Peace Talks Begin

At the junction of the Land of Thunder and the Land of Frost, there is a place called Rosy Clouds Valley.

It was named because of the colourful clouds seen in the morning and evening. In the past, it was also a tourist attraction often visited by people from the two countries.

Now, because of the war, there was no one here, but along with Konoha and the Cloud Ninjas, both sides intended to negotiate, and this famous place was chosen as the place for negotiation.

It was not a coincidence that Yuki and his group came. At this time, the sky was cloudy, and they could not see the beautiful scenery of the Rosy Clouds Valley. It was a pity.

"However, this is a good place to ambush." Tsunade in the team touched her chin and looked at the surrounding terrain. She suddenly said this.

Yuki did not say anything, but the people behind him all looked serious and alert.

There was no way; Konoha's encounter with the 2nd Hokage was too deep.

It was also a personal peace talk with Raikage, and the Cloud Ninjas were also very dissatisfied internally. It is hard to guarantee that the latter will make another Kinkaku and Ginkaku brothers today.

"Relax; you must know that the present differs from the past." Seeing this, Yuki smiled and waved his hand.

The current Cloud Ninjas only had two or three big kittens left, so what if he wanted to?

Although according to the agreement between the two parties, there were very few people in the negotiation team, including himself, Tsunade, the three people who helped the negotiation, and all the members of the Shadow Guards, there were a total of nine people.

However, with this line-up, even if there were ten more Kinkaku and Ginkaku, they would only send food.

Unless the Cloud Ninjas themselves lost their wits and took the initiative to come to their deaths, they would not have to worry about the problem of ambush.

Seeing that his words tense the entire team's atmosphere, Tsunade smiled wickedly.

However, after noticing the look in Yuki's eyes that would go back if she made trouble again, she straightened her face quickly, shrugged and explained, "I'm not talking about us being ambushed. In comparison, Ei's side was ambushed by his own people." more likely."

This deduction was reasonable.

After all, this was also a tradition of the Cloud Ninjas.

When someone was ruthless, they would even kill their own shadow. This was still a unique case in the current world of ninjas.

Scorpion Kill the 3rd Kazekage was not considered; this was just a personal grudge.

On the other hand, Kinkaku and Ginkaku of the Cloud Ninja were completely a coup.

This was much better than Danzo secretly wanting to kill the 3rd Raikage.

"The 4th Raikage inherited his father's work. In addition, he is very strong. Even if there is an opposition assassination, he can't do anything about it." Although Yuki said this, in the following time, he still quickened his pace.

He wasn't afraid of ten thousand, but he was afraid of what if.

If the 4th Raikage really followed in the footsteps of the 2nd Raikage, then he had to fight even if he didn't want to.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

At the appointed time and the appointed place, Yuki and his group finally didn't meet with the peace talks team led by the 4th Raikage.

There were also nine people.

However, compared to the luxurious plastic surgery on Yuki's side, the 4th Raikage was much shabbier.

Apart from him, there was also Dodai and the other seven ninjas who were not famous.

Compared to the Cloud Ninjas, who had suffered the least damage in the previous three battles and retained a lot of elite strength, and also had the eight tails and two tails, it could be said to be extremely miserable.


The lightning shadow that had arrived was not the original body.

Tokuma Hyuga, who opened his eyes, looked at the chakra in the body of Ei the 4th Raikage, and after finding that it was much less than the information, he immediately told it to Yuki.

When Yuki heard this, he frowned and said, "Sir Raikage, what came is only the shadow clone, but not the original body. This is different from what we agreed on before."

Ei shook his head. "In case something unexpected happens, my original body did not come. However, this will not affect the result of today's negotiation."

Yuki laughed.

He naturally knew what the other side was worried about.

He feared Konoha's negotiations would be fake and the 4th Raikage would be captured.

However, on the matter of the two leaders formally negotiating,

With Yuki Senju as the leader, Konoha would never do anything above this.

One must know that this was related to the reputation of the village.

For the current income source, if the village's reputation were good, then the village's finances would be safe.

Compared to the benefits obtained from the Cloud Ninjas, the benefits of Konoha were undoubtedly much more important.

It could only be said that the Cloud Ninjas was using himself to help others, but he was worried for nothing.

In addition, the actions of the Ei clone would also negatively impact his personal reputation.

Yuki did not say anything more but said in a tone that could not be refused, "The negotiation leader used the shadow clone to arrive first. He broke his promise. In the following negotiation conditions, the Cloud Ninjas side must pay the corresponding price."

Ei did not refuse, obviously already prepared for this side.

For him, compared to the loss of face and interest, the most important thing at the moment was that no accidents could happen to him.

Next, the two sides could begin to negotiate.

However, before they got to the point, as a medical master, Tsunade, who was very familiar with blood, took the lead and said with a playful face, "The smell of blood! It seems that your journey is not peaceful! If you don't have enough strength, we can help you."

Hearing Tsunade's words, the faces of the nine Cloud Ninjas, led by the 4th Raikage, suddenly became ugly.

In the course of their departure, they were attacked by the unwilling Cloud Ninjas. Although they were quickly dealt with, it was still very uncomfortable to be treated like this by the internal people.

In addition, according to the principle of family ugliness, they had already erased all traces of the battle before they arrived, but they did not expect Tsunade to be able to perceive it.

The result was still a joke, and this feeling was undoubtedly even worse.

"If the Cloud Ninjas can solve their own problems, Konoha won't have to worry about it." At this time, Dodai stood up and said calmly, "In addition, Lord Hokage, Lord Tsunade, time is limited. Let's start the negotiation as soon as possible. The war has been going on for too long. I think the citizens of our two countries can't wait for peace."

Yuki smiled and nodded.

On the other hand, Tsunade crossed her arms and sneered, "You make it sound like you are very fond of peace. If you are sincere, you shouldn't have made so many brainless requests when you sent the ambassadors to Konoha. Now that you are in pain, you are eager for peace. Why did you do it today if you knew this would happen?"

"The Cloud Ninjas have always been fond of peace, but there were misunderstandings between the two sides before, so there was a series of things that they did not want to see. Now that you and I have officially met, all the previous misunderstandings can be solved and welcome true peace." While talking, Dodai pulled the angry Ei behind him.

In the end, after a cold snort, the latter suppressed his anger.

Seeing this, Yuki also looked at Tsunade, and she did not continue.

A successful negotiation always requires the cooperation of the red-faced man.

This time, it was obvious that Tsunade was doing a white face, and Yuki was doing a red face.

However, when the people on the side of Cloud Ninjas thought about how Yuki, who always had a smile on his face and looked very amiable, had more than two thousand lives in his hands, no matter how they looked at it, this smile was very horrifying.

"Everyone, let's take a seat first."

At this time, Yuki still had yet to discover this point. He still maintained a smile as he said this while extending his hand.

Soon, trees grew out from the ground and quickly formed a huge oval wooden table and a total of eighteen wooden chairs, which were placed in the middle of both sides.

"Wood Release."

Seeing this scene, the nine people led by Ei were silent for a while.

Then, after Yuki and the others took their seats, they also sat down.

Then, when the real topic started, Tsunade took the lead and said, "You've all seen Konoha's negotiation requirements before, so you should sign it as soon as possible. That way, the peace you've longed for will come sooner."

"Impossible!" Without waiting for Dodai to speak this time, the 4th Raikage slammed the table and said, "Your Konoha's so-called conditions are too harsh. There is no sincerity in the negotiation at all. The Cloud Ninjas will never agree to those humiliating conditions!"

"Oh? Then what do you mean?" Tsunade sneered.

"No additional conditions. The Cloud Ninjas and Konoha will stop fighting. In addition, the captured Yuki, Killer Bee, and Yugito must be returned intact." The 4th Raikage said bluntly.

Tsunade was so angry that she laughed. She also slammed the table and said: "Ha-ha, I thought Konoha would be the one to be defeated this time. If something is wrong with your brain, I don't mind helping you. If there is no problem and you still say this, then let's not discuss it. Let's directly start the war and let your Cloud Ninjas become history!"

"Come, come! Do you think I am afraid of you? As a member of the five villages, your foundation is still strong, even if you lose once. At that time, not only will you not be able to destroy us, but you will also make the Land of Thunder your grave!"

"What a big breath!" "The Cloud Ninjas are still a few pounds. As a Raikage, you don't know. Maybe your brain is full of muscles, and you can't even get simple addition and subtraction. So, it is no wonder that the Cloud Ninjas' foundation will be buried in your hands."

"Tsunade, you old woman, you are too presumptuous!"

"How dare you scold my old woman! You black gorilla deserve to be loved by no woman for the rest of your life!"


"Black gorilla Raikage."

As a result, not long after the negotiation began, Tsunade and Ei deviated from the main topic and began to curse loudly as they slammed the table.

In the end, it was unknown who couldn't control their strength and smashed the wooden table.

"Cough cough!"

Yuki coughed a few times, interrupting the two of them from continuing their thoughts. He said, "The two of you are a bit off-topic. Let's return to the topic of peace talks."

After he finished speaking, a brand new wooden table that was the same as before was reborn.

"In addition, I have to remind the Cloud Ninjas side that this time, the great victory of Konoha and the crushing defeat of the Cloud Ninjas is a fact. Everyone is smart, so there is no need to mention the impure thoughts of wanting to exchange for the truce without paying any price."

"If you want to negotiate sincerely, give up the land and apologize. As the defeated side, you must bear the responsibility. This is the truth that has been acknowledged since ancient times. If not, then do not waste everyone's time."

When Yuki said this, his tone was very flat and not as aggressive as before.

But when he heard this, the face of the Cloud Ninjas' side could not help but change and did not refute anything.

It was the same for Ei.

The reason why he said such unrealistic words before, apart from his own heart, also had the idea of asking for a sky-high price and returning the money on the spot.

However, Yuki was not someone easy to deal with. Now that he was mentioned like this by the other party, he could only quickly return to the main topic.

At this time, Dodai sincerely said, "Since we have come here, we naturally intend to negotiate. However, the many requirements that Lord Hokage has put forward are indeed too harsh. There are many that we can not reach, so I hope that you can forgive us."

"Negotiation, there is always a time and a time. Only the two sides have the same opinion and do not have unrealistic ideas; then we can negotiate." Yuki smiled and said.

After saying this, the atmosphere of the entire negotiation scene could not help but ease up.

However, the atmosphere quickly changed.

It was because Yuki suddenly turned to an unknown Cloud Ninja and said coldly,

"This Mr Cloud Ninja, although I do not know why you have always harboured killing intent towards me, I think it is only a few types. I am not interested in investigating further. However, please put away your ridiculous killing intent because I am afraid that I will not be able to resist crushing you to death. This is the venue of peace talks, after all. I do not want to ruin the whole situation because of a rat poop."

After saying that, Yuki also released a terrifying killing intent to the others.

Even if not for targeting the target, Dodai and the others instantly felt like they had fallen into an icy pit. Even the proud Ei couldn't help but change his expression at this moment.

Not to mention the Cloud Ninjas who had previously revealed killing intent to Yuki.

At this moment, his face was deathly pale, his forehead was covered in a cold sweat, and his entire body trembled endlessly.

"Omoi! Who told you to be so presumptuous!" "Lord Hokage, please be magnanimous. I guarantee that Omoi will not affect the peace talks."

"That's good." Seeing this, Yuki retracted his killing intent.

A Cloud Ninja called Omoi lowered his head and dared not dare to do anything else. It was obvious that Yuki's killing intent scared him out of his wits.

"Then, let the negotiation continue." Yuki returned to his smiling posture and said.

However, the Cloud Ninjas, who had just seen his terrifying side, did not feel that this smile was very friendly.

Not only that, after more stimulation from Yuki, the momentum of the Cloud Ninjas had unknowingly dropped a lot in the following negotiations.

This was undoubtedly very beneficial for Konoha.

Tsunade, who saw all this, quietly gave Yuki a thumbs-up under the table.

Yuki smiled faintly.