whirlpool of war. He is too young and doesn't know the severity of the situation!"

Homura was flustered and exasperated as he said this.

Not only was there the reason why Yuki Senju destroyed the peace he was looking forward to, but there were also the words of the other party, like "it is not long to kneel and beg for peace", "sacrificing innocent people is hypocritical behaviour", and so on, all of them were mocking what he had done before.

It must be known that he had pulled down his old face to go to the Hyuga Clan, and the starting point was also for the sake of Konoha.

In the end, it was Yuki Senju who interfered.

Now, not only had he become hypocritical, but he had also fallen to the freezing point with many of the Ninja clans who had heard of his actions, completely becoming human beings.

On the side, Koharu, who also had a bad look on her face, also said:

"Everything in this world can never be obeyed, and sometimes compromise and concession are the best choice to consider. It was fine if the 4th generation leader was young and angry, but he should never impose his own will on Konoha. The slogan was loud and clear then, but no one knew how many people would regret it when the shocking sacrifice and consumption of war came back. With Konoha's foundation, we shouldn't start this war! As time passes, only the interests of the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder will be damaged. At that time, the other three countries will be able to benefit."

"We can't be angry. Hiruzen, at this time, will you still stand by and watch?"

Homura turned around and looked at Hiruzen with expectation.

It was rare that Hiruzen did not refute the words of the two. He just looked at the balcony of the Hokage building and smoked his pipe while deep in thought.

Although he had retired for what he had done after coming to power, he still knew the source of the news.

Overall, he was very satisfied.

In addition to releasing the restrictions of the Uchiha and infringing on the interests of the Land of Fire, he was somewhat worried.

Fortunately, all of this was still under control, and there was no trouble, so Hiruzen did not think much about it.

However, today, the declaration of war from Yuki made him frown.

Like Konoha's two advisers, Hiruzen also represents Konoha's appeasement faction.

Although he spent most of his time in the war, he might have witnessed too much separation and did not like the word "war" in his heart.

Just like when he heard that his two old friends went to the Hyuga Clan to force them, although he did not like this method if he succeeded, he would also choose to accept it.

For the sake of the big picture, even if he was unwilling, he could only choose to do it.

From a certain point of view, his belief in Konoha was very similar to the two elders.

On the contrary, Danzo was the committed representative of the Fighting Martial School.

If the other party was here, he would immediately abandon his old friend and choose to stand on the side of Yuki.

However, this person had already been placed under house arrest by Yuki and could no longer stir up any waves.

Speaking of which, Hiruzen really did not agree with how Yuki abandoned the peace talks and expanded the war.

In particular, he had seen the "New Fire Will" written by Yuki. Although he agreed with some points, combined with what Yuki had done, it made him feel a little worried.

He suddenly had a bad feeling that Yuki would drag Konoha into an unpredictable abyss in the future.

Hiruzen shook his head, throwing this inexplicable idea to the back of his mind for the time being.

He finally spoke at this time, facing the continuous questioning of his two old friends: "At this point, the war is inevitable. Even if we want to persuade Yuki, it is already too late. What we can do is not drag Konoha down in this war and work hard to cooperate with all the demands of Yuki to fight against the Cloud Ninjas. At present, Konoha can not tolerate civil strife."

Hiruzen had thousands of words, but now was not the time for him to control the power, and he could not stop the decision made by Yuki Senju.

What he could do was just as he said, for the sake of the big picture, he would do his best to cooperate with everything else so that Konoha's losses would be reduced to the minimum.

But even so, Hiruzen could not help but feel dissatisfied.

This dissatisfaction was like a house that he had built for decades, and then he could only watch his new master change everything, making him very uncomfortable.

On the side, hearing Hiruzen say so, Homura and Koharu could only sigh helplessly.

The truth was indeed so.

So what if they had a great opinion of Yuki now?

The arrows had already been released from the bowstring.

As members of Konoha, all they could do was pinch their noses and follow.

However, after the war was over.

They would never let go of Yuki so easily.

Especially when Hiruzen attitude finally loosened, it was very likely that they would stand on their side.

Thinking of this, Homura and Koharu looked at each other and nodded.


After the speech, he returned to the office and asked the secretary, "Hiruzen and two elders, what was the attitude just now?"

Ritsuko took out the information she had just collected and immediately reported.

If Hiruzen and the other two were here, they would be very surprised that their conversation was repeated.

The reason for this was naturally because the three of them had spies in Yuki.

More than four years of administrative time was enough for Yuki to spread his power to every corner of Konoha.

In particular, he paid a lot of attention to elders like the consultant and even elders who were deeply rooted in the village.

It was likely that the former would never be able to imagine that their every move over the years had already been recorded, and there was no secret to Yuki at all.

An unprecedented reform had not only external pressure but also internal pressure on the old faction.

Yuki, who knew this, would naturally be on guard.

"Do you blame me because of this fact?" Yuki sneered when he heard Homura and the others blamed him after the war was over and said meaningfully, "Perhaps at that time, they will want to blame me again. Because of this."

After knowing that the people inside would not hold him back, Yuki focused on the big battle about to begin.

The choice of the Ninjas, the composition of the team, the preparation of logistics, the choice of the route of troops, and even the communication with the government of the Land of Fire all needed him to make the final decision.

Because of this, Yuki could not directly bring people to the battlefield to fight.

As the commander of the First Army, he still had a lot of preparations to do before the war.

This was also the reason why he wanted to delay and go to the battlefield.

Soon, the office became very lively, and one by one, Konoha Ninjas rushed in or out of the office.

After giving out orders in the name of the 4th Hokage, the huge war machine of Konoha began to move again.

This time, it was not a small fight but a real army.

At the same time, the entire Ninja Realm was also jittery because of Konoha.

The one who received the news the fastest was undoubtedly the Cloud Ninjas.

Originally, the 4th Raikage was still wondering why the other side suddenly increased their attack, and even Minato appeared, causing them to suffer heavy losses.

Just as the secretary next to him speculated that Konoha was doing this for peace talks, the group finally rushed back.

Soon, after hearing their story, the faces of the higher-ups of the Cloud Ninjas changed, and the 4th Raikage punched the desk in anger, his face full of iron blood:

"Good! Good! Good! Since Konoha wants to fight, we will send him to war! We will personally take what we can't get on the table!"

In this regard, Mabui, Dodai, and the others could only take a deep breath.

The outcome that they did not want to see the most still happened. They never thought that the current 4th Hokage would be so strong-willed. It was really beyond their expectations.

The current situation could only be fought.

The other three countries also learned about this news one by one. They were boasting over Konoha and the Cloud Ninjas' misfortune, hoping that the fight between Konoha and Konoha would be as intense as possible.

As for profit from it, they could only think about it.

After all, the Rock and Sand Village had suffered heavy losses in the three battles and had not recovered yet.

Although the Mist who joined the war had suffered a small loss, they had just experienced a bloodbath in the marginal clan. Their strength was at its weakest, and they could not do anything else.

The three sides were powerless, and they could only stand on the side regretfully, holding their benches and eating melon seeds, quietly watching the sudden battle between Konoha and the Cloud Ninja.