Tsunade's Mentality

Yuki and Tsunade had already sat back down in the messy living room.

Although both the tables and chairs were newly moved, it was good that Tsunade was not entirely controlled by her anger and tore down Yuki's home.

This also allowed them to continue eating and drinking after a meal.

Shizune was still silently sitting on the side, eating while looking at the two people.

There was something strange!

There was definitely something strange!

Based on her understanding of Tsunade, she would have punched her far away if she had met someone she didn't like.

This kind of thing happened many times when she was wandering with Tsunade.

After all, whether it was her master's appearance or figure, she, who was also a woman, was very envious, not to mention those men.

Especially those nobles who were dressed gorgeously and sprayed more perfume than women; many of them stared straight at the first time they saw Tsunade, and then they naturally pursued all kinds of things.

There were even many who knew the real identity of Tsunade, but they did not care about it at all. Instead, they pursued harder.

Of course, the ending of these people was not good.

Although Lord Hokage had also suffered a punch from Tsunade.

However, with his experience in silent mode, he understood that the nature of this fight differed from many previous fights.

It was not because Tsunade could not subdue the Hokage.

It was because she did not want to fight too much.

This kind of difference, Shizune dared to use her own pet dolphin as a guarantee, definitely would not be wrong.

When Tsunade treats Lord Hokage, she seems to be different from others. In the past, when she was travelling outside, she had heard Tsunade talk about her. What she said was really like the book saying that she was interested in another person. In that case, why did Tsunade refuse?

She had never been in love and could only secretly read a few romance novels. She did not understand this.

The little girl did not understand, but it did not mean that Yuki did not understand this.

After getting along with each other from time to time for the past five years, coupled with the fact that the elders had always been optimistic and urged them to get married, it was impossible to say that they had never considered this side of the matter.

Let's not talk about Yuki Senju.

Take Tsunade, for example; whether it was the salty pig hand that didn't care about Yuki at the very beginning of the destruction of the latter's beloved "Intimacy Heaven", it was actually clear that there was a person in his heart, Yuki.

This time, she was even more willing to return to the Konoha Village. Although it was said to be the reason why she was pleading for Teacher Hiruzen, perhaps even she herself did not know how many thoughts she had in her heart were to take this opportunity to truly settle down.

Speaking of which, she was not a stone girl and was not young anymore.

Regarding this, Yuki also had some guesses.

In addition, he also knew that with Tsunade's proud personality, if he did not take the initiative to make it clear, he was afraid that she would not speak for the rest of her life.

Although she did not say it, she was still particularly concerned about someone who said that she was an old cow eating tender grass.

Therefore, this kind of thing could only be said by Yuki himself.

After all, if there was such an "old bull", please give him a dozen!

Both of them were people of the Senju Clan, and their lifespans were far longer than others. In addition to the factors of strength, being able to accompany Yuki to the end of his life, Tsunade was undoubtedly the most qualified.

But now, it seemed that there was still a long way to go!

Right now, Tsunade still couldn't get rid of this face, so she had to do it a few more times.

Yuki was also mentally prepared for this.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen this time and place that wasn't very suitable for him to talk about.

His true intentions, apart from pointing it out to Tsunade first so that he could report it in advance, also had the idea of forcing her to choose one.

The Hokage's assistant or directly married someone.

After a battle between humiliation and humiliation, Tsunade, who had calmed down, undoubtedly chose the former.

Yuki was not disappointed. In any case, he had already achieved his goal.

However, he still had a little bit of a desire to continue and smiled. "Tsunade, you really don't choose the second one? To be honest, the effect of this one is better."

"Just the first plan! I've decided on the position of Hokage's assistant!" Tsunade drank the wine in the bottle, patted the table with a "snap", and said firmly.

This posture seemed strong, but Tsunade always avoided talking about marriage. Even if Yuki deliberately provoked her, she didn't seem to hear it and deliberately didn't answer such words.

Such a reaction was contrary to his previous unyielding temper.

It seemed that Tsunade was unexpectedly "shy" in this aspect!

Yuki looked at Tsunade thoughtfully.

At the same time, Tsunade, who noticed Yuki's gaze, only felt discomfort all over her body.

Afraid that the other party would say something that would make her feel like a needle was pricking her, she quickly finished the rest of the wine and immediately got up and shouted,



In his brain, he was already thinking about what would happen if Master Tsunade married Lord Hokage, and he suddenly heard her shout as if he had been caught and immediately shouted back.

Yuki looked over in confusion, not understanding why this little girl shouted so loudly.

Tsunade, who was busy with her own affairs, did not notice the strangeness of silence.

If she continued to stay here, she always felt that there was a flood. She quickly waved and said, "After eating and drinking, it's time for us to go home."

After that, Tsunade did not even say a word to Yuki; as if her butt was on fire, she quickly left without stopping.

As for her initial confidence in wanting to eat the poor Yuki, and even the matter of the Thunder God Sword that she had been preparing to mention the other party giving the wrong information, she directly threw it to the back of her mind.

Shizune, who was pulled behind her, did not leave without saying goodbye. Instead, she bowed politely to Yuki and said, "Lord Hokage, thank you for your hospitality. Tsunade and I will take our leave first."

"It's been hard for you to follow Tsunade. Don't worry; your good days will come in the future." After Yuki finished speaking, he winked at the silence.

Shizune felt warm in her heart. He quietly waved his fist and said to Yuki, "Lord Hokage, you can do it!"

Yuki smiled and then gave a big red envelope that he had prepared earlier to silence. It was a gift from a beautiful elder.

Shizune could not be delayed, but he was forced to accept the big red envelope with a red face in the end.

Looking at the little girl who was so happy, Yuki nodded in satisfaction.

Even the person closest to Tsunade was thinking of him. With all kinds of cooperation, he really couldn't think of how he would lose!

"Shizune, where did you go? Why aren't you coming over?"

At this time, Tsunade shouted from outside Yuki's house.

He was really cautious.

Yuki shook his head. After saying goodbye to Shizune, he finally reminded her, "Shizune, don't forget to remind Tsunade to go to work in the Hokage building tomorrow."

"Okay, Lord Hokage." Shizune bowed again and then quickly left.

Looking at her back disappearing and then looking back at the almost empty dining table, Yuki smiled.

No matter what, today's matter was successfully completed.

With Tsunade as the Hokage left and helping him stabilize the people in the village, it was time to set his sights on the ninjas.

These guys could not be completely convinced by just personality charm.

He had to pay for some physical objects to make it completely consistent with his own pace.

Fortunately, Yuki never lacked these things.


The next morning, the staff who had just arrived at the Hokage building heard the big news that Tsunade, one of the three Ninjas, was going to be the Hokage!

And when Tsunade arrived at the Hokage building with eyes full of sh*t and reluctantly accepted the position of the Hokage under the appointment of Yuki, the news of the proof spread rapidly throughout the village.

After that, the restless atmosphere in the village gradually calmed down.

After all, as the first Hokage's granddaughter, Tsunade, who was the most qualified to speak, had no objection to the Hokage's reform of the country and the village system. This was a good thing for the other side to do.

In this case, what was there to worry about for ordinary people like them?

If ordinary people were like this, then as Konoha's middle forces, the recovery speed would be faster.

All of this was because after Yuki announced that Tsunade would be appointed as Hokage's assistant, he quickly called for a meeting between the leaders of the Ninja Clan.


"Tsunade, as Hokage's assistant, will you not attend the meeting with me?"

In the Hokage building, in the newly released office of the Hokage, Yuki originally wanted to take Tsunade to the next meeting.

The result was that Tsunade was like a dead fish lying on the table, not moving at all.

"I said I don't need to do anything. Don't even think about assigning me now!"

Tsunade raised her head and said firmly, then immediately laid her head on the table.

In Yuki's perception, the next second, he saw her fall asleep magically.

Yuki's face was instantly covered with black lines.

One day, he, who had always been an outstanding person, was actually fooled by someone.

There really is you, Tsunade!

But today is the first day, so I will allow you to be impudent.

After that, I will force you to be diligent.

In the end, in the face of Tsunade, Yuki, who could not solve the problem for a while, only said harsh words in his heart and went to the meeting alone with dissatisfaction.

The door of the conference room opened.

When Yuki stepped in, he could see that the inside was already filled with Uchiha, Hyuga, Hiruzen, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Inuzuka, Yume, Kurama, Gekko, and other big and small Ninja Clan Leaders.

Together with him, the Clan Leader of the Senju Clan, Konoha's Ninja Clan, rarely gathered in the hall.

At this moment, as the real power in Konoha, the various Clan Leaders quickly got up and respectfully said to Yuki,

"Lord Hokage!"