Who is she

Adae had decided to go to Arunti. I'd heard that it was a very beautiful but dirty city, filled with prostitutes and other fuckers. The journey would take around 7 hours but since it was early morning I couldn't sleep. "Why'd you pick Arunti?" I asked Adae

"I want to see it's beauty" she responded, "I've also just never been there". I nodded and moved to the back of the carriage and looked out. The sea was still visible from here.

The journey went by faster than I'd thought it would but was still rather quiet. We arrived and unlike most other cities, Arunti wasn't defended by any gate and instead was surrounded by a lush forest with a path paved into the city. Once we entered, there were 2 streams on each side, slightly above us and beyond that were buildings, decorated with colorful lamps but most of all, above us were large treees which blocked out most of the sunlight, almost making it seem like it was night. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen but at the same time, it felt off. At the end of the path was a tunnel. "This is as far as carriages can go, in the tunnel theirs stairs so you can go up" said the man

"Alright, bye" I said leaving the carriage. We went up the stairs which were covered with beautiful paintings. "You were right, it is beautiful" I said.

"Mhm, let's go find an Inn then we're free". We emerged from the stairway and there in all it's glory. The street was bustling with people, it was almost impossible to get past. Just to my left was a group of people carrying a girl with feathers in her hair and a skimpy outfit, almost revealing herself completely. "Come to the cabana!" She yelled over the crowd. The people however mostly ignored them except for the foreigners like me, who gawked and threw money on to the board which her entourage carried her with. I could tell them apart by how pale they were in comparison even though they had the same features as the people of the capital. "Hey, do you know where the closest Inn is?" I asked someone

"Right there" he said pointing to a glamorous building. It had 5 floors and was built with marbles. It made sense to have it right next to the entrance. I probably had enough money since the group had rewarded me for spearheading the invasion of the castle, but I didn't know about Adae. "Do you have money?" I asked

"Yes" she responded walking into the building. Where had she gotten it. Why couldn't I understand her. Who is she