A Deliberate Action

Just as the new generation of Konoha began to grow, Yuki arrived at the Hokage building.

The current Hokage building was no longer the same as before.

As Konoha expanded and more Fire Land affairs needed to be dealt with, the former building was no longer adapted to office needs.

On the old foundation, the newly built Hokage building was even more majestic. The whole building was red, and from the sky, it looked like a burning flame.

This was more in line with what the real administrative centre of the land of fire looked like.

In a series of greetings from the "Lord Hokage" and "General", Yuki went all the way to the office and the office of the Hokage.

"Lord Hokage, you are here!"

Midway, when Minato, who was holding a lot of documents, saw him, his eyes lit up. After greeting him, he was ready to continue.

Yuki was the first to pat his shoulder and said, "Our Lord Hokage has started working so early! As expected of the model of work, it's been hard on you, Minato!"

"For Konoha, for the land of fire, it's all right!" Minato smiled.

After saying that, he returned to the first topic: "Lord Hokage, there are some documents that I need you."

"Well done, Minato!" "Continue to maintain this state! At present, all the major matters of the country of fire, including Konoha, are on your shoulders. At this time, we need someone to show the spirit that is not afraid of suffering. Minato, I think highly of you!"

"I... Thank you, Lord Hokage, for thinking so highly of me!"

"En! Keep up the good work!"

Finally, Yuki patted Minato's shoulder again, and then quickly passed through without a trace of weight in his hands.

Only Minato remained in the same place for a long time, holding a large pile of documents. Finally, he looked down at the heavy work in his hands and solemnly sighed, "To live up to the trust of Lord Hokage, I can no longer refuse!"

In the office of the Hokage, when Yuki walked in, Ritsuko, who was still dressed in black silk, skillfully carried out his daily work.

Although the latter was still by Yuki's side, with a lot of affairs, he was promoted from the original one to the current head of the secretariat who was in charge of many people.

The Pharmacist Kabuto, also the young official called Ishida that Yuki had seen in the north of the Fire Land, and now he was a member of the secretariat, following her to deal with affairs as if he was raised by Yuki's confidant.

Because of this, when Sasuke heard that Pharmacist Kabuto was the assistant of the Hokage, he was surprised.

Because for Konoha and the Fire Land, the most envious way to advance was undoubtedly the assistant of Lord Hokage.

And to be able to be the head of the secretariat, the position of Ritsuko could be imagined.

At this time, Ritsuko Yamanaka, whose appearance was still the same as when they first met, whose skin was still delicate and smooth, and whose temperament was more mature and stable, handed over two applications for leaving the village, explaining: "Yakushi Nounou and Kabuto Yakushi Apply to leave the village today."

Although the current Konoha was not as strict as before because of the increase in visitor flow, this was only for ordinary people, and the control of Konoha's Ninjas was still very strict.

Of course, this kind of thing did not need to be personally handled by Lord Hokage, Yuki.

However, the identity of the applicants this time was somewhat special.

No matter what happened now, as one of the two top spies in Konoha, he was still sent to the Senju due to the importance of this matter.

"Is the Pharmacist Kabuto going out?"

Yuki knew that Yakushi was going out.

After all, his daughter had just become a Child of Wealth. Based on the other party's character, which was becoming more and more like a living Bodhisattva, he would naturally go out immediately to help the lonely orphans.

On the other hand, Medicine Master Kabuto was a little surprised.

Was this a parent-child trip?

While Yuki signed his name on the application, he said to Ritsuko,

"Tell Medicine Master Kabuto that his workload will double when he comes back."

No one could be lazy in their own hands.

No one!

Ritsuko, who knew Yuki's character, nodded calmly and asked, "Do we need to send the Anbu to supervise the two?"

Medicine Master Kabuto and Medicine Master Yakushi had too much precious information in their minds, so it was normal for her to ask this question.

Yuki shook his head, "There is no need to doubt people."

With the current situation, he really could not think of the possibility of Kabuto and Yakushi betraying him.

As for the possible external dangers, these two people were not weak.

Especially Medicine Master Kabuto, after obtaining the Tsunade's legacy, his strength was far less harmless than his external appearance.

"Don't worry, let them go." Yuki finally made a decision.

Seeing this, Ritsuko didn't say anything more. She nodded and took the agreement book to do it.

Soon, with Konoha's current efficiency, the already prepared Pharmacist Kabuto and Yakushi went to Konoha's train station after getting approval.

As a transportation job that had only been active in recent years, the train was extremely popular among the people of the Fire Land, especially the love of merchants.

When the two of them arrived at the train station, they could see the surging crowd.

Among them, there were also many ninjas wearing green vests.

Although the speed of the ninja running was not weaker than the current steam train, it was more flexible.

But if they went far away, even if they had the ability, who would be willing to rely on their legs instead of a more convenient and fast train?

Now, with the strong support of Yuki, most of the main cities of the Fire Land had been connected to the railway, which was also the way most Konoha Ninjas chose to go out for missions.

Because of this, the train station had specially opened up a ninja channel.

At the door, the iron partner named Hagane Kotetsu and Kamizuki Izumo was sitting at the table, recording the entrance and exit of the ninja.

"Two of you, please show us your proof of leaving the village."

Although he had seen many amiable ladies in front of him in the train station, the person beside him was also Tsunade's direct disciple, Lord Hokage, and could be said to be the big shots in Konoha. Hagane Kotetsu and Kamizuki Izumo still fulfilled their duties.


Medicine Master pushed up his glasses with a smile and handed over the certificate of leaving the village with Yakushi.

Afterwards, Kamizuki Izumo stamped the document and handed it back, and finally said with a smile: "Ms Yakushi, and Mr Kabuto, I wish you all the best. In addition..."

As she spoke, Izumo sent a look at Kotetsu.

As a good friend who had a tacit understanding, the latter immediately took out a large stack of money that he had already prepared and handed it to Yakushi. "Ms Yakushi, we know that every time you go out, you will come back to help homeless orphans. This is a little of our intention. I hope that after you take it, you can save more children."

"Thank you so much for your kindness!" However, because of the donation from the village and many kind-hearted people, the orphanage is now very rich. The two of you should take it back. " Yakushi said in a gentle tone.

She had just glanced at the money. Such a sum was probably saved by the salary of the two middle Ninjas in front of her. From the looks of it, the other party did not seem to be a rich person.

She was very moved by such intentions.

However, if the two of them were to be in a pinch in the future, she was unwilling.

"No! Ms Yakushi, you have to accept it. This is our true wish." Hagane Kotetsu said firmly.

On the side, Izumo also said, "As Ninjas, we are not as good as those dazzling companions who made great contributions to Konoha and the country of fire. But we can also contribute in our way. Although we like to guide the younger generation very much, the way we do it has always been very bad, but the hope of the younger generation has never changed."

Kotetsu said: "Whether it is the children born in Konoha or the orphans brought from outside, they are all the next generation of Konoha. So after learning that Ms Yakushi has been tirelessly taking in orphans from all over the country to prevent them from dying early, we want to do our best."

"It's just some money. If we can exchange for the lives of more orphans, we will do our best."

"Yes! We will be moved and honoured to be able to participate in your good deeds, Ms Yakushi!"

"So, please accept it!" In the end, Izumo and Kotetsu said in unison.

Seeing the two's firm attitude, Yakushi finally took the money from Izumo and Kotetsu and said that he would use it all on helping orphans.

On the side, Medicine Master Kabuto, who had not spoken until now, only watched this scene with a smile on his face.

When he got on the train, he looked back at Konoha behind him, his heart full of emotion:

"This is the reason why I like Konoha!"

Then, before he felt the sea of his brain, he suddenly had some new memories, as well as an existence that was deeply imprinted in his heart and should be regarded as his master.

Medicine Master pushed up his glasses and sneered.


Just as the sound of the train whistled over Konoha, Yuki turned his head to look out the window and said thoughtfully, "The railway to the Land of Fire is almost completed, right?"

"Yes." Ritsuko, who was waiting on the side, nodded.

Yuki smiled. "I think Big Onoki and the others won't be able to sit still."

Sanko replied, "Indeed. According to the information sent by Jiraya, the railroad construction team will soon encounter a premeditated attack."

Yuki said, "Attack? I think it should be the most anxious Rock Ninja to do it. Then, is Onoki the Rock Ninja that he treasured so much, or is he giving money to the golden man to do as usual?"

Ritsuko Yamanaka said: "According to the information, the Rock Ninja should recruit a bounty organization called 'Akatsuki' to take action."




A light flashed in Yuki's eyes. He said,

"It seems that it is time to give them a big gift."