Catch The Evil

The war between Konoha and the Cloud Ninjas was finally over; let's not talk about how the outside world would react.

For Yuki Senju, there were still many things to deal with at the moment.

The Konoha army that was fighting outside returned to make arrangements, the promotion and rewards of the respectable people in the war, the arrangements of the people stationed in the Land of Hot Water and the Land of Frost, and the matter of the Evil Gods Cult, etc..

However, although there were many of these things, they were not the most important.

The real eyes of Yuki were focused on the famous name of the Land of Fire.

Since the night of the Kyubi, the accumulation of nearly four years, and the heavenly battle achievements he had obtained, it was time to collect the fruit he had been looking forward to most.

Outside the tent of Konoha's Great General, the Ninjas from the Anbu were on guard, and all the information in the lock was leaked.

Apart from Yuki himself, there was also Ritsuko and an official of the Anbu in the main tent.

"What is the information from the Land of Fire?" Yuki asked.

"After hearing that the Konoha won against the Cloud Ninjas and forced him to transfer over to the Land of Hot Water, the name of the Land of Fire and the officials were all very excited. So far, a total of five official awards from the Land of Fire have been sent here, one after another. At the same time, there was a new batch of logistics supplies and financial support." Ritsuko replied.

Not only would Konoha gain many benefits from the Land of Hot Water, but the Land of Fire would also be full, so it was normal for them to have such an attitude.

Yuki did not stop him.

After all, only by letting the powerful people of the Land of Fire know that it was good to follow him, then the resistance to the big change would be less.

"In addition, Lord Hokage proposed that you lead the name of the Land of Hot Water and the Land of Frost to meet the Land of Fire. The Land of Fire has agreed, and they are even very happy to say that they will hold a grand celebration." Ritsuko continued.

Yuki nodded.

He had already guessed the outcome when he proposed this.

Although the Land of Fire had the title of the number one country in the Ninja Realm, this title was still useful in the period of Hashirama Senju. In the next few decades, it took turns to become targets for the other four countries.

Because of this, although the Land of Fire was the strongest, its control over the small countries around it was declining yearly.

It had been many years since the scene of the various countries coming to court in the era of Hashirama Senju.

Now that he brought up the name of the Land of Hot Water and the Land of Frost to meet in the Land of Fire, it immediately touched the hearts of the people of the Land of Fire who wanted to save face. Naturally, they happily agreed and prepared to hold a grand ceremony to show the status of the Land of Fire.

The idea of upper land is what Yuki used to be very familiar with, and now it is the same with the Land of Fire.

"In this way, we will be able to reach the capital of the Land of Fire." Yuki nodded in satisfaction.

For him, after dealing with the external threat of the Cloud Ninjas, it was time to target the interior.

Among them, the capital of the Land of Fire was undoubtedly the main battlefield.

Now that he had a reason to go to the capital of the Land of Fire, the plan had been half successful.

Then, Yuki turned to ask the officials of the Anbu, who had been silent the whole time,

"I heard that the name of the Land of Fire has not been well recently."

The voice of the officials of the Anbu sounded through the mask, "Yes, Lord Hokage. His name recently had an illness. Although he has recovered, it has been repeated."

"Since that's the case, then let your distinguished self's illness be more serious." Yuki calmly said.

If these words were to spread to the outside world, it would undoubtedly cause a great uproar.

But here, the expression on his face did not change at all.

As for the officials of the Anbu, they did not hesitate to ask seriously, "What level of illness does Lord Hokage want to see?"

Yuki thought about it and said, "At least he will be able to meet the famous Hot Water and Frost Lands. In the future, let him be seriously ill in bed."

"Understood!" The Anbu officials nodded.

A conspiracy against the master of Konoha, the highest position of the Land of Fire, began.

Yuki watched the officials of the Anbu leave with their own plans.

He had seen a great name before, and his personal impression was not bad.

But this kind of personal friendship was not worth mentioning in front of the big picture.

If Konoha wanted to grow stronger, the Land of Fire had to combine the two perfectly, breaking the abnormal system of a land and a village to truly display the full power of the strongest land in the world.

Only then would he have the qualifications to sweep through the world and unify the world to achieve true peace.

No matter how strong Yuki was, he couldn't conquer and control the entire world by himself.

Unless he also learned to play an infinite moon reading.

But the false was ultimately false.

Yuki was very dismissive of this method of escaping reality.

Therefore, he had to borrow the huge power of Konoha and the Land of Fire.

But two jades could not command such power, and one of the jades had to be removed.

Yuki thought that he was much stronger than his name, so he could only wrong the other.

Of course, the process of seizing it could be smooth and direct.

After all, the Land of Fire he wanted to take over had to be complete and smooth.

This would have to rely on another force.

Yuki asked again, "How is the progress of Shisui's handling of the Evil Gods Cult?"

As a trusted secretary, Ritsuko was still fresh in her memory of the big and small matters that were conveyed to Lord Hokage, and she said without thinking, "Most of the leaders and believers of the Evil Gods Cult have been caught, but there are still a small number of people in pursuit."

"Get Shisui back. There are more important things for him to do. As for the Evil Gods Cult..." Yuki paused and then sighed, "Let Minato take over. In addition, tell him to spend more time on the affairs of Hidden Village of Hot Water. Next, don't go back to Konoha for the time being."

"Also, didn't we get the right to use Turtle Island? Let Kushina go now and complete the tailed beast trial."

The next change would affect the Land of Fire and the village.

This would be an unprecedented big reshuffle.

At this moment, Yuki's order also had the idea of letting the 3rd generation couple, who had a deep relationship with Hiruzen, stay away from Minato and his wife, Kushina Uzumaki.

For these two people, he still cherished his talents very much.

Ritsuko, who was clear about Yuki's plan, naturally understood his intention. She quickly wrote two orders. After handing over the seal to Yuki, she personally sent it to Minato and his wife.

At this time, only Yuki was left in the account.

However, not long after, Anbu came to inform Tsunade to see him, and Yuki naturally did not stop him.

Soon, Tsunade, who was wearing a green gambling coat, strode in with a hint of displeasure in her voice. "I say, Yuki, are you doing something shameful? Why is it so troublesome to see you this time?"

Your guess is right. he just did something shameful.

The corner of Yuki's mouth slightly twitched. Just as he was about to say something, Tsunade suddenly interrupted him.

Originally, she had not found anything in the account, but she thought of something in the blink of an eye. She smiled and said with a look that she understood, "No! You shouldn't say you are a person you can't see. You should be saying that you are reading some shameful book."

At this point, Tsunade raised her beautiful pale yellow eyebrows at Yuki and then said with a mocking face, "Jiraya came with me before, saying that you loved the new novel he wrote. Not only did you study it often, but you also asked him for the manuscript after that. So today, you are so unusually alert. Tell me! Are you reading that novel?"


At this moment, Yuki just wanted to vomit blood.

He never thought that Tsunade would think that he was reading porn!

What kind of brain hole would you think of this?

Could it be that, in the other party's impression, he was actually such a person?


It was still that sneaky guy Jiraya!

He almost forgot that this guy was also his rival in love.

He actually made a small report behind his back and slandered his image in Tsunade's eyes.

How many times has he asked for a draft?

It was clearly only once!

In his heart, Yuki secretly wrote down a stroke for Jiraya.

Then, in the following time, he did his best to change his image in Tsunade's eyes.

However, the effect was minimal.

Tsunade always responded with a "ha".

In the end, he even said, "Do you dare to let me flip through your ninja backpack?"

In an instant, General!

Yuki really didn't dare.

Because the book he loved so much was really in his ninja backpack.

This time, it could not be washed away.

Yuki was very helpless.

And when she saw his expression, she knew that she had guessed correctly. For some reason, Tsunade's initial teasing turned into a sneer.

She stretched out her hand and said in a stern tone: "Hand it over! As a Senju Clan, even as Hokage, you should never touch that kind of thing."

Yuki was very unwilling to hand it over. After all, it was a rare collection version in the market.

However, after seeing Tsunade's angry appearance, he did not know why he could not refuse, and in the end, he could only obediently hand it over.

As he handed it over, Yuki suddenly felt that the scene before him was like a wife catching adultery.

However, before he could think any further, Tsunade quickly grabbed the book from his hand. Then, she shook her hand, and the book she had read countless times immediately turned into countless tiny pieces of paper.


Incomparable heartache!

In an instant, Yuki could only feel his own people turning into ashes.

On the other side, Tsunade's face turned dark, and she was in a very good mood.

She smiled and said, "I'm doing this for your own good, Yuki. As the Hokage, you should be the example of all the villagers. Looking at this kind of bad book is really damaging to your image, especially now that you have led Konoha to defeat the Cloud Ninjas; your reputation has never been higher. You should be careful not to make such mistakes."

"Yes, yes, yes. You are right." Yuki replied weakly.

What else could he do when things had already happened?

He could calmly face this painful reality.