The Crying Might Guy

Outside the Hokage's building, when Dodai walked out, Samui, who had been waiting outside for a long time, welcomed him.

After seeing that the former did not have a good face, this woman with a hot figure, blonde hair, blue eyes, and extremely fair skin clearly understood.

She said in her usual calm tone, "Sure enough, you still haven't succeeded? It seems that the Hokage is more unyielding than expected."


In front of his own people, there was no need to hide his bitterness.

The idea of Hidden Cloud Village fell through.

In the eyes of Dodai, Raikage and other high-level officials, Hokage is about to get married, and it is a time of great joy. The Cloud Ninjas came to express his congratulations and, at the same time, complained about his own suffering and then took advantage of the situation to propose a slight delay in the compensation time. The other party may be happy. He nodded in agreement.

After all, this was not a loss for Konoha.

The compensation from Hidden Cloud Village would still be given in the end, but it was only slightly delayed because of the lack of funds.

Moreover, Hidden Cloud Village did not dare to drag things out for a year or so.

Just now, Dodai proposed to Yuki that it was only two months.

But even so, although he happily accepted the Cloud Ninja's wedding blessing, Yuki, who was still very calm, firmly refused the request of Dodai.

This was not because he cared about the compensation for the war.

The latter was bleeding a lot for the Cloud Ninja, but for Konoha, it was just adding flowers to the brocade.

What Yuki really cared about was using the war compensation to bind the reins on the Cloud Ninja, not giving him any room to ease.

Therefore, not to mention two months, even two days later, Yuki would not agree.

It was also because he understood that Yuki's attitude could not be changed that he frowned after coming out.

In front of Konoha's powerful military strength and the many captives, the already unreasonable Cloud Ninjas did not dare to take the initiative to owe.

The only thing they could do now was to tear down the east wall to fill up the west wall and move the funds that the Hidden Cloud Village needed to compensate for this huge hole.

If this continued, Cloud Ninja's finances would become a vicious cycle, and even his own strength would fall instead of rising.

Dodai, Raikage, and the others knew this, but they could only watch helplessly.

There was no other way; the weak had to be like this.

It was just like how they had bullied and bullied the small countries in the past.

There were already some signs, but the alliance that targeted the growing Konoha had yet to truly form because of the situation, interests, conflicts, and other factors.

Now, they could only face Konoha alone and could not say no.

"Sigh! Now that things have come to this, we can only take it one step at a time. Time is tight, and now I must write back a letter asking Lord Raikage to prepare early. As for the matter of Killer Bee, let's leave it to you, Samui."

The plan had completely fallen through, and Dodai had no time and energy to care about the small matter of Killer Bee singing.

For the next time, he had to keep in touch with the village.

After all, tearing down the east wall and repairing the west wall was also a technical task.

As the only apprentice of the current Killer Bee, Samui could only do the former.

"I understand." Samui nodded expressionlessly.

After bidding farewell to Dodai, she went straight to where her teacher was.


Let's not discuss how the Cloud Ninjas would deal with their troubles.

Because the wedding of their Hokage sama was about to arrive, most of the Ninjas gave themselves a holiday during this festive time.

At this moment, on a bench on the embankment of Konoha, Kakashi, who was wearing the superior Ninja uniform of Konoha, was sitting on it leisurely, looking at the Intimacy Heaven in his hand.

After sending Amaru to the Ninja Academy, apart from the time of the mission, he finally returned to his normal life.

Of course, if there was one less person in this normal life, it would be wonderful.

"Kakashi! My eternal opponent! Let's have the thirty-fifth showdown between men, for youth's sake!"

He was still wearing the eye-catching green skintight suit.

Might Guy, who appeared out of nowhere, gave Kakashi a thumbs up, his white teeth shining in the sunlight as he shouted excitedly.

Kakashi covered his face with the book in his hand and sighed helplessly, "Might Guy, don't have any ambiguity in your words, okay?"

"Oh? Really?" Might Guy scratch the head of the watermelon? Very puzzled.

"There is indeed." Kakashi nodded solemnly.

"Thank you for reminding me, Kakashi. I will definitely correct myself next time. But now..." "Kakashi, let's have the thirty-fifth duel!"

Kakashi, who was too lazy to move, advised: "This is such good weather. It is the time to sit here and enjoy the cool breeze. There is no need for a duel."

Hearing this, Might Guy looked serious: "Kakashi, you admit your mistake. Because of such good weather, we should shed our sweat and not let down the good times that youth gave us!"

"Alright, alright!" Kakashi took a deep breath, put away his Ninja Bag, stood up, and said, "Then let's play boxing. Two out of three rounds."

"The thirty-first battle, the thirty-second battle, and the thirty-third battle are all strokes of the fist. I will always be facing Kakashi! Youth is not to be brushed off!"

At this moment, Kai looked at Kakashi, who seemed to be somewhat resigned to his own degeneration, with tears gathering in his eyes.

Kakashi suddenly felt a headache: "What do you think, Might Guy?"

"I haven't really fought with you for a long time! I just learned a new punch. Let's fight!"

Forget it!

Kakashi quickly made a move in his heart.

He finally had a rest day and didn't want to fight with the strong Might Guy.

He had to think of a way to divert Might Guy's attention.

Soon, Kakashi's eyes lit up: "Might Guy, do you know that the Hokage is going to get married soon?"

"Of course, I know! I even deliberately hung some red cloth outside the house." Might Guy, who didn't know why Hakkar suddenly said this, replied.

"Just a few mouthfuls of red cloth can express your feelings?" Kakashi solemnly said, "I know very well that Lord Hokage always values you. At the beginning of his appointment, he squeezed out precious time every day to urge you to exercise. This is a treatment that other Konoha Ninjas can't enjoy! You only need to pull a few pieces of red cloth to express your feelings. This is too much for the Lord Hokage to nurture you."

Might Guy suddenly become silent?

Not long after, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his tone was full of self-blame as he choked: "Kakashi, you are right! I almost forgot about the training that Lord Hokage had given me. I just want to pull two pieces of red cloth. I am really sorry for the kindness of Lord Hokage!"

After saying that, tears flowed down like a waterfall, and he began to cry in self-blame.

Although he was encouraged by the Hokage to stay in the hospital, it was only because he did not know how to exercise properly.

Now that he thought about it, in the past, only his father was constantly encouraging him.

The Hokage was the second!

Indeed, as Kakashi said, he was too perfunctory about the marriage of the Hokage.