Reinar’s Alchemy

The day after Reinar arrived, everyone woke up early in the morning to get some breakfast before Vespera, and I could teleport everyone to the tree house.

I had plenty of responsibilities to take care of, so while everyone slept throughout the night, I planned out my commitments so that I wouldn't get overwhelmed.

I had to tutor both Reinar and the princess, craft potions, shampoo, and soap, hunt down dangerous monsters, help train the knights, check on the farms to make sure the soil was still good, export goods with my delivery tablet, and deal with any other random problem that could come up.

However, since it was Reinar's first day, I decided to focus on him for the time being until he was able to keep training without me being present. So, I told the rest of the group to hunt and gather with the princess while I stayed in the tree house workshop with Reinar practicing alchemy.