There was a beauty

I waited for Adae to come back and eventually she did. "They'll be here tonight" she said before exiting again. I got out of the house and grabbed two sticks and two rocks then went to the backside on the house. The walls weren't high quality and were riddled with tiny holes so I'd be able to hear them coming. My plan was to set fire to the house and assuming the warden was somewhat intelligent he'd manage to get out but some of his troops would be gone so I'd have to deal with less people.

I stayed crouched behind the house for hours and during those hours I began to realise, I hadn't been much of a hero. I was not loved by any large group of people and was in fact hated by the Ubokians and I might've been the catalyst of a war. It would be difficult to turn my reputation but that was a problem for another time. Night soon fell and they'd still not arrived. I began to grow tired and peeked around. In the far distance between the dying trees I could make out the blur of a torch. I hid back and waited again. As they neared me I peeked over the corner and quickly counted how many there were. There were about 9 men and the warden was at the front with his steed. They spoke in Ubokian then yelled, "Come out criminal!" before breaking the barrier. I placed the sticks down and began rubbing the rocks, slowly starting a fire. I waited again, for the fire to spread. I took another look at the corner and noticed that about 2 guards were outside. I crept up and readied my bow, shooting one in the head. I quickly rushed at the other and stabbed his throat. He let out a frog-like noise but it wasn't loud enough for the others to notice.

I waited near the entrance as the fire spread and slowly they took not. I stabbed one in the neck as he was rushing out and placed him in a way which would slow their escape. I could hear their muffled yells from the outside. Another guard barged through but tripped and I took the chance to kill him. So far I'd killed 4 but the ones in the house were most likely still not dead. I awaited the warden who'd left his steed outside. It was quite majestic so I'd decided to take it for myself after killing him. It was then I'd noticed the fire began to spread farther than the house. A tree had caught on fire and that spread to the bushes. Then out like a wild beast the warden barged out from the side of the house, sword and shield in hand but on the shield there was a beauty