I have been preparing for this stab for a long time

Rumble ---

The sea of trees turned into dozens of meters-long wooden spears only held by a giant. Along with a loud sound, they were thrown at Madara's tentacles from all directions.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Under Madara's control, the four sharp Chakra blades seemed to be huge, but they were not bloated at all. They were waving one by one, and when the spears were cut or sent flying, the shockwaves easily destroyed several mountains in the range.

"Not bad. It's my turn now."

After dodging the wooden spear attack, Madara, who was in Susanoo's body, raised his head and smiled at Yuki.

Orb of Yasaka!

In an instant, Susanoo shot out several large blue magatama, quickly flying towards Yuki.

"Wood Release: Tree Boundary Wall!"

Yuki clapped his hands, and one wooden vine shield after another quickly rose from the ground, standing horizontally in front of him.

Rumble ---

The magatama from Susanoo slammed into the Tree Boundary Wall ferociously, releasing a violent boom.

As the blast wave that carried thick smoke and dust quickly spread out in all directions, the tree realm wall was also on the verge of breaking apart.

The cloud court quickly drew out from the thick smoke, avoiding the aftermath of the attack of the magatama.

It was at this moment that the two hands, which had already been expected, formed a seal and said,

Fire Release - Fire Extinction

He quickly spat out a fireball that looked like a meteorite. After hitting the spot where Yuki had flashed out at high speed and accuracy, the fireball immediately turned into a sea of fire, igniting everything in its range.

In an instant, waves of fire surged into the sky, its aura fierce.

However, the target he had been targeting was already gone.

Swish ---

Outside the sea of fire, a Flying Thunder God had been set up a long time ago. Yuki, who had already teleported here a moment before the arrival of Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction, did not even look at the wave of fire behind him.

With a flip of his palm, several prepared Flying Thunder God kunai were held between his fingers, and he threw them at Madara with great force.

"The Flying Thunder God Technique between Tobirama Senju?" Madara watched all of this with narrowed eyes.

He did not expect that not only did this descendant of Senju know Wood Release, but he also learned the technique of Tobirama Senju.

Whoosh ---

Just as a Flying Thunder God approached Susanoo, where Madara was, Yuki teleported again.

Just as he was about to move, a huge blue-coloured chakra blade had already been expected to stab down from the sky.

Yuki disappeared again.

With the sound of the chakra blade cutting through tofu, it easily pierced into the ground.

The figure appeared next to another Flying Thunder God in an instant. Yuki gathered a large number of chakras and clenched his right hand tightly.

Madara turned his head inside the Susanoo and calmly looked at all this.

Then, Kacha kacha ---

Cracks started to appear on the Susanoo that was struck by Yuki's fist.

Soon, the cracks spread rapidly from small to large in all directions.

"What great strength!"

Madara exclaimed in surprise. Just as he was about to take action, the storm of clouds continued to attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the barrage of Yuki's punches, although the power of Madara was added, it could be seen with the naked eye that the left energy was constantly cracking.

Also, under the impact of the strange force, the huge Susanoo could not help but retreat, dragging a deep gully on the ground.

"That's enough!"

Madara shouted, and the continuously retreating Susanoo suddenly stopped, and four chakra blades quickly slashed towards Yuki in front of it.

However, when the chakra blades were halfway through, a large number of trees that had once again transformed into a sea of trees had already stretched out, tightly wrapping around the four arms of Susanoo.

Also, Susanoo's neck, waist, and legs were being hugged by trees that covered the sky and the earth.

Under the combined force of the latter, he pulled back abruptly.

Boom ---

Susanoo suddenly staggered, and his huge body leaned back uncontrollably.

"It's at this time!"

Yuki immediately threw another punch at Susanoo.



Under the influence of the two great forces, Susanoo could no longer maintain his body and immediately flew backwards.

On the other hand, Madara himself was left where he was.

A piercing sonic boom rang out.

With a blink spell, Yuki immediately arrived in front of his opponent and threw another punch at Madara's body.


In the next instant.

Madara was sent flying like a cannonball. After rolling on the ground a dozen times, he finally moved. He finally stopped after dragging a long mark on the ground with his feet.

Kacha Kacha ---

The moment Madara stood up straight again, the long-preserved Warring States armour finally cracked after a lot of tossing.

Seeing this, he took off his tattered armour without care, revealing the upper body of his left chest that revealed the face of Hashirama.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Although he was heavily punched by Yuki, at this time, Madara was not angry at all. Instead, he leisurely patted the dust on his body.

Then, he wiped the blood from his mouth with his palm and licked the blood on his palm.

After a while, he suddenly laughed crazily, "The taste of this blood, the taste of pain. Hahahaha!"

This is my body! In the end, I can fight to my heart's content!

If not for the plan for the Eye of the Moon, with Madara's personality, he would not have been able to survive in this situation when he was so old that he could not even walk.

This was also why he quickly pulled out the pipe after choosing the successor, Obito, to welcome death.

Fortunately, it was worth it for him to endure for so many years.

Looking at it now, his old rival had already died, and not many of his acquaintances who had survived in the same generation were also dying.

But what about him?

Not only did he return from the Underworld smoothly, but he also regained his peak body and a long lifespan.

In addition to the Moon Eye project that was about to open and his long-cherished wish that he would achieve over the years.

He was naturally extremely proud of himself at this moment.

Right now, for him, he only needed to crush this blocking stone in front of him!


Still full of vigour, Madara looked at Yuki, who was facing him and said. He took a step forward, and his speed became faster and faster.

Seeing this, Yuki also rushed toward Madara without retreating.

At the same time, there were also sharp wooden thorns that were rolling like earth dragons.

Kacha Kacha Kacha ---

A blue


Yuki raised his speed, and when he swept past the blue fist, he looked at the spots close to a foot late and fiercely swept his whip leg towards it.


Madara raised his hand and easily stopped him. Instead of retreating, he moved forward. His other hand moved forward. Just as he was about to approach Yuki, a black stick suddenly appeared on his palm and stabbed at the latter's head extremely fast.

Yuki, who had already experienced this from Pain, did not retreat. Just as he brushed past the black stick, his palm turned into a knife and stabbed fiercely at Madara's chest.

Madara stopped in time and retreated to avoid this stab.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The next time, on the battlefield, only two figures with extremely strong insight, not only did the descent of Tree Realm and Susanoo not catch up, but even the extremely powerful Sharingan were constantly colliding.

Under the support of Immortal Human Body and Rinnegan, Yuki and Madara were the strongest under Six Path. Even if it was just a physical confrontation, the movement they caused was far more intense than the other ninja-released ninjutsu.

Every time the fist and leg collided, the aftermath would trigger an incomparably fierce wave of air.

And in these short few minutes, there were already hundreds of such collisions.

At this moment, the landscape within a radius of hundreds of meters seemed to have been ploughed thousands of times, and a huge pit formed inadvertently when Yuki and Madara fought.

For this reason, the two of them did not even have a drop of sweat on their bodies.


After a little while, Yuki kicked Madara out of the deep pit.

And Yuki also followed closely behind.

Seeing this scene, Obito, observing with his Mangekyo Sharingan in the distance, didn't care about the exhaustion in his eyes and quickly moved his line of sight.

Seeing that the might of those two people didn't decrease in the slightest and instead became increasingly fierce, his face was very solemn.

Just the strength displayed by these two people was already completely beyond his imagination.

It could be said that apart from Divine Might, he was far inferior in terms of strength, speed, physique, and other aspects.

This was still under the condition that half of his body was made up of cells in a pillar.

If he used his right eye to move far away from Divine Might, with the current speed and reaction of the two people in front of him, it would be very easy to dodge unless they caught him off guard.

As for sucking him into Divine Might Space at close range, this was also very difficult to succeed in the hands of body techniques experts who knew his abilities.

"That is why these two outrageous guys should not exist!"

Obito rubbed his eyes and sighed.

The battle between Yuki and Madara continued on the other side of the battlefield.

As their fists collided, they had no choice but to retreat.

Yuki suddenly threw a handful of Flying Thunder God Kunai at Madara.

Just as the latter approached Madara, he instantly appeared beside him, grabbed Kunai's handle, and used the opportunity to stab Ban even faster.

Flying Thunder Divine Slash!


In the past, he had simulated countless times in his brain, and Madara reflexively raised his hand to slap the incoming Flying Thunder God kunai to the sky. Then, he continued to grab at Yuki.


Cloud Court disappeared again.

At this moment, he was sent flying by Madara. At this moment, Flying Thunder God Kunai, who had fallen behind him, had been teleported over. He, who was also in the air, held his right hand. As his left hand quietly formed a seal, Flying Thunder God Kunai, holding onto his right hand, was even closer to Madara and stabbed at the back of Madara's head again.

The attack was about to succeed.

However, Yuki's body suddenly stopped moving.

The next second, Madara came behind him.

"Do you know? I have been preparing for this stab for a long time."

Madara held a black stick as he spoke and stabbed it towards Yuki's back.