Tsunade and Maki

Along the way, they left the restaurant and went to a place where Yuki couldn't hear them. Tsunade was like what Maki thought.

She smiled and looked at Maki with bright eyes. She said gently, "Maki, my good daughter ---"

"Stop stop stop stop!" As if she had been splashed by a basin of cold water, Maki, who was trembling all over, immediately stopped and said.

She rubbed her arms which were covered with goosebumps and asked directly, "If you have something to say, just say it. But don't use the tone you used just now!"

You are not cute! Tsunade's smile froze and she said fiercely in her heart.

However, she still smiled and said in a normal tone, "Maki, I heard that you won a lot of money in the casino today?"

Maki's heart skipped a beat. She subconsciously looked behind her and then asked in a low voice, "Mom, how did you know?"

"Your mother, I have been in the world of gambling for decades. Isn't it normal to hear some news?" Tsunade said proudly.

In fact, not only today but several times in the past, she had heard about it after a few times.

It was just that she still had plenty of food in her hands back then, and as an adult, she would not take advantage of a child.

But now, wasn't it a change of time?

People always had an underestimated period.

Tsunade was at this time.

So much so that she had no choice but to seek help from her daughter, who was connected to her flesh and blood and had a lot of money.

When the day comes for her to make a comeback, she would return it to her daughter!

Tsunade squatted down and pulled Maki into her arms. Her face was full of love as she said, "Maki, your mother, I, have now encountered the most difficult moment in my life. I don't even have the money to buy a single pill. Your damned mother is rich, but she refused to give a single cent and left me to die. I can only rely on you now, daughter!"

"Maki, didn't you win a lot of money? Lend a little to Mom. After that, Mom promises that I will return it to you with interest! Is that okay?"

Maki: "Oh. Step. Great ---"

"What do you mean?" Tsunade had a question mark on her face.

It was not until Maki's hands hit her hard.

When Tsunade lowered her head, she realized that her actions of holding the former in her arms seemed to have made her feel suffocated.

"exhale --- exhale --- exhale ---"

At the same time, she looked at the culprit, not understanding why she had grown so big.

Tsunade followed her daughter's gaze.

After noticing her broad chest, she proudly raised her pale yellow eyebrows and said to her daughter, "Are you jealous? If you are not satisfied when you grow up, you can ask your mom for help. I guarantee that you will be charming!"

"Who... who would like this kind of unnecessary burden?" Maki blushed and refused.

In her opinion, it was still the best kind of Aunt Aya.

It was flat and the centre of gravity would not shift, which was more conducive to battle.

I don't know what's so good about this kind of extra stuff!

"Hehe, Maki, don't be shy. This is not a burden." "You should know that your father likes it very much!" Tsunade, who was shy, whispered again.

When she suddenly heard such words and heard that her father liked it very much, Maki, who blushed even more, subconsciously looked down at herself.

"Don't worry! I'll take care of everything! You have to know that I, your mother, am the best in the world of medicine!" Tsunade patted her shoulder and went back to the main topic, "So, Maki, for the sake of your mother helping you in the future, can you lend me some money now?"

"The money is gone."

Maki, who was still thinking about big and small issues, replied without even lifting his head.

"How could I not have it? So much money. It has only been a day. No matter how much you spend, you can't spend it all."

Tsunade naturally did not believe it.

Just as her daughter was still unwilling, she thought for a moment and her eyes lit up. "Maki, don't you want to know how the wine tastes? I have it here! If you agree to lend me money, I will let you have a taste."

A mother knows her daughter better than a mother.

Although Tsunade rarely cared about her daughter, she knew her daughter's personality well.

Sure enough, when she heard that there was wine, the eyes of Maki that came out of Tsunade's belly lit up.

After Yuki missed the gamble and learned his lesson on drinking wine, under the strict defence of drinking, not only did Maki not get to drink at home, but even the owner of the wine shop outside who greeted her in advance refused to sell wine to her.

But the more you can't get, the more you want to get it.

Maki was in this state right now.

At this moment, when she heard that her mother was willing to take the risk of being banned by her father to let her taste it, Maki wanted to agree.

But the problem was that she donated all her money to the orphanage.

The only small stack that she took out was used up in one day with her companions.

There was indeed nothing left in her hands.

Maki could only shake her head regretfully.

This damned brat! Why is he so stubborn?

Seeing that his confident move was ineffective, Tsunade smiled sinisterly. "Maki! I didn't want to ruin the deep relationship between us. So, hehe, you don't want Daddy to find out about your gambling, right?"

Maki was stunned.

Good fellow!

Her mother was so soft that she threatened her.

Maki's temper flared up, and she refused to back down. "My dear mother, you don't want your husband to know that you taught your daughter to gamble, right?"

"Did I teach you to gamble?"

"Of course! Just a year ago, you returned home after a big loss. You drank a lot at home. When you saw me come in when you were bored and shook the dice, you pulled me to show off your gambling skills."

Is there?

It seems that there is!

Tsunade suddenly felt a little guilty.

But soon, her attention turned to another place, full of disbelief. "So, after you learned the gambling technique from me, you can win every time you go to the gambling house?"

"Hum hum ---" Maki raised her head proudly, "To be exact, the time you taught me, I only knew the rules of gambling."

"As for gambling, I was born with it! I don't need anyone to teach me!"

At this moment, hearing what Maki said, and thinking of her age and achievements, Tsunade's face suddenly changed.

She suddenly found that she, who had been in the casino for so many years, was like a dog compared to her daughter who had just started killing people!


Why was his daughter able to win consecutive battles?

And he was repeatedly defeated?

This world was too unfair!

Tsunade, who was full of envy and jealousy, could not stand her daughter's silent ridicule.

He was not even interested in bringing up the matter of money.

After knocking on Maki's head, he said, "Hurry up and practice, not one minute less." Then, he quickly covered his face and left.

His speed was so fast that even Maki had no time to say anything.

"Really. As expected, it's good to have a purpose. If there is no purpose, then hurry up and leave."

After rubbing the pain on her head and mocking her mother, Maki sighed and continued to walk to the courtyard alone.


The courtyard of the Yuki family was very large.

After some modifications, there were several training grounds.

Under the bright moonlight, when Maki arrived, she could see a bright training ground. The tall and slender figure of Aya Uchiha was standing there.

The latter was her home tutor.

Although it was a bit inappropriate for an Uchiha to teach Senju.

However, apart from Wood Release being personally taught by Yuki, most of the time Maki was used to build the foundation. In the case of learning some physical skills, it was undoubtedly a good choice for an Uchiha who was already very mature to teach.

Of course, in terms of basic and physical skills, Konoha Village had a better choice, and that was Mick.

To be able to become the number one physical master in the world of ninjas without training himself to death, the other party was an expert in this field.

Yuki had considered Kai a long time ago.

Although the other party would take this opportunity to promote the green tights, Maki's aesthetic sense was probably too poor to accept.

So this was nothing.

However, when he occasionally looked through the wedding gifts in his inventory which had been crowded for a long time and found the gifts that Might Guy had given him, he quickly blacklisted him with an extremely ugly expression.

It was because the gift Might Guy had given him was a song that he had personally recorded, called "The Youth Entering Song".

That crying and howling, completely unaware of the so-called rap song, made him want to faint.

It was still beautiful that this was his first recording song. When he became a great singer in the future, he would have a great collection value, and this was to express his new blessing to Lord Raikage.

Yuki could only say "ah".

No wonder there had always been news of Might Guy disturbing people in the village.

For this reason, the garrison went to his house many times, but the effect was not ideal.

This was an illness, it had to be treated!

For the sake of Konoha's happiness, Yuki personally arranged multiple electrotherapy treatments for Might Guy.

Only then did Might Guy suppress the evil wind that he had never seen before.

Now, it seemed like he had not heard of the other party's wails and howls.

But even so, to be safe, Yuki still gave Might Guy a fork and chose Aya Uchiha.

The latter had followed him for so many years, and under the deliberate training, his current strength was only under the Mangekyo of the Uchiha and could be said to be the elite of the Jonins.

At this moment, when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching and saw that it was Maki, he calmly said, "Now, the training begins!"


As soon as she finished speaking, a sharp Kunai was thrown over by her.


Knowing his teacher's character, Maki stretched out his hand and grabbed Kunai at the right time. His figure flashed and rushed toward Aya Uchiha.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Soon, under the night, a series of metal colliding sounds rang out in the training ground.